7 letter word starting with k

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
kafilah noun See Cafila.
kainite noun A compound salt consisting chiefly of potassium chloride and magnesium sulphate, occurring at the Stassfurt salt mines in Prussian Saxony.
kairine noun A pale buff or white crystalline alkaloid derived from quinoline, and used as an antipyretic in medicine.
kalasie noun A long-tailed monkey of Borneo (Semnopithecus rubicundus). It has a tuft of long hair on the head.
kaleege noun One of several species of large, crested, Asiatic pheasants, belonging to the genus Euplocamus, and allied to the firebacks.
kalends noun Same as Calends.
kalmuck noun See Calmucks., A kind of shaggy cloth, resembling bearskin., A coarse, dyed, cotton cloth, made in Prussia.
kaloyer noun See Caloyer.
kamichi noun A curious South American bird (Anhima, / Palamedea, cornuta), often domesticated by the natives and kept with poultry, which it defends against birds of prey. It has a long, slender, hornlike ornament on its head, and two sharp spurs on each wing. Although its beak, feet, and legs resemble those of gallinaceous birds, it is related in anatomical characters to the ducks and geese (Anseres). Called also horned screamer. The name is sometimes applied also to the chaja. See Chaja, and Screamer.
khamsin noun A hot southwesterly wind in Egypt, coming from the Sahara., Same as Kamsin.
kanacka noun Alt. of Kanaka
kanchil noun A small chevrotain of the genus Tragulus, esp. T. pygmaeus, or T. kanchil, inhabiting Java, Sumatra, and adjacent islands; a deerlet. It is noted for its agility and cunning.
kantian adjective Of or pertaining to Immanuel Kant, the German philosopher; conformed or relating to any or all of the philosophical doctrines of Immanuel Kant., A follower of Kant; a Kantist.
kantism noun The doctrine or theory of Kant; the Kantian philosophy.
kantist noun A disciple or follower of Kant.
kanttry noun Same as Cantred.
kaoline noun A very pure white clay, ordinarily in the form of an impalpable powder, and used to form the paste of porcelain; China clay; porcelain clay. It is chiefly derived from the decomposition of common feldspar.
kapelle noun A chapel; hence, the choir or orchestra of a prince’s chapel; now, a musical establishment, usually orchestral.
karaism noun Doctrines of the Karaites.
karaite noun A sect of Jews who adhere closely to the letter of the Scriptures, rejecting the oral law, and allowing the Talmud no binding authority; — opposed to the Rabbinists.
karatas noun A West Indian plant of the Pineapple family (Nidularium Karatas).
karroos plural of Karreo
katydid noun A large, green, arboreal, orthopterous insect (Cyrtophyllus concavus) of the family Locustidae, common in the United States. The males have stridulating organs at the bases of the front wings. During the summer and autumn, in the evening, the males make a peculiar, loud, shrill sound, resembling the combination Katy-did, whence the name.
kayaker noun One who uses a kayak.
kaynard noun A lazy or cowardly person; a rascal.
kecking present participle & vb. noun of Keck
keckled imp. & past participle of Keckle
kedging present participle & vb. noun of Kedge
kedlook noun See Charlock.
keeling present participle & vb. noun of Keel, A cod.
keelage noun The right of demanding a duty or toll for a ship entering a port; also, the duty or toll.
keelfat noun A cooler; a vat for cooling wort, etc.
keelman noun See Keeler, 1.
keelson noun A piece of timber in a ship laid on the middle of the floor timbers over the keel, and binding the floor timbers to the keel; in iron vessels, a structure of plates, situated like the keelson of a timber ship.
keelvat noun See Keelfat.
keeping present participle & vb. noun of Keep, A holding; restraint; custody; guard; charge; care; preservation., Maintenance; support; provision; feed; as, the cattle have good keeping., Conformity; congruity; harmony; consistency; as, these subjects are in keeping with each other., Harmony or correspondence between the different parts of a work of art; as, the foreground of this painting is not in keeping.
keeving present participle & vb. noun of Keeve
keitloa noun A black, two-horned, African rhinoceros (Atelodus keitloa). It has the posterior horn about as long as the anterior one, or even longer.
kelpies plural of Kelpy
kembing present participle & vb. noun of Kemb
kemelin noun A tub; a brewer’s vessel.
kenning present participle & vb. noun of Ken, Range of sight., The limit of vision at sea, being a distance of about twenty miles.
keramic adjective Same as Ceramic.
kerasin noun A nitrogenous substance free from phosphorus, supposed to be present in the brain; a body closely related to cerebrin.
keratin noun A nitrogenous substance, or mixture of substances, containing sulphur in a loose state of combination, and forming the chemical basis of epidermal tissues, such as horn, hair, feathers, and the like. It is an insoluble substance, and, unlike elastin, is not dissolved even by gastric or pancreatic juice. By decomposition with sulphuric acid it yields leucin and tyrosin, as does albumin. Called also epidermose.
kercher noun A kerchief.
kerning present participle & vb. noun of Kern
kerseys plural of Kersey
kestrel noun A small, slender European hawk (Falco alaudarius), allied to the sparrow hawk. Its color is reddish fawn, streaked and spotted with white and black. Also called windhover and stannel. The name is also applied to other allied species.
ketchup noun A sauce. See Catchup.
ketonic adjective Pertaining to, or derived from, a ketone; as, a ketonic acid.
keyhole noun A hole or apertupe in a door or lock, for receiving a key., A hole or excavation in beams intended to be joined together, to receive the key which fastens them., a mortise for a key or cotter.
keynote noun The tonic or first tone of the scale in which a piece or passage is written; the fundamental tone of the chord, to which all the modulations of the piece are referred; — called also key tone., The fundamental fact or idea; that which gives the key; as, the keynote of a policy or a sermon.
keyseat verb t. To form a key seat, as by cutting. See Key seat, under Key.
khaliff noun See Caliph.
khanate noun Dominion or jurisdiction of a khan.
khedive noun A governor or viceroy; — a title granted in 1867 by the sultan of Turkey to the ruler of Egypt.
kholsun noun The dhole.
khutbah noun An address or public prayer read from the steps of the pulpit in Mohammedan mosques, offering glory to God, praising Mohammed and his descendants, and the ruling princes.
kibitka noun A tent used by the Kirghiz Tartars., A rude kind of Russian vehicle, on wheels or on runners, sometimes covered with cloth or leather, and often used as a movable habitation.
kicking present participle & vb. noun of Kick
kidding present participle & vb. noun of Kid
kiddier noun A huckster; a cadger.
kidling noun A young kid.
kidneys plural of Kidney
killing present participle & vb. noun of Kill, Literally, that kills; having power to kill; fatal; in a colloquial sense, conquering; captivating; irresistible.
killdee noun Alt. of Killdeer
killock noun A small anchor; also, a kind of anchor formed by a stone inclosed by pieces of wood fastened together.
kilting present participle & vb. noun of Kilt, A perpendicular arrangement of flat, single plaits, each plait being folded so as to cover half the breadth of the preceding one.
kindled imp. & past participle of Kindle
kindler noun One who, or that which, kindles, stirs up, or sets on fire.
kinding noun The of causing to burn, or of exciting or inflaming the passions., Materials, easily lighted, for starting a fire.
kindred noun Relationship by birth or marriage; consanguinity; affinity; kin., Relatives by blood or marriage, more properly the former; relations; persons related to each other., Related; congenial; of the like nature or properties; as, kindred souls; kindred skies; kindred propositions.
kinepox noun See Cowpox., See Kinetoscope.
kinetic q. Moving or causing motion; motory; active, as opposed to latent.
kinging present participle & vb. noun of King
kingcup noun The common buttercup.
kingdom noun The rank, quality, state, or attributes of a king; royal authority; sovereign power; rule; dominion; monarchy., The territory or country subject to a king or queen; the dominion of a monarch; the sphere in which one is king or has control., An extensive scientific division distinguished by leading or ruling characteristics; a principal division; a department; as, the mineral kingdom.
kinglet noun A little king; a weak or insignificant king., Any one of several species of small singing birds of the genus Regulus and family Sylviidae.
kinking present participle & vb. noun of Kink
kinrede noun Kindred.
kinship noun Family relationship.
kinsmen plural of Kinsman
kinsman noun A man of the same race or family; one related by blood.
kioways noun pl. A tribe of Indians distantly related to the Shoshones. They formerly inhabited the region about the head waters of the North Platte.
kipskin noun Leather prepared from the skin of young or small cattle, intermediate in grade between calfskin and cowhide.
kirkmen plural of Kirkman
kirkman noun A clergyman or officer in a kirk., A member of the Church of Scotland, as distinguished from a member of another communion.
kirmess noun In Europe, particularly in Belgium and Holland, and outdoor festival and fair; in the United States, generally an indoor entertainment and fair combined.
kirsome adjective Christian; christened.
kirtled adjective Wearing a kirtle.
kirumbo noun A bird of Madagascar (Leptosomus discolor), the only living type of a family allied to the rollers. It has a pair of loral plumes. The male is glossy green above, with metallic reflections; the female is spotted with brown and black.
kissing present participle & vb. noun of Kiss
kitchen noun A cookroom; the room of a house appropriated to cookery., A utensil for roasting meat; as, a tin kitchen., To furnish food to; to entertain with the fare of the kitchen.
kithara noun See Cithara.
kitling noun A young kitten; a whelp.
klicket noun A small postern or gate in a palisade, for the passage of sallying parties.
klipdas noun Alt. of Klipdachs
knabbed imp. & past participle of Knab
knabble verb i. To bite or nibble.
knacker noun One who makes knickknacks, toys, etc., One of two or more pieces of bone or wood held loosely between the fingers, and struck together by moving the hand; — called also clapper., a harness maker., One who slaughters worn-out horses and sells their flesh for dog’s meat.
knagged adjective Full of knots; knaggy.
knapped imp. & past participle of Knap
knapple verb To break off with an abrupt, sharp noise; to bite; to nibble.
knarled adjective Knotted. See Gnarled.
knarred adjective Knotty; gnarled.
knavery noun The practices of a knave; petty villainy; fraud; trickery; a knavish action., Roguish or mischievous tricks.
knavess noun A knavish woman.
knavish adjective Like or characteristic of a knave; given to knavery; trickish; fraudulent; dishonest; villainous; as, a knavish fellow, or a knavish trick., Mischievous; roguish; waggish.
kneaded imp. & past participle of Knead
kneader noun One who kneads.
kneecap noun The kneepan., A cap or protection for the knee.
kneeled of Kneel
kneeler noun One who kneels or who worships by or while kneeling., A cushion or stool to kneel on., A name given to certain catechumens and penitents who were permitted to join only in parts of church worship.
kneepan noun A roundish, flattened, sesamoid bone in the tendon in front of the knee joint; the patella; the kneecap.
knelled imp. & past participle of Knell
knicker noun A small ball of clay, baked hard and oiled, used as a marble by boys in playing.
knifing present participle & vb. noun of Knife
knitted of Knit
knitter noun One who, or that which, knits, joins, or unites; a knitting machine.
knittle noun A string that draws together a purse or bag., See Nettles.
knobbed adjective Containing knobs; full of knobs; ending in a nob. See Illust of Antenna.
knobber noun See Knobbler.
knocked imp. & past participle of Knock
knocker noun One who, or that which, knocks; specifically, an instrument, or kind of hammer, fastened to a door, to be used in seeking for admittance.
knolled imp. & past participle of Knoll
knoller noun One who tolls a bell.
knopped adjective Having knops or knobs; fastened as with buttons.
knotted imp. & past participle of Knot, Full of knots; having knots knurled; as, a knotted cord; the knotted oak., Interwoven; matted; entangled., Having intersecting lines or figures., Characterized by small, detached points, chiefly composed of mica, less decomposable than the mass of the rock, and forming knots in relief on the weathered surface; as, knotted rocks., Entangled; puzzling; knotty.
knowing present participle & vb. noun of Know, Skilful; well informed; intelligent; as, a knowing man; a knowing dog., Artful; cunning; as, a knowing rascal., Knowledge; hence, experience.
knuckle noun The joint of a finger, particularly when made prominent by the closing of the fingers., The kneejoint, or middle joint, of either leg of a quadruped, especially of a calf; — formerly used of the kneejoint of a human being., The joint of a plant., The joining pars of a hinge through which the pin or rivet passes; a knuckle joint., A convex portion of a vessel’s figure where a sudden change of shape occurs, as in a canal boat, where a nearly vertical side joins a nearly flat bottom., A contrivance, usually of brass or iron, and furnished with points, worn to protect the hand, to add force to a blow, and to disfigure the person struck; as, brass knuckles; — called also knuckle duster., To yield; to submit; — used with down, to, or under., To beat with the knuckles; to pommel.
knurled adjective Full of knots; gnarled., Milled, as the head of a screw, or the edge of a coin.
koklass noun Any pheasant of the genus Pucrasia. The birds of this genus inhabit India and China, and are distinguished by having a long central and two lateral crests on the head. Called also pucras.
komenic adjective Of or pertaining to, or designating, an acid derived from meconic acid.
kookoom noun The oryx or gemsbok.
kotowed imp. & past participle of Kotow
koumiss noun An intoxicating fermented or distilled liquor originally made by the Tartars from mare’s or camel’s milk. It can be obtained from any kind of milk, and is now largely made in Europe.
kreatic adjective See Creatic.
kreatin noun See Creatin.
kremlin noun The citadel of a town or city; especially, the citadel of Moscow, a large inclosure which contains imperial palaces, cathedrals, churches, an arsenal, etc.
krishna noun The most popular of the Hindoo divinities, usually held to be the eighth incarnation of the god Vishnu.
kroomen plural of Krooman
krooman noun One of a negro tribe of Liberia and the adjacent coast, whose members are much employed on shipboard.
kruller noun See Cruller.
kumquat noun A small tree of the genus Citrus (C. Japonica) growing in China and Japan; also, its small acid, orange-colored fruit used for preserves.
kurdish adjective Of or pertaining to the Kurds.
kursaal noun A public hall or room, for the use of visitors at watering places and health resorts in Germany.
kussier noun (Mus.) A Turkish instrument of music, with a hollow body covered with skin, over which five strings are stretched.
kutauss noun The India civet (Viverra zibetha).
kyanize verb t. To render (wood) proof against decay by saturating with a solution of corrosive sublimate in open tanks, or under pressure.
kynrede noun Kindred.
kything present participle & vb. noun of Kithe