7 letter word starting with l

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
labarum noun The standard adopted by the Emperor Constantine after his conversion to Christianity. It is described as a pike bearing a silk banner hanging from a crosspiece, and surmounted by a golden crown. It bore a monogram of the first two letters (CHR) of the name of Christ in its Greek form. Later, the name was given to various modifications of this standard.
labeled imp. & past participle of Label
labeler noun One who labels.
labella plural of Labellum
labiate verb t. To labialize., Having the limb of a tubular corolla or calyx divided into two unequal parts, one projecting over the other like the lips of a mouth, as in the snapdragon, sage, and catnip., Belonging to a natural order of plants (Labiatae), of which the mint, sage, and catnip are examples. They are mostly aromatic herbs., A plant of the order Labiatae.
labiose adjective Having the appearance of being labiate; — said of certain polypetalous corollas.
labiums plural of Labium
labored imp. & past participle of Labor, Bearing marks of labor and effort; elaborately wrought; not easy or natural; as, labored poetry; a labored style.
laborer noun One who labors in a toilsome occupation; a person who does work that requires strength rather than skill, as distinguished from that of an artisan.
labroid adjective Like the genus Labrus; belonging to the family Labridae, an extensive family of marine fishes, often brilliantly colored, which are very abundant in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. The tautog and cunner are American examples.
labrose adjective Having thick lips.
labrums plural of Labrum
lacemen plural of Laceman
laceman noun A man who deals in lace.
lacerta noun A fathom., A genus of lizards. See Lizard., The Lizard, a northern constellation.
lacerti plural of Lacertus
lacinia noun One of the narrow, jagged, irregular pieces or divisions which form a sort of fringe on the borders of the petals of some flowers., A narrow, slender portion of the edge of a monophyllous calyx, or of any irregularly incised leaf., The posterior, inner process of the stipes on the maxillae of insects.
lacking present participle & vb. noun of Lack
lackeys plural of Lackey
laconic adjective Alt. of Laconical, Laconism.
lacquer noun A varnish, consisting of a solution of shell-lac in alcohol, often colored with gamboge, saffron, or the like; — used for varnishing metals, papier-mache, and wood. The name is also given to varnishes made of other ingredients, esp. the tough, solid varnish of the Japanese, with which ornamental objects are made., To cover with lacquer.
lactage noun The produce of animals yielding milk; milk and that which is made from it.
lactant adjective Suckling; giving suck.
lactary adjective Milky; full of white juice like milk., a dairyhouse.
lactate noun A salt of lactic acid.
lacteal adjective Pertaining to, or resembling, milk; milky; as, the lacteal fluid., Pertaining to, or containing, chyle; as, the lacteal vessels., One of the lymphatic vessels which convey chyle from the small intestine through the mesenteric glands to the thoracic duct; a chyliferous vessel.
lactean adjective Milky; consisting of, or resembling, milk., Lacteal; conveying chyle.
lactide noun A white, crystalline substance, obtained from also, by extension, any similar substance.
lactone noun One of a series of organic compounds, regarded as anhydrides of certain hydroxy acids. In general, they are colorless liquids, having a weak aromatic odor. They are so called because the typical lactone is derived from lactic acid.
lactory adjective Lactiferous.
lactose noun Sugar of milk or milk sugar; a crystalline sugar present in milk, and separable from the whey by evaporation and crystallization. It has a slightly sweet taste, is dextrorotary, and is much less soluble in water than either cane sugar or glucose. Formerly called lactin., See Galactose.
lactuca noun A genus of composite herbs, several of which are cultivated foe salad; lettuce.
lacunae plural of Lacuna
lacunas plural of Lacuna
lacunal adjective Alt. of Lacunar
lacunar adjective Pertaining to, or having, lacunae; as, a lacunar circulation., The ceiling or under surface of any part, especially when it consists of compartments, sunk or hollowed without spaces or bands between the panels., One of the sunken panels in such a ceiling.
lacwork noun Ornamentation by means of lacquer painted or carved, or simply colored, sprinkled with gold or the like; — said especially of Oriental work of this kind.
ladanum noun A gum resin gathered from certain Oriental species of Cistus. It has a pungent odor and is chiefly used in making plasters, and for fumigation.
lademan noun One who leads a pack horse; a miller’s servant.
ladinos plural of Ladino
ladling present participle & vb. noun of Ladle
ladrone noun A robber; a pirate; hence, loosely, a rogue or rascal.
ladybug noun Same as Ladybird.
ladykin noun A little lady; — applied by the writers of Queen Elizabeth’s time, in the abbreviated form Lakin, to the Virgin Mary.
laelaps noun A genus of huge, carnivorous, dinosaurian reptiles from the Cretaceous formation of the United States. They had very large hind legs and tail, and are supposed to have been bipedal. Some of the species were about eighteen feet high.
lagging present participle & vb. noun of Lag, The clothing (esp., an outer, wooden covering), as of a steam cylinder, applied to prevent the radiation of heat; a covering of lags; — called also deading and cleading., Lags, collectively; narrow planks extending from one rib to another in the centering of arches.
lagarto noun An alligator.
lagenae plural of Lagena
lagenas plural of Lagena
laggard adjective Slow; sluggish; backward., One who lags; a loiterer.
lainere noun See Lanier.
lakelet noun A little lake.
lamming present participle & vb. noun of Lam
lamaism noun A modified form of Buddhism which prevails in Thibet, Mongolia, and some adjacent parts of Asia; — so called from the name of its priests. See 2d Lama.
lamaist noun Alt. of Lamaite
lamaite noun One who believes in Lamaism.
lambing present participle & vb. noun of Lamb
lambale noun A feast at the time of shearing lambs.
lambent adjective Playing on the surface; touching lightly; gliding over., Twinkling or gleaming; fickering.
lambkin noun A small lamb.
lamboys noun pl. Same as Base, n., 19.
lamella noun a thin plate or scale of anything, as a thin scale growing from the petals of certain flowers; or one of the thin plates or scales of which certain shells are composed.
lametta noun Foil or wire made of gold, silver, or brass.
laminae plural of Lamina
laminas plural of Lamina
laminar adjective Alt. of Laminal
laminal adjective In, or consisting of, thin plates or layers; having the form of a thin plate or lamina.
lampate noun A supposed salt of lampic acid.
lampern noun The river lamprey (Ammocoetes, / Lampetra, fluviatilis).
lampers noun See Lampas.
lamping adjective Shining; brilliant.
lampoon noun A personal satire in writing; usually, malicious and abusive censure written only to reproach and distress., To subject to abusive ridicule expressed in writing; to make the subject of a lampoon.
lamprel noun See Lamprey.
lamprey noun An eel-like marsipobranch of the genus Petromyzon, and allied genera. The lampreys have a round, sucking mouth, without jaws, but set with numerous minute teeth, and one to three larger teeth on the palate (see Illust. of Cyclostomi). There are seven small branchial openings on each side.
lampron noun See Lamprey.
lanated Wooly; covered with fine long hair, or hairlike filaments.
lancing present participle & vb. noun of Lance
lancely adjective Like a lance.
lanched imp. & past participle of Lanch
landing present participle & vb. noun of Land, Of, pertaining to or used for, setting, bringing, or going, on shore., A going or bringing on shore., A place for landing, as from a ship, a carriage. etc., The level part of a staircase, at the top of a flight of stairs, or connecting one flight with another.
landmen plural of Landman
landman noun A man who lives or serves on land; — opposed to seaman., An occupier of land.
landtag noun The diet or legislative body; as, the Landtag of Prussia.
langaha noun A curious colubriform snake of the genus Xyphorhynchus, from Madagascar. It is brownish red, and its nose is prolonged in the form of a sharp blade.
langate noun A linen roller used in dressing wounds.
langdak noun A wolf (Canis pallipes), found in India, allied to the jackal.
langrel noun A kind of shot formerly used at sea for tearing sails and rigging. It consisted of bolts, nails, and other pieces of iron fastened together or inclosed in a canister.
langret noun A kind of loaded die.
langued adjective Tongued; having the tongue visible.
languet noun Anything resembling the tongue in form or office; specif., the slip of metal in an organ pipe which turns the current of air toward its mouth., That part of the hilt, in certain kinds of swords, which overlaps the scabbard.
languid adjective Drooping or flagging from exhaustion; indisposed to exertion; without animation; weak; weary; heavy; dull., Slow in progress; tardy., Promoting or indicating weakness or heaviness; as, a languid day.
languor noun A state of the body or mind which is caused by exhaustion of strength and characterized by a languid feeling; feebleness; lassitude; laxity., Any enfeebling disease., Listless indolence; dreaminess. Pope.
langure verb i. To languish.
laniard noun See Lanyard.
laniary adjective Lacerating or tearing; as, the laniary canine teeth., The shambles; a place of slaughter., A laniary, or canine, tooth.
laniate verb t. To tear in pieces.
lanioid adjective Of or pertaining to the shrikes (family Laniidae).
lanolin noun A peculiar fatlike body, made up of cholesterin and certain fatty acids, found in feathers, hair, wool, and keratin tissues generally.
lantern noun Something inclosing a light, and protecting it from wind, rain, etc. ; — sometimes portable, as a closed vessel or case of horn, perforated tin, glass, oiled paper, or other material, having a lamp or candle within; sometimes fixed, as the glazed inclosure of a street light, or of a lighthouse light., An open structure of light material set upon a roof, to give light and air to the interior., A cage or open chamber of rich architecture, open below into the building or tower which it crowns., A smaller and secondary cupola crowning a larger one, for ornament, or to admit light; such as the lantern of the cupola of the Capitol at Washington, or that of the Florence cathedral., A lantern pinion or trundle wheel. See Lantern pinion (below)., A kind of cage inserted in a stuffing box and surrounding a piston rod, to separate the packing into two parts and form a chamber between for the reception of steam, etc. ; — called also lantern brass., A perforated barrel to form a core upon., See Aristotle’s lantern., To furnish with a lantern; as, to lantern a lighthouse.
lanyard noun A short piece of rope or line for fastening something in ships; as, the lanyards of the gun ports, of the buoy, and the like; esp., pieces passing through the dead-eyes, and used to extend shrouds, stays, etc., A strong cord, about twelve feet long, with an iron hook at one end a handle at the other, used in firing cannon with a friction tube.
laocoon noun A priest of Apollo, during the Trojan war. (See 2.), A marble group in the Vatican at Rome, representing the priest Laocoon, with his sons, infolded in the coils of two serpents, as described by Virgil.
lapping present participle & vb. noun of Lap, A kind of machine blanket or wrapping material used by calico printers.
lapfuls plural of Lapful
lapilli noun pl. Volcanic ashes, consisting of small, angular, stony fragments or particles.
lapides plural of Lapis
lapling noun One who has been fondled to excess; one fond of ease and sensual delights; — a term of contempt.
lappish adjective Of or pertaining to the Lapps; Laplandish., The language spoken by the Lapps in Lapland. It is related to the Finnish and Hungarian, and is not an Aryan language.
lapsing present participle & vb. noun of Lapse
laputan adjective Of or pertaining to Laputa, an imaginary flying island described in Gulliver’s Travels as the home of chimerical philosophers. Hence, fanciful; preposterous; absurd in science or philosophy.
lapwing noun A small European bird of the Plover family (Vanellus cristatus, or V. vanellus). It has long and broad wings, and is noted for its rapid, irregular fight, upwards, downwards, and in circles. Its back is coppery or greenish bronze. Its eggs are the “plover’s eggs” of the London market, esteemed a delicacy. It is called also peewit, dastard plover, and wype. The gray lapwing is the Squatarola cinerea.
lapwork noun Work in which one part laps over another.
laquear noun A lacunar.
larceny noun The unlawful taking and carrying away of things personal with intent to deprive the right owner of the same; theft. Cf. Embezzlement.
larchen adjective Of or pertaining to the larch.
larding present participle & vb. noun of Lard
lardery noun A larder.
lardoon noun A bit of fat pork or bacon used in larding.
largely adverb In a large manner.
largess adjective Alt. of Largesse
largish adjective Somewhat large.
larking present participle & vb. noun of Lark
larmier noun See Tearpit.
lashing noun The act of one who, or that which, lashes; castigation; chastisement., See 2d Lasher.
lassoed imp. & past participle of Lasso
lasting present participle & vb. noun of Last, Existing or continuing a long while; enduring; as, a lasting good or evil; a lasting color., Continuance; endurance., A species of very durable woolen stuff, used for women’s shoes; everlasting., The act or process of shaping on a last., In a lasting manner.
lastage noun A duty exacted, in some fairs or markets, for the right to carry things where one will., A tax on wares sold by the last., The lading of a ship; also, ballast., Room for stowing goods, as in a ship.
lastery noun A red color.
latakia noun A superior quality of Turkish smoking tobacco, so called from the place where produced, the ancient Laodicea.
latched imp. & past participle of Latch
latchet noun The string that fastens a shoe; a shoestring.
latence noun Latency.
latency noun The state or quality of being latent.
lateres plural of Later
laterad adverb Toward the side; away from the mesial plane; — opposed to mesiad.
lateral adjective Of or pertaining to the sides; as, the lateral walls of a house; the lateral branches of a tree., Lying at, or extending toward, the side; away from the mesial plane; external; — opposed to mesial., Directed to the side; as, a lateral view of a thing.
lateran noun The church and palace of St. John Lateran, the church being the cathedral church of Rome, and the highest in rank of all churches in the Catholic world.
latered adjective Inclined to delay; dilatory.
lathing present participle & vb. noun of Lath, The act or process of covering with laths; laths, collectively; a covering of laths.
latimer noun An interpreter. [Obs.] Coke.
latinly adverb In the manner of the Latin language; in correct Latin.
latitat noun A writ based upon the presumption that the person summoned was hiding.
latrant adjective Barking.
latrate verb i. To bark as a dog.
latrine noun A privy, or water-closet, esp. in a camp, hospital, etc.
lattice noun Any work of wood or metal, made by crossing laths, or thin strips, and forming a network; as, the lattice of a window; — called also latticework., The representation of a piece of latticework used as a bearing, the bands being vertical and horizontal., To make a lattice of; as, to lattice timbers., To close, as an opening, with latticework; to furnish with a lattice; as, to lattice a window.
lauding present participle & vb. noun of Laud
laughed imp. & past participle of Laugh
laugher noun One who laughs., A variety of the domestic pigeon.
launder noun A washerwoman., A trough used by miners to receive the powdered ore from the box where it is beaten, or for carrying water to the stamps, or other apparatus, for comminuting, or sorting, the ore., To wash, as clothes; to wash, and to smooth with a flatiron or mangle; to wash and iron; as, to launder shirts., To lave; to wet.
laundry noun A laundering; a washing., A place or room where laundering is done.
laurate noun A salt of lauric acid.
lauriol noun Spurge laurel.
laurite noun A rare sulphide of osmium and ruthenium found with platinum in Borneo and Oregon.
laurone noun The ketone of lauric acid.
lavaret noun A European whitefish (Coregonus laveretus), found in the mountain lakes of Sweden, Germany, and Switzerland.
lavatic adjective Like lava, or composed of lava; lavic.
lavolta noun An old dance, for two persons, being a kind of waltz, in which the woman made a high spring or bound.
lavrock noun Same as Laverock.
lawless adjective Contrary to, or unauthorized by, law; illegal; as, a lawless claim., Not subject to, or restrained by, the law of morality or of society; as, lawless men or behavior., Not subject to the laws of nature; uncontrolled.
lawsuit noun An action at law; a suit in equity or admiralty; any legal proceeding before a court for the enforcement of a claim.
laxator noun That which loosens; — esp., a muscle which by its contraction loosens some part.
laxness noun The state of being lax; laxity.
layland noun Land lying untilled; fallow ground.
layship noun The condition of being a layman.
lazaret noun Alt. of Lazaretto
lazarly adjective Full of sores; leprous.
leached imp. & past participle of Leach
leading present participle & vb. noun of Lead, of Lead, Guiding; directing; controlling; foremost; as, a leading motive; a leading man; a leading example., The act of guiding, directing, governing, or enticing; guidance., Suggestion; hint; example.
leadmen plural of Leadman
leadman noun One who leads a dance.
leafing present participle & vb. noun of Leaf
leafage noun Leaves, collectively; foliage.
leafcup noun A coarse American composite weed (Polymnia Uvedalia).
leaflet noun A little leaf; also, a little printed leaf or a tract., One of the divisions of a compound leaf; a foliole., A leaflike organ or part; as, a leaflet of the gills of fishes.
leagued imp. & past participle of League
leaguer noun The camp of a besieging army; a camp in general., A siege or beleaguering., To besiege; to beleaguer.
leaking present participle & vb. noun of Leak
leakage noun A leaking; also, the quantity that enters or issues by leaking., An allowance of a certain rate per cent for the leaking of casks, or waste of liquors by leaking.
leaning present participle & vb. noun of Lean, The act, or state, of inclining; inclination; tendency; as, a leaning towards Calvinism.
lean-to adjective Having only one slope or pitch; — said of a roof., A shed or slight building placed against the wall of a larger structure and having a single-pitched roof; — called also penthouse, and to-fall.
leaping present participle & vb. noun of Leap, from Leap, to jump.
leapful noun A basketful.
learned imp. & past participle of Learn, Of or pertaining to learning; possessing, or characterized by, learning, esp. scholastic learning; erudite; well-informed; as, a learned scholar, writer, or lawyer; a learned book; a learned theory.
learner noun One who learns; a scholar.
leasing present participle & vb. noun of Lease, The act of lying; falsehood; a lie or lies.
leashed imp. & past participle of Leash
leather noun The skin of an animal, or some part of such skin, tanned, tawed, or otherwise dressed for use; also, dressed hides, collectively., The skin., To beat, as with a thong of leather.
leaving present participle & vb. noun of Leave, of Leave
lechery noun Free indulgence of lust; lewdness., Selfish pleasure; delight.
lectern noun See Lecturn.
lectica noun A kind of litter or portable couch.
lection noun A lesson or selection, esp. of Scripture, read in divine service., A reading; a variation in the text.
lectual adjective Confining to the bed; as, a lectual disease.
lecture noun The act of reading; as, the lecture of Holy Scripture., A discourse on any subject; especially, a formal or methodical discourse, intended for instruction; sometimes, a familiar discourse, in contrast with a sermon., A reprimand or formal reproof from one having authority., A rehearsal of a lesson., To read or deliver a lecture to., To reprove formally and with authority., To deliver a lecture or lectures.
lecturn noun A choir desk, or reading desk, in some churches, from which the lections, or Scripture lessons, are chanted or read; hence, a reading desk. [Written also lectern and lettern.]
leeched imp. & past participle of Leech
leering present participle & vb. noun of Leer
leetmen plural of Leetman
leetman noun One subject to the jurisdiction of a court-leet.
leeward adjective Pertaining to, or in the direction of, the part or side toward which the wind blows; — opposed to windward; as, a leeward berth; a leeward ship., The lee side; the lee., Toward the lee.
legally adverb In a legal manner.
legatee noun One to whom a legacy is bequeathed.
legator noun A testator; one who bequeaths a legacy.
legging noun Alt. of Leggin, a. & vb. n., from Leg, v. t.
leghorn noun A straw plaiting used for bonnets and hats, made from the straw of a particular kind of wheat, grown for the purpose in Tuscany, Italy; — so called from Leghorn, the place of exportation.
legible adjective Capable of being read or deciphered; distinct to the eye; plain; — used of writing or printing; as, a fair, legible manuscript., Capable of being discovered or understood by apparent marks or indications; as, the thoughts of men are often legible in their countenances.
legibly adverb In a legible manner.
legific adjective Of or pertaining to making laws.
legitim adjective The portion of movable estate to which the children are entitled upon the death of the father.
legless adjective Not having a leg.
legumen noun Same as Legume.
legumin noun An albuminous substance resembling casein, found as a characteristic ingredient of the seeds of leguminous and grain-bearing plants.
leister noun Alt. of Lister
leisure noun Freedom from occupation or business; vacant time; time free from employment., Time at one’s command, free from engagement; convenient opportunity; hence, convenience; ease., Unemployed; as, leisure hours.
lemmata plural of Lemma
lemming noun Any one of several species of small arctic rodents of the genera Myodes and Cuniculus, resembling the meadow mice in form. They are found in both hemispheres.
lemnian adjective Of or pertaining to the isle of Lemnos.
lemures noun pl. Spirits or ghosts of the departed; specters.
lemuria noun A hypothetical land, or continent, supposed by some to have existed formerly in the Indian Ocean, of which Madagascar is a remnant.
lemurid adjective & noun Same as Lemuroid.
lending present participle & vb. noun of Lend, The act of one who lends., That which is lent or furnished.
lengest adjective Longer; longest; — obsolete compar. and superl. of long.
lengthy superl. Having length; rather long or too long; prolix; not brief; — said chiefly of discourses, writings, and the like.
lenient adjective Relaxing; emollient; softening; assuasive; — sometimes followed by of., Mild; clement; merciful; not rigorous or severe; as, a lenient disposition; a lenient judge or sentence., A lenitive; an emollient.
lentigo noun A freckly eruption on the skin; freckles.
lentisk noun A tree; the mastic. See Mastic.
lentoid adjective Having the form of a lens; lens-shaped.
lentous adjective Viscid; viscous; tenacious.
l’envoi noun Alt. of L’envoy
l’envoy noun One or more detached verses at the end of a literary composition, serving to convey the moral, or to address the poem to a particular person; — orig. employed in old French poetry., A conclusion; a result.
leonced adjective See Lionced.
leonese adjective Of or pertaining to Leon, in Spain., A native or natives of Leon.
leonine adjective Pertaining to, or characteristic of, the lion; as, a leonine look; leonine rapacity.
leopard noun A large, savage, carnivorous mammal (Felis leopardus). It is of a yellow or fawn color, with rings or roselike clusters of black spots along the back and sides. It is found in Southern Asia and Africa. By some the panther (Felis pardus) is regarded as a variety of leopard.
lepered adjective Affected or tainted with leprosy.
lepisma noun A genus of wingless thysanurous insects having an elongated flattened body, covered with shining scales and terminated by seven unequal bristles. A common species (Lepisma saccharina) is found in houses, and often injures books and furniture. Called also shiner, silver witch, silver moth, and furniture bug.
leprose adjective Covered with thin, scurfy scales.
leprosy noun A cutaneous disease which first appears as blebs or as reddish, shining, slightly prominent spots, with spreading edges. These are often followed by an eruption of dark or yellowish prominent nodules, frequently producing great deformity. In one variety of the disease, anaesthesia of the skin is a prominent symptom. In addition there may be wasting of the muscles, falling out of the hair and nails, and distortion of the hands and feet with destruction of the bones and joints. It is incurable, and is probably contagious.
leprous adjective Infected with leprosy; pertaining to or resembling leprosy., Leprose.
lernaea noun A Linnaean genus of parasitic Entomostraca, — the same as the family Lernaeidae.
lernean noun One of a family (Lernaeidae) of parasitic Crustacea found attached to fishes and other marine animals. Some species penetrate the skin and flesh with the elongated head, and feed on the viscera. See Illust. in Appendix.
lesbian adjective Of or pertaining to the island anciently called Lesbos, now Mitylene, in the Grecian Archipelago.
letting present participle & vb. noun of Let
lethean adjective Of or pertaining to Lethe; resembling in effect the water of Lethe.
letheed adjective Caused by Lethe.
letheon noun Sulphuric ether used as an anaesthetic agent.
let-off noun A device for letting off, releasing, or giving forth, as the warp from the cylinder of a loom.
lettern noun See Lecturn.
lettish adjective Of or pertaining to the Letts., The language spoken by the Letts. See Lettic.
lettuce noun A composite plant of the genus Lactuca (L. sativa), the leaves of which are used as salad. Plants of this genus yield a milky juice, from which lactucarium is obtained. The commonest wild lettuce of the United States is L. Canadensis.
letuary noun Electuary.
leucite noun A mineral having a glassy fracture, occurring in translucent trapezohedral crystals. It is a silicate of alumina and potash. It is found in the volcanic rocks of Italy, especially at Vesuvius., A leucoplast.
leucoma noun A white opacity in the cornea of the eye; — called also albugo.
leucous adjective White; — applied to albinos, from the whiteness of their skin and hair.
levator noun A muscle that serves to raise some part, as the lip or the eyelid., A surgical instrument used to raise a depressed part of the skull.
leveful noun Allowable; permissible; lawful.
leveled imp. & past participle of Level
leveler noun One who, or that which, levels., One who would remove social inequalities or distinctions; a socialist.
levelly adverb In an even or level manner.
leveret noun A hare in the first year of its age.
levesel noun A leafy shelter; a place covered with foliage.
leviner noun A swift hound.
levulin noun A substance resembling dextrin, obtained from the bulbs of the dahlia, the artichoke, and other sources, as a colorless, spongy, amorphous material. It is so called because by decomposition it yields levulose.
levying present participle & vb. noun of Levy
lexical adjective Of or pertaining to a lexicon, to lexicography, or words; according or conforming to a lexicon.
lexicon noun A vocabulary, or book containing an alphabetical arrangement of the words in a language or of a considerable number of them, with the definition of each; a dictionary; especially, a dictionary of the Greek, Hebrew, or Latin language.
liaison noun A union, or bond of union; an intimacy; especially, an illicit intimacy between a man and a woman.
liassic adjective Of the age of the Lias; pertaining to the Lias formation., Same as Lias.
libbard noun A leopard.
libeled imp. & past participle of Libel
libeler noun One who libels.
liberal adjective Free by birth; hence, befitting a freeman or gentleman; refined; noble; independent; free; not servile or mean; as, a liberal ancestry; a liberal spirit; liberal arts or studies., Bestowing in a large and noble way, as a freeman; generous; bounteous; open-handed; as, a liberal giver., Bestowed in a large way; hence, more than sufficient; abundant; bountiful; ample; profuse; as, a liberal gift; a liberal discharge of matter or of water., Not strict or rigorous; not confined or restricted to the literal sense; free; as, a liberal translation of a classic, or a liberal construction of law or of language., Not narrow or contracted in mind; not selfish; enlarged in spirit; catholic., Free to excess; regardless of law or moral restraint; licentious., Not bound by orthodox tenets or established forms in political or religious philosophy; independent in opinion; not conservative; friendly to great freedom in the constitution or administration of government; having tendency toward democratic or republican, as distinguished from monarchical or aristocratic, forms; as, liberal thinkers; liberal Christians; the Liberal party., One who favors greater freedom in political or religious matters; an opponent of the established systems; a reformer; in English politics, a member of the Liberal party, so called. Cf. Whig.
liberty noun The state of a free person; exemption from subjection to the will of another claiming ownership of the person or services; freedom; — opposed to slavery, serfdom, bondage, or subjection., Freedom from imprisonment, bonds, or other restraint upon locomotion., A privilege conferred by a superior power; permission granted; leave; as, liberty given to a child to play, or to a witness to leave a court, and the like., Privilege; exemption; franchise; immunity enjoyed by prescription or by grant; as, the liberties of the commercial cities of Europe., The place within which certain immunities are enjoyed, or jurisdiction is exercised., A certain amount of freedom; permission to go freely within certain limits; also, the place or limits within which such freedom is exercised; as, the liberties of a prison., A privilege or license in violation of the laws of etiquette or propriety; as, to permit, or take, a liberty., The power of choice; freedom from necessity; freedom from compulsion or constraint in willing., A curve or arch in a bit to afford room for the tongue of the horse., Leave of absence; permission to go on shore.
library noun A considerable collection of books kept for use, and not as merchandise; as, a private library; a public library., A building or apartment appropriated for holding such a collection of books.
librate verb i. To vibrate as a balance does before resting in equilibrium; hence, to be poised., To poise; to balance.
license noun Authority or liberty given to do or forbear any act; especially, a formal permission from the proper authorities to perform certain acts or to carry on a certain business, which without such permission would be illegal; a grant of permission; as, a license to preach, to practice medicine, to sell gunpowder or intoxicating liquors., The document granting such permission., Excess of liberty; freedom abused, or used in contempt of law or decorum; disregard of law or propriety., That deviation from strict fact, form, or rule, in which an artist or writer indulges, assuming that it will be permitted for the sake of the advantage or effect gained; as, poetic license; grammatical license, etc., To permit or authorize by license; to give license to; as, to license a man to preach.
licking present participle & vb. noun of Lick, A lapping with the tongue., A flogging or castigation.
lidless adjective Having no lid, or not covered with the lids, as the eyes; hence, sleepless; watchful.
lifeful adjective Full of vitality.
liflode noun Livelihood.
lifting present participle & vb. noun of Lift, Used in, or for, or by, lifting.
ligator noun An instrument for ligating, or for placing and fastening a ligature.
lighted imp. & past participle of Light, of Light
lighten verb i. To descend; to light., To burst forth or dart, as lightning; to shine with, or like, lightning; to display a flash or flashes of lightning; to flash., To grow lighter; to become less dark or lowering; to brighten; to clear, as the sky., To make light or clear; to light; to illuminate; as, to lighten an apartment with lamps or gas; to lighten the streets., To illuminate with knowledge; to enlighten., To emit or disclose in, or as in, lightning; to flash out, like lightning., To free from trouble and fill with joy., To make lighter, or less heavy; to reduce in weight; to relieve of part of a load or burden; as, to lighten a ship by unloading; to lighten a load or burden., To make less burdensome or afflictive; to alleviate; as, to lighten the cares of life or the burden of grief., To cheer; to exhilarate.
lighter noun One who, or that which, lights; as, a lighter of lamps., A large boat or barge, mainly used in unloading or loading vessels which can not reach the wharves at the place of shipment or delivery., To convey by a lighter, as to or from the shore; as, to lighter the cargo of a ship.
lightly adverb With little weight; with little force; as, to tread lightly; to press lightly., Swiftly; nimbly; with agility., Without deep impression., In a small degree; slightly; not severely., With little effort or difficulty; easily; readily., Without reason, or for reasons of little weight., Commonly; usually., Without dejection; cheerfully., Without heed or care; with levity; gayly; airily., Not chastely; wantonly.
lignify verb t. To convert into wood or into a ligneous substance., To become wood.
lignite noun Mineral coal retaining the texture of the wood from which it was formed, and burning with an empyreumatic odor. It is of more recent origin than the anthracite and bituminous coal of the proper coal series. Called also brown coal, wood coal.
lignone noun See Lignin.
lignose adjective Alt. of Lignous, See Lignin., An explosive compound of wood fiber and nitroglycerin. See Nitroglycerin.
lignous adjective Ligneous.
ligroin noun A trade name applied somewhat indefinitely to some of the volatile products obtained in refining crude petroleum. It is a complex and variable mixture of several hydrocarbons, generally boils below 170ยก Fahr., and is more inflammable than safe kerosene. It is used as a solvent, as a carburetant for air gas, and for illumination in special lamps.
ligulae plural of Ligula
ligulas plural of Ligula
likable adjective Such as can be liked; such as to attract liking; as, a likable person.
likened imp. & past participle of Liken
lilacin noun See Syringin.
lima/on noun A curve of the fourth degree, invented by Pascal. Its polar equation is r = a cos / + b.
limbate adjective Bordered, as when one color is surrounded by an edging of another.
limbous adjective With slightly overlapping borders; — said of a suture.
limited imp. & past participle of Limit, Confined within limits; narrow; circumscribed; restricted; as, our views of nature are very limited.
limiter noun One who, or that which, limits., A friar licensed to beg within certain bounds, or whose duty was limited to a certain district.
limning present participle & vb. noun of Limn, The act, process, or art of one who limns; the picture or decoration so produced.
limniad noun See Limoniad.
limoges noun A city of Southern France.
limonin noun A bitter, white, crystalline substance found in orange and lemon seeds.
limosis noun A ravenous appetite caused by disease; excessive and morbid hunger.
limping present participle & vb. noun of Limp
limpkin noun Either one of two species of wading birds of the genus Aramus, intermediate between the cranes and rails. The limpkins are remarkable for the great length of the toes. One species (A. giganteus) inhabits Florida and the West Indies; the other (A. scolopaceus) is found in South America. Called also courlan, and crying bird.
limulus noun The only existing genus of Merostomata. It includes only a few species from the East Indies, and one (Limulus polyphemus) from the Atlantic coast of North America. Called also Molucca crab, king crab, horseshoe crab, and horsefoot.
linctus noun Medicine taken by licking with the tongue.
lineage noun Descent in a line from a common progenitor; progeny; race; descending line of offspring or ascending line of parentage.
lineary adjective Linear.
lineate adjective Alt. of Lineated
linemen plural of Lineman
lineman noun One who carries the line in surveying, etc., A man employed to examine the rails of a railroad to see if they are in good condition; also, a man employed to repair telegraph lines.
linener noun A dealer in linen; a linen draper.
lingism noun A mode of treating certain diseases, as obesity, by gymnastics; — proposed by Pehr Henrik Ling, a Swede. See Kinesiatrics.
linguae plural of Lingua
lingual adjective Of or pertaining to the tongue; uttered by the aid of the tongue; glossal; as, the lingual nerves; a lingual letter., A consonant sound formed by the aid of the tongue; — a term especially applied to certain articulations (as those of t, d, th, and n) and to the letters denoting them.
lingula noun A tonguelike process or part., Any one of numerous species of brachiopod shells belonging to the genus Lingula, and related genera. See Brachiopoda, and Illustration in Appendix.
linking present participle & vb. noun of Link
linkage noun The act of linking; the state of being linked; also, a system of links., Manner of linking or of being linked; — said of the union of atoms or radicals in the molecule., A system of straight lines or bars, fastened together by joints, and having certain of their points fixed in a plane. It is used to describe straight lines and curves in the plane.
linkboy noun Alt. of Linkman
linkman noun A boy or man that carried a link or torch to light passengers.
linnean adjective Of or pertaining to Linnaeus, the celebrated Swedish botanist.
linoxin noun A resinous substance obtained as an oxidation product of linoleic acid.
linsang noun Any viverrine mammal of the genus Prionodon, inhabiting the East Indies and Southern Asia. The common East Indian linsang (P. gracilis) is white, crossed by broad, black bands. The Guinea linsang (Porana Richardsonii) is brown with black spots.
linseed noun The seeds of flax, from which linseed oil is obtained.
lionced adjective Adorned with lions’ heads; having arms terminating in lions’ heads; — said of a cross.
lioncel noun A small lion, especially one of several borne in the same coat of arms.
lioness noun A female lion.
lionism noun An attracting of attention, as a lion; also, the treating or regarding as a lion.
lionize verb t. To treat or regard as a lion or object of great interest., To show the lions or objects of interest to; to conduct about among objects of interest.
lipping present participle & vb. noun of Lip
lipinic adjective Lipic.
lipless adjective Having no lips.
liquate verb i. To melt; to become liquid., To separate by fusion, as a more fusible from a less fusible material.
liquefy verb t. To convert from a solid form to that of a liquid; to melt; to dissolve; and technically, to melt by the sole agency of heat., To become liquid.
liqueur noun An aromatic alcoholic cordial.
lirella noun A linear apothecium furrowed along the middle; the fruit of certain lichens.
lisping present participle & vb. noun of Lisp
lissome adjective Limber; supple; flexible; lithe; lithesome., Light; nimble; active.
listing present participle & vb. noun of List, The act or process of one who lists (in any sense of the verb); as, the listing of a door; the listing of a stock at the Stock Exchange., The selvedge of cloth; list., The sapwood cut from the edge of a board., The throwing up of the soil into ridges, — a method adopted in the culture of beets and some garden crops.
listful adjective Attentive.
litarge noun Litharge.
literal adjective According to the letter or verbal expression; real; not figurative or metaphorical; as, the literal meaning of a phrase., Following the letter or exact words; not free., Consisting of, or expressed by, letters., Giving a strict or literal construction; unimaginative; matter-of fast; — applied to persons., Literal meaning.
lithate noun A salt of lithic or uric acid; a urate.
lithely adverb In a lithe, pliant, or flexible manner.
lithium noun A metallic element of the alkaline group, occurring in several minerals, as petalite, spodumene, lepidolite, triphylite, etc., and otherwise widely disseminated, though in small quantities.
lithoid adjective Alt. of Lithoidal
litotes noun A diminution or softening of statement for the sake of avoiding censure or increasing the effect by contrast with the moderation shown in the form of expression; as, ” a citizen of no mean city,” that is, of an illustrious city.
littery adjective Covered or encumbered with litter; consisting of or constituting litter.
lituite noun Any species of ammonites of the genus Lituites. They are found in the Cretaceous formation.
liturgy adjective An established formula for public worship, or the entire ritual for public worship in a church which uses prescribed forms; a formulary for public prayer or devotion. In the Roman Catholic Church it includes all forms and services in any language, in any part of the world, for the celebration of Mass.
livable adjective Such as can be lived., Such as in pleasant to live in; fit or suitable to live in.
livered adjective Having (such) a liver; used in composition; as, white-livered.
llanero noun One of the inhabitants of the llanos of South America.
lloyd’s noun An association of underwriters and others in London, for the collection and diffusion of marine intelligence, the insurance, classification, registration, and certifying of vessels, and the transaction of business of various kinds connected with shipping., A part of the Royal Exchange, in London, appropriated to the use of underwriters and insurance brokers; — called also Lloyd’s Rooms.
loading present participle & vb. noun of Load, The act of putting a load on or into., A load; cargo; burden.
loafing present participle & vb. noun of Loaf
loaming present participle & vb. noun of Loam
loaning present participle & vb. noun of Loan, An open space between cultivated fields through which cattle are driven, and where the cows are sometimes milked; also, a lane.
loathed imp. & past participle of Loathe
loather noun One who loathes.
loathly adjective Loathsome., Unwillingly; reluctantly., (/) So as to cause loathing.
lobbing present participle & vb. noun of Lob
lobated adjective Consisting of, or having, lobes; lobed; as, a lobate leaf., Having lobes; — said of the tails of certain fishes having the integument continued to the bases of the fin rays., Furnished with membranous flaps, as the toes of a coot. See Illust. (m) under Aves.
lobbish adjective Like a lob; consisting of lobs.
lobbies plural of Lobby
lobbied imp. & past participle of Lobby
lobcock noun A dull, sluggish person; a lubber; a lob.
lobelet noun A small lobe; a lobule.
lobelia noun A genus of plants, including a great number of species. Lobelia inflata, or Indian tobacco, is an annual plant of North America, whose leaves contain a poisonous white viscid juice, of an acrid taste. It has often been used in medicine as an emetic, expectorant, etc. L. cardinalis is the cardinal flower, remarkable for the deep and vivid red color of its flowers.
lobelin noun A yellowish green resin from Lobelia, used as an emetic and diaphoretic.
lobiped adjective Having lobate toes, as a coot.
lobster noun Any large macrurous crustacean used as food, esp. those of the genus Homarus; as the American lobster (H. Americanus), and the European lobster (H. vulgaris). The Norwegian lobster (Nephrops Norvegicus) is similar in form. All these have a pair of large unequal claws. The spiny lobsters of more southern waters, belonging to Palinurus, Panulirus, and allied genera, have no large claws. The fresh-water crayfishes are sometimes called lobsters.
lobular adjective Like a lobule; pertaining to a lobule or lobules.
lobworm noun The lugworm.
locally adverb With respect to place; in place; as, to be locally separated or distant.
located imp. & past participle of Locate
locator noun One who locates, or is entitled to locate, land or a mining claim.
lochage noun An officer who commanded a company; a captain.
lochial adjective Of or pertaining to the lochia.
locking present participle & vb. noun of Lock
lockage noun Materials for locks in a canal, or the works forming a lock or locks., Toll paid for passing the locks of a canal., Amount of elevation and descent made by the locks of a canal.
lockjaw noun A contraction of the muscles of the jaw by which its motion is suspended; a variety of tetanus.
lockman noun A public executioner.
lockout noun The closing of a factory or workshop by an employer, usually in order to bring the workmen to satisfactory terms by a suspension of wages.
lockram noun A kind of linen cloth anciently used in England, originally imported from Brittany.
locular adjective Of or relating to the cell or compartment of an ovary, etc.; in composition, having cells; as trilocular.
loculus noun One of the spaces between the septa in the Anthozoa., One of the compartments of a several-celled ovary; loculament.
locusta noun The spikelet or flower cluster of grasses.
lodging present participle & vb. noun of Lodge, The act of one who, or that which, lodges., A place of rest, or of temporary habitation; esp., a sleeping apartment; — often in the plural with a singular meaning., Abiding place; harbor; cover.
loftily adverb In a lofty manner or position; haughtily.
logging present participle & vb. noun of Log, The business of felling trees, cutting them into logs, and transporting the logs to sawmills or to market.
logcock noun The pileated woodpecker.
logical adjective Of or pertaining to logic; used in logic; as, logical subtilties., According to the rules of logic; as, a logical argument or inference; the reasoning is logical., Skilled in logic; versed in the art of thinking and reasoning; as, he is a logical thinker.
logroll verb i. & t. To engage in logrolling; to accomplish by logrolling.
logwood noun The heartwood of a tree (Haematoxylon Campechianum), a native of South America, It is a red, heavy wood, containing a crystalline substance called haematoxylin, and is used largely in dyeing. An extract from this wood is used in medicine as an astringent. Also called Campeachy wood, and bloodwood.
lokorys noun Liquorice.
lolling present participle & vb. noun of Loll
lollard noun One of a sect of early reformers in Germany., One of the followers of Wyclif in England.
lombard adjective Of or pertaining to Lombardy, or the inhabitants of Lombardy., A native or inhabitant of Lombardy., A money lender or banker; — so called because the business of banking was first carried on in London by Lombards., Same as Lombard-house., A form of cannon formerly in use.
lompish adjective Lumpish.
longing present participle & vb. noun of Long, An eager desire; a craving; a morbid appetite; an earnest wish; an aspiration.
longbow noun The ordinary bow, not mounted on a stock; — so called in distinction from the crossbow when both were used as weapons of war. Also, sometimes, such a bow of about the height of a man, as distinguished from a much shorter one.
longish adjective Somewhat long; moderately long.
loobily adjective Loobylike; awkward., Awkwardly.
loobies plural of Looby
looking present participle & vb. noun of Look, Having a certain look or appearance; — often compounded with adjectives; as, good-looking, grand-looking, etc., The act of one who looks; a glance., The manner in which one looks; appearance; countenance; face.
lookout noun A careful looking or watching for any object or event., The place from which such observation is made., A person engaged in watching., Object or duty of forethought and care; responsibility.
looming present participle & vb. noun of Loom, The indistinct and magnified appearance of objects seen in particular states of the atmosphere. See Mirage.
looping present participle & vb. noun of Loop, The running together of the matter of an ore into a mass, when the ore is only heated for calcination., of Loop.
loosing present participle & vb. noun of Loose
loosely adverb In a loose manner.
loosish adjective Somewhat loose.
looting present participle & vb. noun of Loot
lopping present participle & vb. noun of Lop, A cutting off, as of branches; that which is cut off; leavings.
lopeman noun Leaper; ropedancer.
lophine noun A nitrogenous organic base obtained by the oxidation of amarine, and regarded as a derivative of benzoic aldehyde. It is obtained in long white crystalline tufts, — whence its name.
loppard noun A tree, the top of which has been lopped off.
lopseed noun A perennial herb (Phryma Leptostachya), having slender seedlike fruits.
lording present participle & vb. noun of Lord, The son of a lord; a person of noble lineage., A little lord; a lordling; a lord, in contempt or ridicule.
lordkin noun A little lord.
lorette noun In France, a name for a woman who is supported by her lovers, and devotes herself to idleness, show, and pleasure; — so called from the church of Notre Dame de Lorette, in Paris, near which many of them resided.
loricae plural of Lorica
lorimer noun Alt. of Loriner
loriner noun A maker of bits, spurs, and metal mounting for bridles and saddles; hence, a saddler.
lorries plural of Lorry
losable adjective Such as can be lost.
losange noun See Lozenge.
lossful adjective Detrimental.
lotting present participle & vb. noun of Lot
lottery noun A scheme for the distribution of prizes by lot or chance; esp., a gaming scheme in which one or more tickets bearing particular numbers draw prizes, and the rest of tickets are blanks. Fig. : An affair of chance., Allotment; thing allotted.
loudful adjective Noisy.
lounged imp. & past participle of Lounge
lounger noun One who lounges; ar idler.
lousily adverb In a lousy manner; in a mean, paltry manner; scurvily.
loutish adjective Clownish; rude; awkward.
lovable adjective Having qualities that excite, or are fitted to excite, love; worthy of love.
loveful adjective Full of love.
lowbell noun A bell used in fowling at night, to frighten birds, and, with a sudden light, to make them fly into a net., A bell to be hung on the neck of a sheep., To frighten, as with a lowbell.
lowborn adjective Born in a low condition or rank; — opposed to highborn.
lowbred adjective Bred, or like one bred, in a low condition of life; characteristic or indicative of such breeding; rude; impolite; vulgar; as, a lowbred fellow; a lowbred remark.
lowered imp. & past participle of Lower, of Lower
lowland noun Land which is low with respect to the neighboring country; a low or level country; — opposed to highland.
lowlily adverb In a lowly place or manner; humbly.
lowness noun The state or quality of being low.
loyally adverb In a loyal manner; faithfully.
loyalty noun The state or quality of being loyal; fidelity to a superior, or to duty, love, etc.
lozenge noun A diamond-shaped figure usually with the upper and lower angles slightly acute, borne upon a shield or escutcheon. Cf. Fusil., A form of the escutcheon used by women instead of the shield which is used by men., A figure with four equal sides, having two acute and two obtuse angles; a rhomb., Anything in the form of lozenge., A small cake of sugar and starch, flavored, and often medicated. — originally in the form of a lozenge.
lozengy adjective Divided into lozenge-shaped compartments, as the field or a bearing, by lines drawn in the direction of the bend sinister.
lubbard noun A lubber., Lubberly.
lucarne noun A dormer window.
lucency noun The quality of being lucent.
lucerne noun See Lucern, the plant.
lucidly adverb In a lucid manner.
lucifer noun The planet Venus, when appearing as the morning star; — applied in Isaiah by a metaphor to a king of Babylon., Hence, Satan., A match made of a sliver of wood tipped with a combustible substance, and ignited by friction; — called also lucifer match, and locofoco. See Locofoco., A genus of free-swimming macruran Crustacea, having a slender body and long appendages.
lucific adjective Producing light.
luckily adverb In a lucky manner; by good fortune; fortunately; — used in a good sense; as, they luckily escaped injury.
luctual adjective Producing grief; saddening.
luddite noun One of a number of riotous persons in England, who for six years (1811-17) tried to prevent the use of labor-saving machinery by breaking it, burning factories, etc.; — so called from Ned Lud, a half-witted man who some years previously had broken stocking frames.
luffing present participle & vb. noun of Luff
lugging present participle & vb. noun of Lug
luggage noun That which is lugged; anything cumbrous and heavy to be carried; especially, a traveler’s trunks, baggage, etc., or their contents.
lugmark noun A mark cut into the ear of an animal to identify it; an earmark.
lugsail noun A square sail bent upon a yard that hangs obliquely to the mast and is raised or lowered with the sail.
lugworm noun A large marine annelid (Arenicola marina) having a row of tufted gills along each side of the back. It is found burrowing in sandy beaches, both in America and Europe, and is used for bait by European fishermen. Called also lobworm, and baitworm.
lulling present participle & vb. noun of Lull
lullaby verb t. A song to quiet babes or lull them to sleep; that which quiets., Hence: Good night; good-by.
lumbago noun A rheumatic pain in the loins and the small of the back.
lumbric noun An earthworm, or a worm resembling an earthworm.
lumping present participle & vb. noun of Lump, Bulky; heavy.
lumpish adjective Like a lump; inert; gross; heavy; dull; spiritless.
lunated adjective Crescent-shaped; as, a lunate leaf; a lunate beak; a lunated cross.
lunatic adjective Affected by lunacy; insane; mad., Of or pertaining to, or suitable for, an insane person; evincing lunacy; as, lunatic gibberish; a lunatic asylum., A person affected by lunacy; an insane person, esp. one who has lucid intervals; a madman; a person of unsound mind.
lunched imp. & past participle of Lunch
lunette noun A fieldwork consisting of two faces, forming a salient angle, and two parallel flanks. See Bastion., A half horseshoe, which wants the sponge., A kind of watch crystal which is more than ordinarily flattened in the center; also, a species of convexoconcave lens for spectacles., A piece of felt to cover the eye of a vicious horse., Any surface of semicircular or segmental form; especially, the piece of wall between the curves of a vault and its springing line., An iron shoe at the end of the stock of a gun carriage.
lunging present participle & vb. noun of Lunge
lungoor noun A long-tailed monkey (Semnopithecus schislaceus), from the mountainous districts of India.
lunulae plural of Lunula
lunular adjective Having a form like that of the new moon; shaped like a crescent.
lunulet noun A small spot, shaped like a half-moon or crescent; as, the lunulet on the wings of many insects.
lupinin noun A glucoside found in the seeds of several species of lupine, and extracted as a yellowish white crystalline substance.
lupulin noun A bitter principle extracted from hops., The fine yellow resinous powder found upon the strobiles or fruit of hops, and containing this bitter principle.
lurched imp. & past participle of Lurch
lurcher noun One that lurches or lies in wait; one who watches to pilfer, or to betray or entrap; a poacher., One of a mongrel breed of dogs said to have been a cross between the sheep dog, greyhound, and spaniel. It hunts game silently, by scent, and is often used by poachers., A glutton; a gormandizer.
lurking present participle & vb. noun of Lurk
luskish adjective Inclined to be lazy.
lusting present participle & vb. noun of Lust
lustred imp. & past participle of Lustre
lustful adjective Full of lust; excited by lust., Exciting lust; characterized by lust or sensuality., Strong; lusty.
lustily adverb In a lusty or vigorous manner.
lustral adjective Of or pertaining to, or used for, purification; as, lustral days; lustral water., Of or pertaining to a lustrum.
lustrum noun A lustration or purification, especially the purification of the whole Roman people, which was made by the censors once in five years. Hence: A period of five years.
luteous adjective Yellowish; more or less like buff.
luthern noun A dormer window. See Dormer.
luxated imp. & past participle of Luxate
lyceums plural of Lyceum
lychnis noun A genus of Old World plants belonging to the Pink family (Caryophyllaceae). Most of the species have brilliantly colored flowers and cottony leaves, which may have anciently answered as wicks for lamps. The botanical name is in common use for the garden species. The corn cockle (Lychnis Githago) is a common weed in wheat fields.
lycopod noun A plant of the genus Lycopodium.
lyerman noun The cicada.
lyingly adverb In a lying manner; falsely.
lyncean adjective Of or pertaining to the lynx.
lynched imp. & past participle of Lynch
lyncher noun One who assists in lynching.
lyrated adjective Lyre-shaped, or spatulate and oblong, with small lobes toward the base; as, a lyrate leaf., Shaped like a lyre, as the tail of the blackcock, or that of the lyre bird.
lyrical adjective Of or pertaining to a lyre or harp., Fitted to be sung to the lyre; hence, also, appropriate for song; — said especially of poetry which expresses the individual emotions of the poet.