7 letter word starting with ni

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
nibbing present participle & vb. noun of Nib
nibbled imp. & past participle of Nibble
nibbler noun One who, or that which, nibbles.
niblick noun A kind of golf stick used to lift the ball out of holes, ruts, etc.
nicagua noun The laughing falcon. See under laughing.
nicking present participle & vb. noun of Nick, The cutting made by the hewer at the side of the face., Small coal produced in making the nicking.
nicotic adjective Nicotinic.
nictate verb i. To wink; to nictitate.
nidgery noun A trifle; a piece of foolery.
niggard noun A person meanly close and covetous; one who spends grudgingly; a stingy, parsimonous fellow; a miser., Like a niggard; meanly covetous or parsimonious; niggardly; miserly; stingy., To act the niggard toward; to be niggardly.
niggish adjective Niggardly.
niggled imp. & past participle of Niggle
niggler noun One who niggles.
nighted adjective Darkness; clouded., Overtaken by night; belated.
nightly adjective Of or pertaining to the night, or to every night; happening or done by night, or every night; as, nightly shades; he kept nightly vigils., At night; every night.
nigrine noun A ferruginous variety of rutile.
nilling present participle & vb. noun of Nill
nilotic adjective Of or pertaining to the river Nile; as, the Nilotic crocodile.
nimbose adjective Cloudy; stormy; tempestuous.
nimiety noun State of being in excess.
nimious adjective Excessive; extravagant; inordinate.
ninnies plural of Ninny
ninthly adverb In the ninth place.
niobate noun Same as Columbate.
niobite noun Same as Columbite.
niobium noun A later name of columbium. See Columbium.
nipping present participle & vb. noun of Nip, Biting; pinching; painful; destructive; as, a nipping frost; a nipping wind.
nippers noun pl. Small pinchers for holding, breaking, or cutting., A device with fingers or jaws for seizing an object and holding or conveying it; as, in a printing press, a clasp for catching a sheet and conveying it to the form., A number of rope-yarns wound together, used to secure a cable to the messenger.
nirvana noun In the Buddhist system of religion, the final emancipation of the soul from transmigration, and consequently a beatific enfrachisement from the evils of wordly existence, as by annihilation or absorption into the divine. See Buddhism.
nitency noun Brightness; luster., Endeavor; rffort; tendency.
nithing noun See Niding.
nitrate noun A salt of nitric acid.
nitride noun A binary compound of nitrogen with a more metallic element or radical; as, boric nitride.
nitrify verb t. To combine or impregnate with nitrogen; to convert, by oxidation, into nitrous or nitric acid; to subject to, or produce by, nitrification.
nitrile noun Any one of a series of cyanogen compounds; particularly, one of those cyanides of alcohol radicals which, by boiling with acids or alkalies, produce a carboxyl acid, with the elimination of the nitrogen as ammonia.
nitrite noun A salt of nitrous acid.
nitrose adjective See Nitrous.
nitrous adjective Of, pertaining to, or containing, niter; of the quality of niter, or resembling it., Of, pertaining to, or designating, any one of those compounds in which nitrogen has a relatively lower valence as contrasted with nitric compounds.
nittily adverb Lousily.
niveous adjective Snowy; resembling snow; partaking of the qualities of snow.