7 letter word starting with loc

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
locally adverb With respect to place; in place; as, to be locally separated or distant.
located imp. & past participle of Locate
locator noun One who locates, or is entitled to locate, land or a mining claim.
lochage noun An officer who commanded a company; a captain.
lochial adjective Of or pertaining to the lochia.
locking present participle & vb. noun of Lock
lockage noun Materials for locks in a canal, or the works forming a lock or locks., Toll paid for passing the locks of a canal., Amount of elevation and descent made by the locks of a canal.
lockjaw noun A contraction of the muscles of the jaw by which its motion is suspended; a variety of tetanus.
lockman noun A public executioner.
lockout noun The closing of a factory or workshop by an employer, usually in order to bring the workmen to satisfactory terms by a suspension of wages.
lockram noun A kind of linen cloth anciently used in England, originally imported from Brittany.
locular adjective Of or relating to the cell or compartment of an ovary, etc.; in composition, having cells; as trilocular.
loculus noun One of the spaces between the septa in the Anthozoa., One of the compartments of a several-celled ovary; loculament.
locusta noun The spikelet or flower cluster of grasses.