7 letter word starting with hat

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
hatable adjective Capable of being, or deserving to be, hated; odious; detestable.
hatband noun A band round the crown of a hat; sometimes, a band of black cloth, crape, etc., worn as a badge of mourning.
hatched imp. & past participle of Hatch
hatchel noun An instrument with long iron teeth set in a board, for cleansing flax or hemp from the tow, hards, or coarse part; a kind of large comb; — called also hackle and heckle., To draw through the teeth of a hatchel, as flax or hemp, so as to separate the coarse and refuse parts from the fine, fibrous parts., To tease; to worry; to torment.
hatcher noun One who hatches, or that which hatches; a hatching apparatus; an incubator., One who contrives or originates; a plotter.
hatchet noun A small ax with a short handle, to be used with one hand., Specifically, a tomahawk.
hateful adjective Manifesting hate or hatred; malignant; malevolent., Exciting or deserving great dislike, aversion, or disgust; odious.
hatless adjective Having no hat.
hatrack noun A hatstand; hattree.
hatting noun The business of making hats; also, stuff for hats.
hattree noun A hatstand.