7 letter word starting with mu

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
mucedin noun A yellowish white, amorphous, nitrogenous substance found in wheat, rye, etc., and resembling gluten; — formerly called also mucin.
mucific adjective Inducing or stimulating the secretion of mucus; blennogenous., Secreting mucus.
mucigen noun A substance which is formed in mucous epithelial cells, and gives rise to mucin.
muconic adjective Of, pertaining to, or designating, an organic acid, obtained indirectly from mucic acid, and somewhat resembling itaconic acid.
mucusin noun Mucin.
mudarin noun A brown, amorphous, bitter substance having a strong emetic action, extracted from the root of the mudar.
muddily adverb In a muddy manner; turbidly; without mixture; cloudily; obscurely; confusedly.
muddled imp. & past participle of Muddle
muddler noun One who, or that which, muddles.
muddied imp. & past participle of Muddy
mudfish noun The European loach., The bowfin., The South American lipedosiren, and the allied African species (Protopterus annectens). See Lipedosiren., The mud minnow.
mudhole noun A hole, or hollow place, containing mud, as in a road., A hole near the bottom, through which the sediment is withdrawn.
mudsill noun The lowest sill of a structure, usually embedded in the soil; the lowest timber of a house; also, that sill or timber of a bridge which is laid at the bottom of the water. See Sill.
mudwall noun The European bee-eater. See Bee-eater.
mudwort noun A small herbaceous plant growing on muddy shores (Limosella aquatica).
muezzin noun A Mohammedan crier of the hour of prayer.
muffing present participle & vb. noun of Muff
muffish adjective Stupid; awkward.
muffled imp. & past participle of Muffle
muffler noun Anything used in muffling; esp., a scarf for protecting the head and neck in cold weather; a tippet., A cushion for terminating or softening a note made by a stringed instrument with a keyboard., A kind of mitten or boxing glove, esp. when stuffed., One who muffles.
muggard adjective Sullen; displeased.
muggish adjective See Muggy.
mugient adjective Lowing; bellowing.
mugweed noun A slender European weed (Galium Cruciata); — called also crossweed.
mugwort noun A somewhat aromatic composite weed (Artemisia vulgaris), at one time used medicinally; — called also motherwort.
mugwump noun A bolter from the Republican party in the national election of 1884; an Independent.
mulatto noun The offspring of a negress by a white man, or of a white woman by a negro, — usually of a brownish yellow complexion.
mulched imp. & past participle of Mulch
mulcted imp. & past participle of Mulct
mulling present participle & vb. noun of Mull
mullein noun Any plant of the genus Verbascum. They are tall herbs having coarse leaves, and large flowers in dense spikes. The common species, with densely woolly leaves, is Verbascum Thapsus.
mullion noun A slender bar or pier which forms the division between the lights of windows, screens, etc., An upright member of a framing. See Stile., To furnish with mullions; to divide by mullions.
mullock noun Rubbish; refuse; dirt.
mulliod adjective Like or pertaining to the genus Mullus, which includes the surmullet, or red mullet.
multure noun The toll for grinding grain., A grist or grinding; the grain ground.
mumbled imp. & past participle of Mumble
mumbler noun One who mumbles.
mumming present participle & vb. noun of Mumm
mummery noun Masking; frolic in disguise; buffoonery., Farcical show; hypocritical disguise and parade or ceremonies.
mummify verb t. To embalm and dry as a mummy; to make into, or like, a mummy.
mummies plural of Mummy
mummied imp. & past participle of Mummy
mumping present participle & vb. noun of Mump
mumpish adjective Sullen, sulky.
munched imp. & past participle of Munch
muncher noun One who munches.
mundane adjective Of or pertaining to the world; worldly; earthly; terrestrial; as, the mundane sphere.
mundify verb t. To cleanse.
mungoos noun See Mongoose.
mungrel noun & adjective See Mongrel.
munific adjective Munificent; liberal.
munjeet noun See Indian madder, under Madder.
munnion noun See Mullion.
munting noun Same as Mullion; — especially used in joiner’s work.
muntjac noun Any one of several species of small Asiatic deer of the genus Cervulus, esp. C. muntjac, which occurs both in India and on the East Indian Islands.
muraena noun A genus of large eels of the family Miraenidae. They differ from the common eel in lacking pectoral fins and in having the dorsal and anal fins continuous. The murry (Muraena Helenae) of Southern Europe was the muraena of the Romans. It is highly valued as a food fish.
murices plural of Murex
murexan noun A complex nitrogenous substance obtained from murexide, alloxantin, and other ureids, as a white, or yellowish, crystalline which turns red on exposure to the air; — called also uramil, dialuramide, and formerly purpuric acid.
muriate noun A salt of muriatic hydrochloric acid; a chloride; as, muriate of ammonia.
murkily adverb Darkly; gloomily.
murlins noun A seaweed. See Baddrelocks.
murrain noun An infectious and fatal disease among cattle., Having, or afflicted with, murrain.
murrion adjective Infected with or killed by murrain., A morion. See Morion.
murther noun & verb Murder, n. & v.
muscled adjective Furnished with muscles; having muscles; as, things well muscled.
muscoid adjective Mosslike; resembling moss., A term formerly applied to any mosslike flowerless plant, with a distinct stem, and often with leaves, but without any vascular system.
muscule noun A long movable shed used by besiegers in ancient times in attacking the walls of a fortified town.
museful adjective Meditative; thoughtfully silent.
musette noun A small bagpipe formerly in use, having a soft and sweet tone., An air adapted to this instrument; also, a kind of rustic dance.
musical adjective Of or pertaining to music; having the qualities of music; or the power of producing music; devoted to music; melodious; harmonious; as, musical proportion; a musical voice; musical instruments; a musical sentence; musical persons., Music., A social entertainment of which music is the leading feature; a musical party.
musimon noun See Mouflon.
musketo noun See Mosquito.
muskrat noun A North American aquatic fur-bearing rodent (Fiber zibethicus). It resembles a rat in color and having a long scaly tail, but the tail is compressed, the bind feet are webbed, and the ears are concealed in the fur. It has scent glands which secrete a substance having a strong odor of musk. Called also musquash, musk beaver, and ondatra., The musk shrew., The desman.
musquaw noun The American black bear. See Bear.
musquet noun See Musket.
musrole noun Alt. of Musrol
mussing present participle & vb. noun of Muss
mussite noun A variety of pyroxene, from the Mussa Alp in Piedmont; diopside.
mustang noun The half-wild horse of the plains in Mexico, California, etc. It is small, hardy, and easily sustained.
mustard noun The name of several cruciferous plants of the genus Brassica (formerly Sinapis), as white mustard (B. alba), black mustard (B. Nigra), wild mustard or charlock (B. Sinapistrum)., A powder or a paste made from the seeds of black or white mustard, used as a condiment and a rubefacient. Taken internally it is stimulant and diuretic, and in large doses is emetic.
mustily adjective In a musty state.
mutable adjective Capable of alteration; subject to change; changeable in form, qualities, or nature., Changeable; inconstant; unsettled; unstable; fickle.
mutably adverb Changeably.
mutanda plural of Mutandum
muchkin noun A liquid measure equal to four gills, or an imperial pint.
muttony adjective Like mutton; having a flavor of mutton.
mutuary noun One who borrows personal chattels which are to be consumed by him, and which he is to return or repay in kind.
muzarab noun One of a denomination of Christians formerly living under the government of the Moors in Spain, and having a liturgy and ritual of their own.
muzzled imp. & past participle of Muzzle