7 letter word starting with han

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
hanaper noun A kind of basket, usually of wickerwork, and adapted for the packing and carrying of articles; a hamper.
handing present participle & vb. noun of Hand
handful noun As much as the hand will grasp or contain., A hand’s breadth; four inches., A small quantity.
handily adverb In a handy manner; skillfully; conveniently.
handled imp. & past participle of Handle
handsaw noun A saw used with one hand.
handsel noun A sale, gift, or delivery into the hand of another; especially, a sale, gift, delivery, or using which is the first of a series, and regarded as on omen for the rest; a first installment; an earnest; as the first money received for the sale of goods in the morning, the first money taken at a shop newly opened, the first present sent to a young woman on her wedding day, etc., Price; payment., To give a handsel to., To use or do for the first time, esp. so as to make fortunate or unfortunate; to try experimentally.
hanging present participle & vb. noun of Hang, Requiring, deserving, or foreboding death by the halter., Suspended from above; pendent; as, hanging shelves., Adapted for sustaining a hanging object; as, the hanging post of a gate, the post which holds the hinges., The act of suspending anything; the state of being suspended., Death by suspension; execution by a halter., That which is hung as lining or drapery for the walls of a room, as tapestry, paper, etc., or to cover or drape a door or window; — used chiefly in the plural.
hang-by noun A dependent; a hanger-on; — so called in contempt.
hangdog noun A base, degraded person; a sneak; a gallows bird., Low; sneaking; ashamed.
hangmen plural of Hangman
hangman noun One who hangs another; esp., one who makes a business of hanging; a public executioner; — sometimes used as a term of reproach, without reference to office.
hansard noun An official report of proceedings in the British Parliament; — so called from the name of the publishers., A merchant of one of the Hanse towns. See the Note under 2d Hanse.
hanuman noun See Hoonoomaun.