7 letter word starting with log

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
logging present participle & vb. noun of Log, The business of felling trees, cutting them into logs, and transporting the logs to sawmills or to market.
logcock noun The pileated woodpecker.
logical adjective Of or pertaining to logic; used in logic; as, logical subtilties., According to the rules of logic; as, a logical argument or inference; the reasoning is logical., Skilled in logic; versed in the art of thinking and reasoning; as, he is a logical thinker.
logroll verb i. & t. To engage in logrolling; to accomplish by logrolling.
logwood noun The heartwood of a tree (Haematoxylon Campechianum), a native of South America, It is a red, heavy wood, containing a crystalline substance called haematoxylin, and is used largely in dyeing. An extract from this wood is used in medicine as an astringent. Also called Campeachy wood, and bloodwood.