7 letter word starting with go

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
goading present participle & vb. noun of Goad
goarish adjective Patched; mean.
goatish adjective Characteristic of a goat; goatlike.
gobbing noun The refuse thrown back into the excavation after removing the coal. It is called also gob stuff., The process of packing with waste rock; stowing.
gobbled imp. & past participle of Gobble
gobbler noun A turkey cock; a bubbling Jock.
gobelin adjective Pertaining to tapestry produced in the so-called Gobelin works, which have been maintained by the French Government since 1667.
gobioid adjective Like, or pertaining to, the goby, or the genus Gobius., A gobioid fish.
gobline noun One of the ropes or chains serving as stays for the dolphin striker or the bowsprit; — called also gobrope and gaubline.
goddess noun A female god; a divinity, or deity, of the female sex., A woman of superior charms or excellence.
godhead noun Godship; deity; divinity; divine nature or essence; godhood., The Deity; God; the Supreme Being., A god or goddess; a divinity.
godhood noun Divine nature or essence; deity; godhead.
godless adjective Having, or acknowledging, no God; without reverence for God; impious; wicked.
godlike adjective Resembling or befitting a god or God; divine; hence, preeminently good; as, godlike virtue.
godlily adverb Righteously.
godling noun A diminutive god.
godroon noun An ornament produced by notching or carving a rounded molding.
godsend noun Something sent by God; an unexpected acquisiton or piece of good fortune.
godship noun The rank or character of a god; deity; divinity; a god or goddess.
godward adverb Toward God.
goeland noun A white tropical tern (Cygis candida).
goggled imp. & past participle of Goggle, Prominent; staring, as the eye.
goggler noun A carangoid oceanic fish (Trachurops crumenophthalmus), having very large and prominent eyes; — called also goggle-eye, big-eyed scad, and cicharra.
goitred adjective Affected with goiter.
goldcup noun The cuckoobud.
golding noun A conspicuous yellow flower, commonly the corn marigold (Chrysanthemum segetum).
goldney noun See Gilthead.
goldtit noun See Verdin.
goliard noun A buffoon in the Middle Ages, who attended rich men’s tables to make sport for the guests by ribald stories and songs.
goloshe noun See Galoche.
gonakie noun An African timber tree (Acacia Adansonii).
gondola noun A long, narrow boat with a high prow and stern, used in the canals of Venice. A gondola is usually propelled by one or two oarsmen who stand facing the prow, or by poling. A gondola for passengers has a small open cabin amidships, for their protection against the sun or rain. A sumptuary law of Venice required that gondolas should be painted black, and they are customarily so painted now., A flat-bottomed boat for freight., A long platform car, either having no sides or with very low sides, used on railroads.
gonidia plural of Gonidium
gonimia noun pl. Bluish green granules which occur in certain lichens, as Collema, Peltigera, etc., and which replace the more usual gonidia.
good-by noun / interj. Alt. of Good-bye
goodish adjective Rather good than the contrary; not actually bad; tolerable.
goodman noun A familiar appellation of civility, equivalent to “My friend”, “Good sir”, “Mister;” — sometimes used ironically., A husband; the master of a house or family; — often used in speaking familiarly.
goodies plural of Goody, of Goody
goosery noun A place for keeping geese., The characteristics or actions of a goose; silliness.
goosish adjective Like a goose; foolish.
goracco noun A paste prepared from tobacco, and smoked in hookahs in Western India.
gorcock noun The moor cock, or red grouse. See Grouse.
gorcrow noun The carrion crow; — called also gercrow.
gordian adjective Pertaining to Gordius, king of Phrygia, or to a knot tied by him; hence, intricate; complicated; inextricable., Pertaining to the Gordiacea., One of the Gordiacea.
gordius noun A genus of long, slender, nematoid worms, parasitic in insects until near maturity, when they leave the insect, and live in water, in which they deposit their eggs; — called also hair eel, hairworm, and hair snake, from the absurd, but common and widely diffused, notion that they are metamorphosed horsehairs.
gorging present participle & vb. noun of Gorge
gorilla noun A large, arboreal, anthropoid ape of West Africa. It is larger than a man, and is remarkable for its massive skeleton and powerful muscles, which give it enormous strength. In some respects its anatomy, more than that of any other ape, except the chimpanzee, resembles that of man.
gormand noun A greedy or ravenous eater; a luxurious feeder; a gourmand., Gluttonous; voracious.
goshawk noun Any large hawk of the genus Astur, of which many species and varieties are known. The European (Astur palumbarius) and the American (A. atricapillus) are the best known species. They are noted for their powerful flight, activity, and courage. The Australian goshawk (A. Novae-Hollandiae) is pure white.
gosherd noun One who takes care of geese.
gosling noun A young or unfledged goose., A catkin on nut trees and pines.
gossipy adjective Full of, or given to, gossip.
gossoon noun A boy; a servant.
gothite noun Alt. of Goethite
gouache noun A method of painting with opaque colors, which have been ground in water and mingled with a preparation of gum; also, a picture thus painted.
goudron noun a small fascine or fagot, steeped in wax, pitch, and glue, used in various ways, as for igniting buildings or works, or to light ditches and ramparts.
gouging present participle & vb. noun of Bouge
goujere noun The venereal disease.
gouland noun See Golding.
gourami noun A very largo East Indian freshwater fish (Osphromenus gorami), extensively reared in artificial ponds in tropical countries, and highly valued as a food fish. Many unsuccessful efforts have been made to introduce it into Southern Europe.
gourmet noun A connoisseur in eating and drinking; an epicure.
gournet noun A fish. See Gurnet.
goutily adverb In a gouty manner.
gownman noun One whose professional habit is a gown, as a divine or lawyer, and particularly a member of an English university; hence, a civilian, in distinction from a soldier.
gozzard noun See Gosherd.