7 letter word starting with es

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
esopian adjective Of or pertaining to Aesop, or in his manner., Alt. of Esopic
escalop noun A bivalve shell of the genus Pecten. See Scallop., A regular, curving indenture in the margin of anything. See Scallop., The figure or shell of an escalop, considered as a sign that the bearer had been on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land., A bearing or a charge consisting of an escalop shell.
escaped imp. & past participle of Escape
escaper noun One who escapes.
eschara noun A genus of Bryozoa which produce delicate corals, often incrusting like lichens, but sometimes branched.
escheat noun The falling back or reversion of lands, by some casualty or accident, to the lord of the fee, in consequence of the extinction of the blood of the tenant, which may happen by his dying without heirs, and formerly might happen by corruption of blood, that is, by reason of a felony or attainder., The reverting of real property to the State, as original and ultimate proprietor, by reason of a failure of persons legally entitled to hold the same., A writ, now abolished, to recover escheats from the person in possession., Lands which fall to the lord or the State by escheat., That which falls to one; a reversion or return, To revert, or become forfeited, to the lord, the crown, or the State, as lands by the failure of persons entitled to hold the same, or by forfeiture., To forfeit.
eshewed imp. & past participle of Eschew
escopet noun Alt. of Escopette
escript noun A writing.
escroll noun A scroll., A long strip or scroll resembling a ribbon or a band of parchment, or the like, anciently placed above the shield, and supporting the crest., In modern heraldry, a similar ribbon on which the motto is inscribed.
escuage noun Service of the shield, a species of knight service by which a tenant was bound to follow his lord to war, at his own charge. It was afterward exchanged for a pecuniary satisfaction. Called also scutage.
esculic adjective Pertaining to, or obtained from, the horse-chestnut; as, esculic acid.
esculin noun A glucoside obtained from the Aesculus hippocastanum, or horse-chestnut, and characterized by its fine blue fluorescent solutions.
eserine noun An alkaloid found in the Calabar bean, and the seed of Physostigma venenosum; physostigmine. It is used in ophthalmic surgery for its effect in contracting the pupil.
esexual adjective Sexless; asexual.
esguard noun Guard.
eskimos plural of Eskimo
esotery noun Mystery; esoterics; — opposed to exotery.
espadon noun A long, heavy, two-handed and two-edged sword, formerly used by Spanish foot soldiers and by executioners.
esparto noun A species of Spanish grass (Macrochloa tenacissima), of which cordage, shoes, baskets, etc., are made. It is also used for making paper.
espinel noun A kind of ruby. See Spinel.
esplees noun pl. The full profits or products which ground or land yields, as the hay of the meadows, the feed of the pasture, the grain of arable fields, the rents, services, and the like.
espouse verb t. To betroth; to promise in marriage; to give as spouse., To take as spouse; to take to wife; to marry., To take to one’s self with a view to maintain; to make one’s own; to take up the cause of; to adopt; to embrace.
espying present participle & vb. noun of Espy
esquire noun Originally, a shield-bearer or armor-bearer, an attendant on a knight; in modern times, a title of dignity next in degree below knight and above gentleman; also, a title of office and courtesy; — often shortened to squire., To wait on as an esquire or attendant in public; to attend.
essayed imp. & past participle of Essay
essayer noun One who essays.
essence noun The constituent elementary notions which constitute a complex notion, and must be enumerated to define it; sometimes called the nominal essence., The constituent quality or qualities which belong to any object, or class of objects, or on which they depend for being what they are (distinguished as real essence); the real being, divested of all logical accidents; that quality which constitutes or marks the true nature of anything; distinctive character; hence, virtue or quality of a thing, separated from its grosser parts., Constituent substance., A being; esp., a purely spiritual being., The predominant qualities or virtues of a plant or drug, extracted and refined from grosser matter; or, more strictly, the solution in spirits of wine of a volatile or essential oil; as, the essence of mint, and the like., Perfume; odor; scent; or the volatile matter constituting perfume., To perfume; to scent.
essenes plural of Essene
essoign noun An excuse for not appearing in court at the return of process; the allegation of an excuse to the court., Excuse; exemption.
estafet noun Alt. of Estafette
estatly adjective Stately; dignified.
esthete noun Alt. of Esthetics
estival noun Alt. of Estivation
estoile noun A six-pointed star whose rays are wavy, instead of straight like those of a mullet.
estrade noun A portion of the floor of a room raised above the general level, as a place for a bed or a throne; a platform; a dais.
estreat noun A true copy, duplicate, or extract of an original writing or record, esp. of amercements or penalties set down in the rolls of court to be levied by the bailiff, or other officer., To extract or take out from the records of a court, and send up to the court of exchequer to be enforced; — said of a forfeited recognizance., To bring in to the exchequer, as a fine.
estrepe verb t. To strip or lay bare, as land of wood, houses, etc.; to commit waste.
estrich noun Ostrich., The down of the ostrich.
estuary noun A place where water boils up; a spring that wells forth., A passage, as the mouth of a river or lake, where the tide meets the current; an arm of the sea; a frith., Belonging to, or formed in, an estuary; as, estuary strata.
estuate verb i. To boil up; to swell and rage; to be agitated.
estufas plural of Estufa
esurine adjective Causing hunger; eating; corroding., A medicine which provokes appetites, or causes hunger.