7 letter word starting with gu

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
guachos plural of Guacho
guanaco noun A South American mammal (Auchenia huanaco), allied to the llama, but of larger size and more graceful form, inhabiting the southern Andes and Patagonia. It is supposed by some to be the llama in a wild state.
guarana noun A preparation from the seeds of Paullinia sorbilis, a woody climber of Brazil, used in making an astringent drink, and also in the cure of headache.
guarded imp. & past participle of Guard, Cautious; wary; circumspect; as, he was guarded in his expressions; framed or uttered with caution; as, his expressions were guarded.
gurding present participle &, vb. noun of Guard
guarder noun One who guards.
guarish verb t. To heal.
gudgeon noun A small European freshwater fish (Gobio fluviatilis), allied to the carp. It is easily caught and often used for food and for bait. In America the killifishes or minnows are often called gudgeons., What may be got without skill or merit., A person easily duped or cheated., The pin of iron fastened in the end of a wooden shaft or axle, on which it turns; formerly, any journal, or pivot, or bearing, as the pintle and eye of a hinge, but esp. the end journal of a horizontal., A metal eye or socket attached to the sternpost to receive the pintle of the rudder., To deprive fraudulently; to cheat; to dupe; to impose upon.
guelfic adjective Of or pertaining to the family or the faction of the Guelphs.
guerdon noun A reward; requital; recompense; — used in both a good and a bad sense., To give guerdon to; to reward; to be a recompense for.
guereza noun A beautiful Abyssinian monkey (Colobus guereza), having the body black, with a fringe of long, silky, white hair along the sides, and a tuft of the same at the end of the tail. The frontal band, cheeks, and chin are white.
guerite noun A projecting turret for a sentry, as at the salient angles of works, or the acute angles of bastions.
guessed imp. & past participle of Guess
guesser noun One who guesses; one who forms or gives an opinion without means of knowing.
guiacol noun A colorless liquid, C6H4,OCH3.OH, resembling the phenols, found as a constituent of woodtar creosote, aud produced by the dry distillation of guaiac resin.
guiacum noun Same as Guaiacum.
guidage noun The reward given to a guide for services., Guidance; lead; direction.
guiding present participle & vb. noun of Guide
guilder noun A Dutch silver coin worth about forty cents; — called also florin and gulden.
guipure noun A term used for lace of different kinds; most properly for a lace of large pattern and heavy material which has no ground or mesh, but has the pattern held together by connecting threads called bars or brides.
gulaund noun An arctic sea bird.
gulling present participle & vb. noun of Gull
gullage noun Act of being gulled.
gullery noun An act, or the practice, of gulling; trickery; fraud.
gullish adjective Foolish; stupid.
gullies plural of Gully
gullied imp. & past participle of Gully
gulping present participle & vb. noun of Gulp
gumming present participle & vb. noun of Gum
gumboil noun A small suppurting inflamed spot on the gum.
gummata plural of Gumma
gummite noun A yellow amorphous mineral, essentially a hydrated oxide of uranium derived from the alteration of uraninite.
gummous adjective Gumlike, or composed of gum; gummy., Of or pertaining to a gumma.
gunboat noun A vessel of light draught, carrying one or more guns.
gunlock noun The lock of a gun, for producing the discharge. See Lock.
gunnage noun The number of guns carried by a ship of war.
gunnery noun That branch of military science which comprehends the theory of projectiles, and the manner of constructing and using ordnance.
gunning noun The act or practice of hunting or shooting game with a gun.
gunroom noun An apartment on the after end of the lower gun deck of a ship of war, usually occupied as a messroom by the commissioned officers, except the captain; — called wardroom in the United States navy.
gunshot noun Act of firing a gun; a shot., The distance to which shot can be thrown from a gun, so as to be effective; the reach or range of a gun., Made by the shot of a gun: as. a gunshot wound.
gunwale noun The upper edge of a vessel’s or boat’s side; the uppermost wale of a ship (not including the bulwarks); or that piece of timber which reaches on either side from the quarter-deck to the forecastle, being the uppermost bend, which finishes the upper works of the hull.
gurgled imp. & past participle of Gurgle
gurglet noun A porous earthen jar for cooling water by evaporation.
gurnard noun Alt. of Gurnet
gurniad noun See Gwiniad.
gushing present participle & vb. noun of Gush, Rushing forth with violence, as a fluid; flowing copiously; as, gushing waters., Emitting copiously, as tears or words; weakly and unreservedly demonstrative in matters of affection; sentimental.
gustard noun The great bustard.
gustful adjective Tasteful; well-tasted., Gusty.
gustoso adjective & adverb Tasteful; in a tasteful, agreeable manner.
gutting present participle & vb. noun of Gut
guttate adjective Spotted, as if discolored by drops.
guttler noun A greedy eater; a glutton.
gutwort noun A plant, Globularia Alypum, a violent purgative, found in Africa.
guzzled imp. & past participle of Guzzle
guzzler noun An immoderate drinker.