7 letter word starting with j

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
jacamar noun Any one of numerous species of tropical American birds of the genus Galbula and allied genera. They are allied to the kingfishers, but climb on tree trunks like nuthatches, and feed upon insects. Their colors are often brilliant.
jacchus noun The common marmoset (Hapale vulgaris). Formerly, the name was also applied to other species of the same genus.
jacinth noun See Hyacinth.
jackass noun The male ass; a donkey., A conceited dolt; a perverse blockhead.
jackdaw noun See Daw, n.
jackeen noun A drunken, dissolute fellow.
jackmen plural of Jackman
jackman noun One wearing a jack; a horse soldier; a retainer. See 3d Jack, n., A cream cheese.
jacksaw noun The merganser.
jacobin noun A Dominican friar; — so named because, before the French Revolution, that order had a convent in the Rue St. Jacques, Paris., One of a society of violent agitators in France, during the revolution of 1789, who held secret meetings in the Jacobin convent in the Rue St. Jacques, Paris, and concerted measures to control the proceedings of the National Assembly. Hence: A plotter against an existing government; a turbulent demagogue., A fancy pigeon, in which the feathers of the neck form a hood, — whence the name. The wings and tail are long, and the beak moderately short., Same as Jacobinic.
jacobus noun An English gold coin, of the value of twenty-five shillings sterling, struck in the reign of James I.
jaconet noun A thin cotton fabric, between and muslin, used for dresses, neckcloths, etc.
jadding noun See Holing.
jadeite noun See Jade, the stone.
jagging present participle & vb. noun of Jag
jaggery noun Raw palm sugar, made in the East Indies by evaporating the fresh juice of several kinds of palm trees, but specifically that of the palmyra (Borassus flabelliformis).
jainism noun The heterodox Hindoo religion, of which the most striking features are the exaltation of saints or holy mortals, called jins, above the ordinary Hindoo gods, and the denial of the divine origin and infallibility of the Vedas. It is intermediate between Brahmanism and Buddhism, having some things in common with each.
jakwood noun See Jackwood.
jalapic adjective Of or pertaining to jalap.
jalapin noun A glucoside found in the stems of the jalap plant and scammony. It is a strong purgative.
jamming present participle & vb. noun of Jam
jamadar noun Same as Jemidar.
jamaica noun One of the West India is islands.
jambeux noun In the Middle Ages, armor for the legs below the knees.
jamdani noun A silk fabric, with a woven pattern of sprigs of flowers.
jangled imp. & past participle of Jangle
jangler noun An idle talker; a babbler; a prater., A wrangling, noisy fellow.
janitor noun A door-keeper; a porter; one who has the care of a public building, or a building occupied for offices, suites of rooms, etc.
janizar noun A janizary.
jantily adverb See Jauntily.
january noun The first month of the year, containing thirty-one days.
jarring present participle & vb. noun of Jar, Shaking; disturbing; discordant., A shaking; a tremulous motion; as, the jarring of a steamship, caused by its engines., Discord; a clashing of interests.
jar-owl noun The goatsucker.
jashawk noun A young hawk.
jasmine noun A shrubby plant of the genus Jasminum, bearing flowers of a peculiarly fragrant odor. The J. officinale, common in the south of Europe, bears white flowers. The Arabian jasmine is J. Sambac, and, with J. angustifolia, comes from the East Indies. The yellow false jasmine in the Gelseminum sempervirens (see Gelsemium). Several other plants are called jasmine in the West Indies, as species of Calotropis and Faramea.
jaspery adjective Of the nature of jasper; mixed with jasper.
jaspoid adjective Resembling jasper.
jaunted imp. & past participle of Jaunt
javelin noun A sort of light spear, to be thrown or cast by thew hand; anciently, a weapon of war used by horsemen and foot soldiers; now used chiefly in hunting the wild boar and other fierce game., To pierce with a javelin.
jawbone noun The bone of either jaw; a maxilla or a mandible.
jawfoot noun See Maxilliped.
jealous adjective Zealous; solicitous; vigilant; anxiously watchful., Apprehensive; anxious; suspiciously watchful., Exacting exclusive devotion; intolerant of rivalry., Disposed to suspect rivalry in matters of interest and affection; apprehensive regarding the motives of possible rivals, or the fidelity of friends; distrustful; having morbid fear of rivalry in love or preference given to another; painfully suspicious of the faithfulness of husband, wife, or lover.
jeering present participle & vb. noun of Jeer, Mocking; scoffing., A mocking utterance.
jehovah noun A Scripture name of the Supreme Being, by which he was revealed to the Jews as their covenant God or Sovereign of the theocracy; the “ineffable name” of the Supreme Being, which was not pronounced by the Jews.
jejunal adjective Pertaining to the jejunum.
jejunum noun The middle division of the small intestine, between the duodenum and ileum; — so called because usually found empty after death.
jellied adjective Brought to the state or consistence of jelly., of Jelly
jellies plural of Jelly
jemidar noun The chief or leader of a hand or body of persons; esp., in the native army of India, an officer of a rank corresponding to that of lieutenant in the English army.
jenkins noun name of contempt for a flatterer of persons high in social or official life; as, the Jenkins employed by a newspaper.
jennies plural of Jenny
jeofail noun An oversight in pleading, or the acknowledgment of a mistake or oversight.
jeopard verb t. To put in jeopardy; to expose to loss or injury; to imperil; to hazard.
jerguer noun See Jerquer.
jerking present participle & vb. noun of Jerk, The act of pulling, pushing, or throwing, with a jerk.
jerquer noun A customhouse officer who searches ships for unentered goods.
jerseys plural of Jersey
jervine noun A poisonous alkaloid resembling veratrine, and found with it in white hellebore (Veratrum album); — called also jervina.
jessant adjective Springing up or emerging; — said of a plant or animal.
jesting present participle & vb. noun of Jest, Sportive; not serious; fit for jests., The act or practice of making jests; joking; pleasantry.
jestful adjective Given to jesting; full of jokes.
jetting present participle & vb. noun of Jet
jeterus noun A yellowness of the parts of plants which are normally green; yellows.
jetteau noun See Jet d’eau.
jetties plural of Jetty
jewbush noun A euphorbiaceous shrub of the genus Pedilanthus (P. tithymaloides), found in the West Indies, and possessing powerful emetic and drastic qualities.
jeweled imp. & past participle of Jewel
jeweler noun One who makes, or deals in, jewels, precious stones, and similar ornaments.
jewelry noun The art or trade of a jeweler., Jewels, collectively; as, a bride’s jewelry.
jewfish noun A very large serranoid fish (Promicrops itaiara) of Florida and the Gulf of Mexico. It often reaches the weight of five hundred pounds. Its color is olivaceous or yellowish, with numerous brown spots. Called also guasa, and warsaw., A similar gigantic fish (Stereolepis gigas) of Southern California, valued as a food fish., The black grouper of Florida and Texas., A large herringlike fish; the tarpum.
jezebel noun A bold, vicious woman; a termagant.
jigging present participle & vb. noun of Jig, The act or using a jig; the act of separating ore with a jigger, or wire-bottomed sieve, which is moved up and down in water.
jiggish adjective Resembling, or suitable for, a jig, or lively movement., Playful; frisky.
jilting present participle & vb. noun of Jilt
jimmies plural of Jimmy
jingled imp. & past participle of Jingle
jingler noun One who, or that which, jingles.
jingoes plural of Jingo
jobbing present participle & vb. noun of Job, Doing chance work or add jobs; as, a jobbing carpenter., Using opportunities of public service for private gain; as, a jobbing politician.
jobbery noun The act or practice of jobbing., Underhand management; official corruption; as, municipal jobbery.
jockeys plural of Jockey
jocular adjective Given to jesting; jocose; as, a jocular person., Sportive; merry.
jogging present participle & vb. noun of Jog, The act of giving a jog or jogs; traveling at a jog.
joggled imp. & past participle of Joggle
joining present participle & vb. noun of Join
joinant adjective Adjoining.
joinder verb t. The act of joining; a putting together; conjunction., A joining of parties as plaintiffs or defendants in a suit., Acceptance of an issue tendered in law or fact., A joining of causes of action or defense in civil suits or criminal prosecutions.
joinery noun The art, or trade, of a joiner; the work of a joiner.
jointed imp. & past participle of Joint, Having joints; articulated; full of nodes; knotty; as, a jointed doll; jointed structure.
jointer noun One who, or that which, joints., A plane for smoothing the surfaces of pieces which are to be accurately joined, The longest plane used by a joiner., A long stationary plane, for plaining the edges of barrel staves., A bent piece of iron inserted to strengthen the joints of a wall., A tool for pointing the joints in brickwork.
jointly adverb In a joint manner; together; unitedly; in concert; not separately.
joisted imp. & past participle of Joist
jollily adverb In a jolly manner.
jollity noun Noisy mirth; gayety; merriment; festivity; boisterous enjoyment.
jongler noun In the Middle Ages, a court attendant or other person who, for hire, recited or sang verses, usually of his own composition. See Troubadour., A juggler; a conjuror. See Juggler.
jonquil noun Alt. of Jonquille
jostled imp. & past participle of Jostle
jotting present participle & vb. noun of Jot
jounced imp. & past participle of Jounce
journal adjective Daily; diurnal., A diary; an account of daily transactions and events., A book of accounts, in which is entered a condensed and grouped statement of the daily transactions., A daily register of the ship’s course and distance, the winds, weather, incidents of the voyage, etc., The record of daily proceedings, kept by the clerk., A newspaper published daily; by extension, a weekly newspaper or any periodical publication, giving an account of passing events, the proceedings and memoirs of societies, etc., That which has occurred in a day; a day’s work or travel; a day’s journey., That portion of a rotating piece, as a shaft, axle, spindle, etc., which turns in a bearing or box. See Illust. of Axle box.
journey noun The travel or work of a day., Travel or passage from one place to another; hence, figuratively, a passage through life., To travel from place to place; to go from home to a distance., To traverse; to travel over or through.
jouster noun One who jousts or tilts.
joyancy noun Joyance.
joyless adjective Not having joy; not causing joy; unenjoyable.
joysome adjective Causing joyfulness.
jubilar adjective Pertaining to, or having the character of, a jubilee.
jubilee noun Every fiftieth year, being the year following the completion of each seventh sabbath of years, at which time all the slaves of Hebrew blood were liberated, and all lands which had been alienated during the whole period reverted to their former owners., The joyful commemoration held on the fiftieth anniversary of any event; as, the jubilee of Queen Victoria’s reign; the jubilee of the American Board of Missions., A church solemnity or ceremony celebrated at Rome, at stated intervals, originally of one hundred years, but latterly of twenty-five; a plenary and extraordinary indulgence grated by the sovereign pontiff to the universal church. One invariable condition of granting this indulgence is the confession of sins and receiving of the eucharist., A season of general joy., A state of joy or exultation.
judaism noun The religious doctrines and rites of the Jews as enjoined in the laws of Moses., Conformity to the Jewish rites and ceremonies.
judaist noun One who believes and practices Judaism.
judaize verb i. To conform to the doctrines, observances, or methods of the Jews; to inculcate or impose Judaism., To impose Jewish observances or rites upon; to convert to Judaism.
juddock noun See Jacksnipe.
judging present participle & vb. noun of Judge
jugging present participle & vb. noun of Jug
jugated adjective Coupled together.
juggled imp. & past participle of Juggle
juggler noun One who practices or exhibits tricks by sleight of hand; one skilled in legerdemain; a conjurer., A deceiver; a cheat.
juglans noun A genus of valuable trees, including the true walnut of Europe, and the America black walnut, and butternut.
juglone noun A yellow crystalline substance resembling quinone, extracted from green shucks of the walnut (Juglans regia); — called also nucin.
jugular adjective Of or pertaining to the throat or neck; as, the jugular vein., Of or pertaining to the jugular vein; as, the jugular foramen., Having the ventral fins beneath the throat; — said of certain fishes., One of the large veins which return the blood from the head to the heart through two chief trunks, an external and an internal, on each side of the neck; — called also the jugular vein., Any fish which has the ventral fins situated forward of the pectoral fins, or beneath the throat; one of a division of fishes (Jugulares).
jugulum noun The lower throat, or that part of the neck just above the breast.
jumbled imp. & past participle of Jumble
jumbler noun One who confuses things.
jumping present participle & vb. noun of Jump, of Jump, to leap.
juncate noun See Junket.
juncite noun A fossil rush.
juncous adjective Full of rushes: resembling rushes; juncaceous.
juniper noun Any evergreen shrub or tree, of the genus Juniperus and order Coniferae.
jupiter noun The supreme deity, king of gods and men, and reputed to be the son of Saturn and Rhea; Jove. He corresponds to the Greek Zeus., One of the planets, being the brightest except Venus, and the largest of them all, its mean diameter being about 85,000 miles. It revolves about the sun in 4,332.6 days, at a mean distance of 5.2028 from the sun, the earth’s mean distance being taken as unity.
juridic adjective Alt. of Juridical
jurymen plural of Juryman
juryman noun One who is impaneled on a jury, or who serves as a juror.
justice adjective The quality of being just; conformity to the principles of righteousness and rectitude in all things; strict performance of moral obligations; practical conformity to human or divine law; integrity in the dealings of men with each other; rectitude; equity; uprightness., Conformity to truth and reality in expressing opinions and in conduct; fair representation of facts respecting merit or demerit; honesty; fidelity; impartiality; as, the justice of a description or of a judgment; historical justice., The rendering to every one his due or right; just treatment; requital of desert; merited reward or punishment; that which is due to one’s conduct or motives., Agreeableness to right; equity; justness; as, the justice of a claim., A person duly commissioned to hold courts, or to try and decide controversies and administer justice., To administer justice to.
justico noun Alt. of Justicoat
justify adjective To prove or show to be just; to vindicate; to maintain or defend as conformable to law, right, justice, propriety, or duty., To pronounce free from guilt or blame; to declare or prove to have done that which is just, right, proper, etc.; to absolve; to exonerate; to clear., To treat as if righteous and just; to pardon; to exculpate; to absolve., To prove; to ratify; to confirm., To make even or true, as lines of type, by proper spacing; to adjust, as type. See Justification, 4., To form an even surface or true line with something else; to fit exactly., To take oath to the ownership of property sufficient to qualify one’s self as bail or surety.
justled imp. & past participle of Justle
jutting present participle & vb. noun of Jut, Projecting, as corbels, cornices, etc.
juvenal noun A youth.
juwansa noun The camel’s thorn. See under Camel.