7 letter word starting with fin

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
finning present participle & vb. noun of Fin
finable adjective Liable or subject to a fine; as, a finable person or offense.
finally adverb At the end or conclusion; ultimately; lastly; as, the contest was long, but the Romans finally conquered., Completely; beyond recovery.
finance noun The income of a ruler or of a state; revennue; public money; sometimes, the income of an individual; often used in the plural for funds; available money; resources., The science of raising and expending the public revenue.
finback noun Any whale of the genera Sibbaldius, Balaenoptera, and allied genera, of the family Balaenopteridae, characterized by a prominent fin on the back. The common finbacks of the New England coast are Sibbaldius tectirostris and S. tuberosus.
finched adjective Same as Finchbacked.
finding present participle & vb. noun of Find, That which is found, come upon, or provided; esp. (pl.), that which a journeyman artisan finds or provides for himself; as tools, trimmings, etc., Support; maintenance; that which is provided for one; expence; provision., The result of a judicial examination or inquiry, especially into some matter of fact; a verdict; as, the finding of a jury.
finesse adjective Subtilty of contrivance to gain a point; artifice; stratagem., The act of finessing. See Finesse, v. i., 2., To use artifice or stratagem., To attempt, when second or third player, to make a lower card answer the purpose of a higher, when an intermediate card is out, risking the chance of its being held by the opponent yet to play.
finfish noun A finback whale., True fish, as distinguished from shellfish.
finfoot noun A South American bird (heliornis fulica) allied to the grebes. The name is also applied to several related species of the genus Podica.
finical adjective Affectedly fine; overnice; unduly particular; fastidious.
finicky adjective Finical; unduly particular.
finific noun A limiting element or quality.
finikin adjective Precise in trifles; idly busy.
finless adjective destitute of fins.
finlike adjective Resembling a fin.
finnish adjective Of or pertaining to Finland, to the Finns, or to their language., A Northern Turanian group of languages; the language of the Finns.
finpike noun The bichir. See Crossopterygii.