7 letter word starting with ent

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
entasia noun Tonic spasm; — applied generically to denote any disease characterized by tonic spasms, as tetanus, trismus, etc.
entasis noun A slight convex swelling of the shaft of a column., Same as Entasia.
entered imp. & past participle of Enter
enterer noun One who makes an entrance or beginning.
enteric adjective Of or pertaining to the enteron, or alimentary canal; intestinal.
enteron noun The whole alimentary, or enteric, canal.
entheal adjective Alt. of Enthean
enthean adjective Divinely inspired; wrought up to enthusiasm.
entheat adjective Divinely inspired.
entheic adjective Caused by a morbifie virus implanted in the system; as, an enthetic disease like syphilis.
enthuse verb t. & i. To make or become enthusiastic.
enticed imp. & past participle of Entice
enticer noun One who entices; one who incites or allures to evil.
entitle verb t. To give a title to; to affix to as a name or appellation; hence, also, to dignify by an honorary designation; to denominate; to call; as, to entitle a book “Commentaries;” to entitle a man “Honorable.”, To give a claim to; to qualify for, with a direct object of the person, and a remote object of the thing; to furnish with grounds for seeking or claiming with success; as, an officer’s talents entitle him to command., To attribute; to ascribe.
entomic adjective Alt. of Entomical
entonic adjective Having great tension, or exaggerated action.
entotic adjective Pertaining to the interior of the ear.
entozoa noun pl. A group of worms, including the tapeworms, flukes, roundworms, etc., most of which live parasitically in the interior of other animals; the Helminthes., An artificial group, including all kinds of animals living parasitically in others., of Entozoon
entrail verb t. To interweave; to intertwine., Entanglement; fold.
entrain verb t. To draw along as a current does; as, water entrained by steam., To put aboard a railway train; as, to entrain a regiment., To go aboard a railway train; as, the troops entrained at the station.
entrant noun One who enters; a beginner., An applicant for admission.
entreat verb t. To treat, or conduct toward; to deal with; to use., To treat with, or in respect to, a thing desired; hence, to ask earnestly; to beseech; to petition or pray with urgency; to supplicate; to importune., To beseech or supplicate successfully; to prevail upon by prayer or solicitation; to persuade., To invite; to entertain., To treat or discourse; hence, to enter into negotiations, as for a treaty., To make an earnest petition or request., Entreaty.
entrick verb t. To trick, to perplex.
entropy noun A certain property of a body, expressed as a measurable quantity, such that when there is no communication of heat the quantity remains constant, but when heat enters or leaves the body the quantity increases or diminishes. If a small amount, h, of heat enters the body when its temperature is t in the thermodynamic scale the entropy of the body is increased by h / t. The entropy is regarded as measured from some standard temperature and pressure. Sometimes called the thermodynamic function.
entrust verb t. See Intrust.
entries plural of Entry
entryng noun Am entrance.
entwine verb t. To twine, twist, or wreathe together or round., To be twisted or twined.
entwist verb t. To twist or wreathe round; to intwine.