7 letter word starting with my

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
myalgia noun Pain in the muscles; muscular rheumatism or neuralgia.
mycetes noun A genus of South American monkeys, including the howlers. See Howler, 2, and Illust.
myeloid adjective Resembling marrow in appearance or consistency; as, a myeloid tumor.
mylodon noun An extinct genus of large slothlike American edentates, allied to Megatherium.
mynchen noun A nun.
mynheer noun The Dutch equivalent of Mr. or Sir; hence, a Dutchman.
myogram noun See Muscle curve, under Muscle.
myology noun That part of anatomy which treats of muscles.
myophan noun A contractile striated layer found in the bodies and stems of certain Infusoria.
myopsis noun The appearance of muscae volitantes. See Muscae volitantes, under Musca.
myotome noun A muscular segment; one of the zones into which the muscles of the trunk, especially in fishes, are divided; a myocomma., One of the embryonic muscular segments arising from the protovertebrae; also, one of the protovertebrae themselves., The muscular system of one metamere of an articulate.
myotomy noun The dissection, or that part of anatomy which treats of the dissection, of muscles.
myriare noun A measure of surface in the metric system containing ten thousand ares, or one million square meters. It is equal to about 247.1 acres.
myricin noun A silky, crystalline, waxy substance, forming the less soluble part of beeswax, and regarded as a palmitate of a higher alcohol of the paraffin series; — called also myricyl alcohol.
myricyl noun A hypothetical radical regarded as the essential residue of myricin; — called also melissyl.
myronic adjective Pertaining to, or obtained from, mustard; — used specifically to designate a glucoside called myronic acid, found in mustard seed.
myrosin noun A ferment, resembling diastase, found in mustard seeds.
myrrhic adjective Of, pertaining to, or obtained from, myrrh.
mystery adjective A profound secret; something wholly unknown, or something kept cautiously concealed, and therefore exciting curiosity or wonder; something which has not been or can not be explained; hence, specifically, that which is beyond human comprehension., A kind of secret religious celebration, to which none were admitted except those who had been initiated by certain preparatory ceremonies; — usually plural; as, the Eleusinian mysteries., The consecrated elements in the eucharist., Anything artfully made difficult; an enigma., A trade; a handicraft; hence, any business with which one is usually occupied., A dramatic representation of a Scriptural subject, often some event in the life of Christ; a dramatic composition of this character; as, the Chester Mysteries, consisting of dramas acted by various craft associations in that city in the early part of the 14th century.
mystify verb t. To involve in mystery; to make obscure or difficult to understand; as, to mystify a passage of Scripture., To perplex the mind of; to puzzle; to impose upon the credulity of ; as, to mystify an opponent.
mytilus noun A genus of marine bivalve shells, including the common mussel. See Illust. under Byssus.
myxopod noun A rhizopod or moneran. Also used adjectively; as, a myxopod state.