7 letter word starting with equ

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
equable adjective Equal and uniform; continuing the same at different times; — said of motion, and the like; uniform in surface; smooth; as, an equable plain or globe., Uniform in action or intensity; not variable or changing; — said of the feelings or temper.
equably adverb In an equable manner.
equaled imp. & past participle of Equal
equally adverb In an equal manner or degree in equal shares or proportion; with equal and impartial justice; without difference; alike; evenly; justly; as, equally taxed, furnished, etc.
equated imp. & past participle of Equate
equator noun The imaginary great circle on the earth’s surface, everywhere equally distant from the two poles, and dividing the earth’s surface into two hemispheres., The great circle of the celestial sphere, coincident with the plane of the earth’s equator; — so called because when the sun is in it, the days and nights are of equal length; hence called also the equinoctial, and on maps, globes, etc., the equinoctial line.
equerry noun A large stable or lodge for horses., An officer of princes or nobles, charged with the care of their horses.
equinal adjective See Equine.
equinia noun Glanders.
equinox noun The time when the sun enters one of the equinoctial points, that is, about March 21 and September 22. See Autumnal equinox, Vernal equinox, under Autumnal and Vernal., Equinoctial wind or storm.
equites noun pl An order of knights holding a middle place between the senate and the commonalty; members of the Roman equestrian order.