7 letter word starting with er

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
erasing present participle & vb. noun of Erase
erasion noun The act of erasing; a rubbing out; obliteration.
erasure noun The act of erasing; a scratching out; obliteration.
erative adjective Pertaining to the Muse Erato who presided over amatory poetry.
erected imp. & past participle of Erect
erecter noun An erector; one who raises or builds.
erectly adverb In an erect manner or posture.
erector noun One who, or that which, erects., A muscle which raises any part., An attachment to a microscope, telescope, or other optical instrument, for making the image erect instead of inverted.
erelong adverb Before the /apse of a long time; soon; — usually separated, ere long.
eremite noun A hermit.
ergotic adjective Pertaining to, or derived from, ergot; as, ergotic acid.
ergotin noun An extract made from ergot.
ericius noun The Vulgate rendering of the Hebrew word qip/d, which in the “Authorized Version” is translated bittern, and in the Revised Version, porcupine.
erinite noun A hydrous arseniate of copper, of an emerald-green color; — so called from Erin, or Ireland, where it occurs.
erinyes plural of Erinys
eristic adjective Alt. of Eristical
erlking noun A personification, in German and Scandinavian mythology, of a spirit natural power supposed to work mischief and ruin, esp. to children.
ermelin noun Alt. of Ermilin
ermilin noun See Ermine.
ermined adjective Clothed or adorned with the fur of the ermine.
ermines noun Alt. of Erminois
eroding present participle & vb. noun of Erode
erodent noun A medicine which eats away extraneous growths; a caustic.
erogate verb t. To lay out, as money; to deal out; to expend.
erosion noun The act or operation of eroding or eating away., The state of being eaten away; corrosion; canker.
erosive adjective That erodes or gradually eats away; tending to erode; corrosive.
eroteme noun A mark indicating a question; a note of interrogation.
errable adjective Liable to error; fallible.
errancy noun A wandering; state of being in error.
erratic adjective Having no certain course; roving about without a fixed destination; wandering; moving; — hence, applied to the planets as distinguished from the fixed stars., Deviating from a wise of the common course in opinion or conduct; eccentric; strange; queer; as, erratic conduct., Irregular; changeable., One who deviates from common and accepted opinions; one who is eccentric or preserve in his intellectual character., A rogue., Any stone or material that has been borne away from its original site by natural agencies; esp., a large block or fragment of rock; a bowlder.
erratum noun An error or mistake in writing or printing.
erthine noun A medicine designed to be snuffed up the nose, to promote discharges of mucus; a sternutatory., Causing or increasing secretion of nasal mucus.
erudite adjective Characterized by extensive reading or knowledge; well instructed; learned.
erugate adjective Freed from wrinkles; smooth.