7 letter word starting with le

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
leached imp. & past participle of Leach
leading present participle & vb. noun of Lead, of Lead, Guiding; directing; controlling; foremost; as, a leading motive; a leading man; a leading example., The act of guiding, directing, governing, or enticing; guidance., Suggestion; hint; example.
leadmen plural of Leadman
leadman noun One who leads a dance.
leafing present participle & vb. noun of Leaf
leafage noun Leaves, collectively; foliage.
leafcup noun A coarse American composite weed (Polymnia Uvedalia).
leaflet noun A little leaf; also, a little printed leaf or a tract., One of the divisions of a compound leaf; a foliole., A leaflike organ or part; as, a leaflet of the gills of fishes.
leagued imp. & past participle of League
leaguer noun The camp of a besieging army; a camp in general., A siege or beleaguering., To besiege; to beleaguer.
leaking present participle & vb. noun of Leak
leakage noun A leaking; also, the quantity that enters or issues by leaking., An allowance of a certain rate per cent for the leaking of casks, or waste of liquors by leaking.
leaning present participle & vb. noun of Lean, The act, or state, of inclining; inclination; tendency; as, a leaning towards Calvinism.
lean-to adjective Having only one slope or pitch; — said of a roof., A shed or slight building placed against the wall of a larger structure and having a single-pitched roof; — called also penthouse, and to-fall.
leaping present participle & vb. noun of Leap, from Leap, to jump.
leapful noun A basketful.
learned imp. & past participle of Learn, Of or pertaining to learning; possessing, or characterized by, learning, esp. scholastic learning; erudite; well-informed; as, a learned scholar, writer, or lawyer; a learned book; a learned theory.
learner noun One who learns; a scholar.
leasing present participle & vb. noun of Lease, The act of lying; falsehood; a lie or lies.
leashed imp. & past participle of Leash
leather noun The skin of an animal, or some part of such skin, tanned, tawed, or otherwise dressed for use; also, dressed hides, collectively., The skin., To beat, as with a thong of leather.
leaving present participle & vb. noun of Leave, of Leave
lechery noun Free indulgence of lust; lewdness., Selfish pleasure; delight.
lectern noun See Lecturn.
lectica noun A kind of litter or portable couch.
lection noun A lesson or selection, esp. of Scripture, read in divine service., A reading; a variation in the text.
lectual adjective Confining to the bed; as, a lectual disease.
lecture noun The act of reading; as, the lecture of Holy Scripture., A discourse on any subject; especially, a formal or methodical discourse, intended for instruction; sometimes, a familiar discourse, in contrast with a sermon., A reprimand or formal reproof from one having authority., A rehearsal of a lesson., To read or deliver a lecture to., To reprove formally and with authority., To deliver a lecture or lectures.
lecturn noun A choir desk, or reading desk, in some churches, from which the lections, or Scripture lessons, are chanted or read; hence, a reading desk. [Written also lectern and lettern.]
leeched imp. & past participle of Leech
leering present participle & vb. noun of Leer
leetmen plural of Leetman
leetman noun One subject to the jurisdiction of a court-leet.
leeward adjective Pertaining to, or in the direction of, the part or side toward which the wind blows; — opposed to windward; as, a leeward berth; a leeward ship., The lee side; the lee., Toward the lee.
legally adverb In a legal manner.
legatee noun One to whom a legacy is bequeathed.
legator noun A testator; one who bequeaths a legacy.
legging noun Alt. of Leggin, a. & vb. n., from Leg, v. t.
leghorn noun A straw plaiting used for bonnets and hats, made from the straw of a particular kind of wheat, grown for the purpose in Tuscany, Italy; — so called from Leghorn, the place of exportation.
legible adjective Capable of being read or deciphered; distinct to the eye; plain; — used of writing or printing; as, a fair, legible manuscript., Capable of being discovered or understood by apparent marks or indications; as, the thoughts of men are often legible in their countenances.
legibly adverb In a legible manner.
legific adjective Of or pertaining to making laws.
legitim adjective The portion of movable estate to which the children are entitled upon the death of the father.
legless adjective Not having a leg.
legumen noun Same as Legume.
legumin noun An albuminous substance resembling casein, found as a characteristic ingredient of the seeds of leguminous and grain-bearing plants.
leister noun Alt. of Lister
leisure noun Freedom from occupation or business; vacant time; time free from employment., Time at one’s command, free from engagement; convenient opportunity; hence, convenience; ease., Unemployed; as, leisure hours.
lemmata plural of Lemma
lemming noun Any one of several species of small arctic rodents of the genera Myodes and Cuniculus, resembling the meadow mice in form. They are found in both hemispheres.
lemnian adjective Of or pertaining to the isle of Lemnos.
lemures noun pl. Spirits or ghosts of the departed; specters.
lemuria noun A hypothetical land, or continent, supposed by some to have existed formerly in the Indian Ocean, of which Madagascar is a remnant.
lemurid adjective & noun Same as Lemuroid.
lending present participle & vb. noun of Lend, The act of one who lends., That which is lent or furnished.
lengest adjective Longer; longest; — obsolete compar. and superl. of long.
lengthy superl. Having length; rather long or too long; prolix; not brief; — said chiefly of discourses, writings, and the like.
lenient adjective Relaxing; emollient; softening; assuasive; — sometimes followed by of., Mild; clement; merciful; not rigorous or severe; as, a lenient disposition; a lenient judge or sentence., A lenitive; an emollient.
lentigo noun A freckly eruption on the skin; freckles.
lentisk noun A tree; the mastic. See Mastic.
lentoid adjective Having the form of a lens; lens-shaped.
lentous adjective Viscid; viscous; tenacious.
leonced adjective See Lionced.
leonese adjective Of or pertaining to Leon, in Spain., A native or natives of Leon.
leonine adjective Pertaining to, or characteristic of, the lion; as, a leonine look; leonine rapacity.
leopard noun A large, savage, carnivorous mammal (Felis leopardus). It is of a yellow or fawn color, with rings or roselike clusters of black spots along the back and sides. It is found in Southern Asia and Africa. By some the panther (Felis pardus) is regarded as a variety of leopard.
lepered adjective Affected or tainted with leprosy.
lepisma noun A genus of wingless thysanurous insects having an elongated flattened body, covered with shining scales and terminated by seven unequal bristles. A common species (Lepisma saccharina) is found in houses, and often injures books and furniture. Called also shiner, silver witch, silver moth, and furniture bug.
leprose adjective Covered with thin, scurfy scales.
leprosy noun A cutaneous disease which first appears as blebs or as reddish, shining, slightly prominent spots, with spreading edges. These are often followed by an eruption of dark or yellowish prominent nodules, frequently producing great deformity. In one variety of the disease, anaesthesia of the skin is a prominent symptom. In addition there may be wasting of the muscles, falling out of the hair and nails, and distortion of the hands and feet with destruction of the bones and joints. It is incurable, and is probably contagious.
leprous adjective Infected with leprosy; pertaining to or resembling leprosy., Leprose.
lernaea noun A Linnaean genus of parasitic Entomostraca, — the same as the family Lernaeidae.
lernean noun One of a family (Lernaeidae) of parasitic Crustacea found attached to fishes and other marine animals. Some species penetrate the skin and flesh with the elongated head, and feed on the viscera. See Illust. in Appendix.
lesbian adjective Of or pertaining to the island anciently called Lesbos, now Mitylene, in the Grecian Archipelago.
letting present participle & vb. noun of Let
lethean adjective Of or pertaining to Lethe; resembling in effect the water of Lethe.
letheed adjective Caused by Lethe.
letheon noun Sulphuric ether used as an anaesthetic agent.
let-off noun A device for letting off, releasing, or giving forth, as the warp from the cylinder of a loom.
lettern noun See Lecturn.
lettish adjective Of or pertaining to the Letts., The language spoken by the Letts. See Lettic.
lettuce noun A composite plant of the genus Lactuca (L. sativa), the leaves of which are used as salad. Plants of this genus yield a milky juice, from which lactucarium is obtained. The commonest wild lettuce of the United States is L. Canadensis.
letuary noun Electuary.
leucite noun A mineral having a glassy fracture, occurring in translucent trapezohedral crystals. It is a silicate of alumina and potash. It is found in the volcanic rocks of Italy, especially at Vesuvius., A leucoplast.
leucoma noun A white opacity in the cornea of the eye; — called also albugo.
leucous adjective White; — applied to albinos, from the whiteness of their skin and hair.
levator noun A muscle that serves to raise some part, as the lip or the eyelid., A surgical instrument used to raise a depressed part of the skull.
leveful noun Allowable; permissible; lawful.
leveled imp. & past participle of Level
leveler noun One who, or that which, levels., One who would remove social inequalities or distinctions; a socialist.
levelly adverb In an even or level manner.
leveret noun A hare in the first year of its age.
levesel noun A leafy shelter; a place covered with foliage.
leviner noun A swift hound.
levulin noun A substance resembling dextrin, obtained from the bulbs of the dahlia, the artichoke, and other sources, as a colorless, spongy, amorphous material. It is so called because by decomposition it yields levulose.
levying present participle & vb. noun of Levy
lexical adjective Of or pertaining to a lexicon, to lexicography, or words; according or conforming to a lexicon.
lexicon noun A vocabulary, or book containing an alphabetical arrangement of the words in a language or of a considerable number of them, with the definition of each; a dictionary; especially, a dictionary of the Greek, Hebrew, or Latin language.