7 letter word starting with emu

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
emulate adjective Striving to excel; ambitious; emulous., To strive to equal or to excel in qualities or actions; to imitate, with a view to equal or to outdo, to vie with; to rival; as, to emulate the good and the great.
emulous adjective Ambitiously desirous to equal or even to excel another; eager to emulate or vie with another; desirous of like excellence with another; — with of; as, emulous of another’s example or virtues., Vying with; rivaling; hence, contentious, envious.
emulsic adjective Pertaining to, or produced from, emulsin; as, emulsic acid.
emulsin noun The white milky pulp or extract of bitter almonds., An unorganized ferment (contained in this extract and in other vegetable juices), which effects the decomposition of certain glucosides.