7 letter word starting with fe

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
fearing present participle & vb. noun of Fear
fearful adjective Full of fear, apprehension, or alarm; afraid; frightened., inclined to fear; easily frightened; without courage; timid., Indicating, or caused by, fear., Inspiring fear or awe; exciting apprehension or terror; terrible; frightful; dreadful.
feasted imp. & past participle of Feast
feaster noun One who fares deliciously., One who entertains magnificently.
feather noun One of the peculiar dermal appendages, of several kinds, belonging to birds, as contour feathers, quills, and down., Kind; nature; species; — from the proverbial phrase, “Birds of a feather,” that is, of the same species., The fringe of long hair on the legs of the setter and some other dogs., A tuft of peculiar, long, frizzly hair on a horse., One of the fins or wings on the shaft of an arrow., A longitudinal strip projecting as a fin from an object, to strengthen it, or to enter a channel in another object and thereby prevent displacement sidwise but permit motion lengthwise; a spline., A thin wedge driven between the two semicylindrical parts of a divided plug in a hole bored in a stone, to rend the stone., The angular adjustment of an oar or paddle-wheel float, with reference to a horizontal axis, as it leaves or enters the water., To furnish with a feather or feathers, as an arrow or a cap., To adorn, as with feathers; to fringe., To render light as a feather; to give wings to., To enrich; to exalt; to benefit., To tread, as a cock., To grow or form feathers; to become feathered; — often with out; as, the birds are feathering out., To curdle when poured into another liquid, and float about in little flakes or “feathers;” as, the cream feathers, To turn to a horizontal plane; — said of oars., To have the appearance of a feather or of feathers; to be or to appear in feathery form.
feature noun The make, form, or outward appearance of a person; the whole turn or style of the body; esp., good appearance., The make, cast, or appearance of the human face, and especially of any single part of the face; a lineament. (pl.) The face, the countenance., The cast or structure of anything, or of any part of a thing, as of a landscape, a picture, a treaty, or an essay; any marked peculiarity or characteristic; as, one of the features of the landscape., A form; a shape.
feazing present participle & vb. noun of Feaze
febrile adjective Pertaining to fever; indicating fever, or derived from it; as, febrile symptoms; febrile action.
feculae plural of Fecula
federal adjective Pertaining to a league or treaty; derived from an agreement or covenant between parties, especially between nations; constituted by a compact between parties, usually governments or their representatives., Composed of states or districts which retain only a subordinate and limited sovereignty, as the Union of the United States, or the Sonderbund of Switzerland., Consisting or pertaining to such a government; as, the Federal Constitution; a Federal officer., Friendly or devoted to such a government; as, the Federal party. see Federalist., See Federalist.
feeding present participle & vb. noun of Feed, the act of eating, or of supplying with food; the process of fattening., That which is eaten; food., That which furnishes or affords food, especially for animals; pasture land.
feeling present participle & vb. noun of Feel, Possessing great sensibility; easily affected or moved; as, a feeling heart., Expressive of great sensibility; attended by, or evincing, sensibility; as, he made a feeling representation of his wrongs., The sense by which the mind, through certain nerves of the body, perceives external objects, or certain states of the body itself; that one of the five senses which resides in the general nerves of sensation distributed over the body, especially in its surface; the sense of touch; nervous sensibility to external objects., An act or state of perception by the sense above described; an act of apprehending any object whatever; an act or state of apprehending the state of the soul itself; consciousness., The capacity of the soul for emotional states; a high degree of susceptibility to emotions or states of the sensibility not dependent on the body; as, a man of feeling; a man destitute of feeling., Any state or condition of emotion; the exercise of the capacity for emotion; any mental state whatever; as, a right or a wrong feeling in the heart; our angry or kindly feelings; a feeling of pride or of humility., That quality of a work of art which embodies the mental emotion of the artist, and is calculated to affect similarly the spectator.
fehling noun See Fehling’s solution, under Solution.
feigned imp. & past participle of Feign, Not real or genuine; pretended; counterfeit; insincere; false.
feigner noun One who feigns or pretends.
feitsui noun The Chinese name for a highly prized variety of pale green jade. See Jade.
felling present participle & vb. noun of Fell
fellahs plural of Fellah
fellies plural of Felly
felonry noun A body of felons; specifically, the convict population of a penal colony.
felsite noun A finegrained rock, flintlike in fracture, consisting essentially of orthoclase feldspar with occasional grains of quartz.
felspar noun Alt. of Felspath
felting present participle & vb. noun of Felt, The material of which felt is made; also, felted cloth; also, the process by which it is made., The act of splitting timber by the felt grain.
felucca noun A small, swift-sailing vessel, propelled by oars and lateen sails, — once common in the Mediterranean.
felwort noun A European herb (Swertia perennis) of the Gentian family.
femeral noun See Femerell.
feminal adjective Feminine.
feminye noun The people called Amazons.
femoral adjective Pertaining to the femur or thigh; as, the femoral artery.
fencing imp. & past participle fenced (/); present participle & vb. noun of Fence, The art or practice of attack and defense with the sword, esp. with the smallsword. See Fence, v. i., 2., Disputing or debating in a manner resembling the art of fencers., The materials used for building fences., The act of building a fence., The aggregate of the fences put up for inclosure or protection; as, the fencing of a farm.
fending present participle & vb. noun of Fend
fengite noun A kind of marble or alabaster, sometimes used for windows on account of its transparency.
fennish adjective Abounding in fens; fenny.
fenowed adjective Corrupted; decayed; moldy. See Vinnewed.
feodary noun An accomplice., An ancient officer of the court of wards.
feoffed imp. & past participle of Feoff
feoffee noun The person to whom a feoffment is made; the person enfeoffed.
feoffer noun One who enfeoffs or grants a fee.
ferding noun A measure of land mentioned in Domesday Book. It is supposed to have consisted of a few acres only.
fermacy noun Medicine; pharmacy.
ferment noun That which causes fermentation, as yeast, barm, or fermenting beer., Intestine motion; heat; tumult; agitation., A gentle internal motion of the constituent parts of a fluid; fermentation., To cause ferment of fermentation in; to set in motion; to excite internal emotion in; to heat., To undergo fermentation; to be in motion, or to be excited into sensible internal motion, as the constituent oarticles of an animal or vegetable fluid; to work; to effervesce., To be agitated or excited by violent emotions.
fernery noun A place for rearing ferns.
feroher noun A symbol of the solar deity, found on monuments exhumed in Babylon, Nineveh, etc.
ferrara noun A sword bearing the mark of one of the Ferrara family of Italy. These swords were highly esteemed in England and Scotland in the 16th and 17th centuries.
ferrary noun The art of working in iron.
ferrate noun A salt of ferric acid.
ferrest adjective & adverb superl. of Fer.
ferrier noun A ferryman.
ferrous adjective Pertaining to, or derived from, iron; — especially used of compounds of iron in which the iron has its lower valence; as, ferrous sulphate.
ferrugo noun A disease of plants caused by fungi, commonly called the rust, from its resemblance to iron rust in color.
ferrule noun A ring or cap of metal put round a cane, tool, handle, or other similar object, to strengthen it, or prevent splitting and wearing., A bushing for expanding the end of a flue to fasten it tightly in the tube plate, or for partly filling up its mouth.
ferried imp. & past participle of Ferry
ferries plural of Ferry
fertile adjective Producing fruit or vegetation in abundance; fruitful; able to produce abundantly; prolific; fecund; productive; rich; inventive; as, fertile land or fields; a fertile mind or imagination., Capable of producing fruit; fruit-bearing; as, fertile flowers., Containing pollen; — said of anthers., produced in abundance; plenteous; ample.
ferular noun A ferule.
feruled imp. & past participle of Ferule
ferulic adjective Pertaining to, or derived from, asafetida (Ferula asafoetida); as, ferulic acid.
fervent adjective Hot; glowing; boiling; burning; as, a fervent summer., Warm in feeling; ardent in temperament; earnest; full of fervor; zealous; glowing.
fescued imp. & past participle of Fescue
festeye verb t. To feast; to entertain.
festive adjective Pertaining to, or becoming, a feast; festal; joyous; gay; mirthful; sportive.
festoon noun A garland or wreath hanging in a depending curve, used in decoration for festivals, etc.; anything arranged in this way., A carved ornament consisting of flowers, and leaves, intermixed or twisted together, wound with a ribbon, and hanging or depending in a natural curve. See Illust. of Bucranium., To form in festoons, or to adorn with festoons.
fetched imp. & past participle of Fetch
fethcer noun One wo fetches or brings.
fetlock noun The cushionlike projection, bearing a tuft of long hair, on the back side of the leg above the hoof of the horse and similar animals. Also, the joint of the limb at this point (between the great pastern bone and the metacarpus), or the tuft of hair.
fetters plural of Fetter
fetuous adjective Neat; feat.
fetuses plural of Fetus
feudary adjective Held by, or pertaining to, feudal tenure., A tenant who holds his lands by feudal service; a feudatory., A feodary. See Feodary.
feudist noun A writer on feuds; a person versed in feudal law.
fevered imp. & past participle of Fever
feveret noun A slight fever.
fewness noun The state of being few; smallness of number; paucity., Brevity; conciseness.