7 letter word starting with lu

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
lubbard noun A lubber., Lubberly.
lucarne noun A dormer window.
lucency noun The quality of being lucent.
lucerne noun See Lucern, the plant.
lucidly adverb In a lucid manner.
lucifer noun The planet Venus, when appearing as the morning star; — applied in Isaiah by a metaphor to a king of Babylon., Hence, Satan., A match made of a sliver of wood tipped with a combustible substance, and ignited by friction; — called also lucifer match, and locofoco. See Locofoco., A genus of free-swimming macruran Crustacea, having a slender body and long appendages.
lucific adjective Producing light.
luckily adverb In a lucky manner; by good fortune; fortunately; — used in a good sense; as, they luckily escaped injury.
luctual adjective Producing grief; saddening.
luddite noun One of a number of riotous persons in England, who for six years (1811-17) tried to prevent the use of labor-saving machinery by breaking it, burning factories, etc.; — so called from Ned Lud, a half-witted man who some years previously had broken stocking frames.
luffing present participle & vb. noun of Luff
lugging present participle & vb. noun of Lug
luggage noun That which is lugged; anything cumbrous and heavy to be carried; especially, a traveler’s trunks, baggage, etc., or their contents.
lugmark noun A mark cut into the ear of an animal to identify it; an earmark.
lugsail noun A square sail bent upon a yard that hangs obliquely to the mast and is raised or lowered with the sail.
lugworm noun A large marine annelid (Arenicola marina) having a row of tufted gills along each side of the back. It is found burrowing in sandy beaches, both in America and Europe, and is used for bait by European fishermen. Called also lobworm, and baitworm.
lulling present participle & vb. noun of Lull
lullaby verb t. A song to quiet babes or lull them to sleep; that which quiets., Hence: Good night; good-by.
lumbago noun A rheumatic pain in the loins and the small of the back.
lumbric noun An earthworm, or a worm resembling an earthworm.
lumping present participle & vb. noun of Lump, Bulky; heavy.
lumpish adjective Like a lump; inert; gross; heavy; dull; spiritless.
lunated adjective Crescent-shaped; as, a lunate leaf; a lunate beak; a lunated cross.
lunatic adjective Affected by lunacy; insane; mad., Of or pertaining to, or suitable for, an insane person; evincing lunacy; as, lunatic gibberish; a lunatic asylum., A person affected by lunacy; an insane person, esp. one who has lucid intervals; a madman; a person of unsound mind.
lunched imp. & past participle of Lunch
lunette noun A fieldwork consisting of two faces, forming a salient angle, and two parallel flanks. See Bastion., A half horseshoe, which wants the sponge., A kind of watch crystal which is more than ordinarily flattened in the center; also, a species of convexoconcave lens for spectacles., A piece of felt to cover the eye of a vicious horse., Any surface of semicircular or segmental form; especially, the piece of wall between the curves of a vault and its springing line., An iron shoe at the end of the stock of a gun carriage.
lunging present participle & vb. noun of Lunge
lungoor noun A long-tailed monkey (Semnopithecus schislaceus), from the mountainous districts of India.
lunulae plural of Lunula
lunular adjective Having a form like that of the new moon; shaped like a crescent.
lunulet noun A small spot, shaped like a half-moon or crescent; as, the lunulet on the wings of many insects.
lupinin noun A glucoside found in the seeds of several species of lupine, and extracted as a yellowish white crystalline substance.
lupulin noun A bitter principle extracted from hops., The fine yellow resinous powder found upon the strobiles or fruit of hops, and containing this bitter principle.
lurched imp. & past participle of Lurch
lurcher noun One that lurches or lies in wait; one who watches to pilfer, or to betray or entrap; a poacher., One of a mongrel breed of dogs said to have been a cross between the sheep dog, greyhound, and spaniel. It hunts game silently, by scent, and is often used by poachers., A glutton; a gormandizer.
lurking present participle & vb. noun of Lurk
luskish adjective Inclined to be lazy.
lusting present participle & vb. noun of Lust
lustred imp. & past participle of Lustre
lustful adjective Full of lust; excited by lust., Exciting lust; characterized by lust or sensuality., Strong; lusty.
lustily adverb In a lusty or vigorous manner.
lustral adjective Of or pertaining to, or used for, purification; as, lustral days; lustral water., Of or pertaining to a lustrum.
lustrum noun A lustration or purification, especially the purification of the whole Roman people, which was made by the censors once in five years. Hence: A period of five years.
luteous adjective Yellowish; more or less like buff.
luthern noun A dormer window. See Dormer.
luxated imp. & past participle of Luxate