7 letter word starting with nu

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
nucelli plural of Nucellus
nucleal adjective Alt. of Nuclear
nuclear adjective Of or pertaining to a nucleus; as, the nuclear spindle (see Illust. of Karyokinesis) or the nuclear fibrils of a cell; the nuclear part of a comet, etc.
nuclein noun A constituent of the nuclei of all cells. It is a colorless amorphous substance, readily soluble in alkaline fluids and especially characterized by its comparatively large content of phosphorus. It also contains nitrogen and sulphur.
nucleus noun A kernel; hence, a central mass or point about which matter is gathered, or to which accretion is made; the central or material portion; — used both literally and figuratively., The body or the head of a comet., An incipient ovule of soft cellular tissue., A whole seed, as contained within the seed coats., A body, usually spheroidal, in a cell or a protozoan, distinguished from the surrounding protoplasm by a difference in refrangibility and in behavior towards chemical reagents. It is more or less protoplasmic, and consists of a clear fluid (achromatin) through which extends a network of fibers (chromatin) in which may be suspended a second rounded body, the nucleolus (see Nucleoplasm). See Cell division, under Division., The tip, or earliest part, of a univalve or bivalve shell., The central part around which additional growths are added, as of an operculum., A visceral mass, containing the stomach and other organs, in Tunicata and some mollusks.
nudging present participle & vb. noun of Nudge
nullify adjective To make void; to render invalid; to deprive of legal force or efficacy.
nullity noun The quality or state of being null; nothingness; want of efficacy or force., Nonexistence; as, a decree of nullity of marriage is a decree that no legal marriage exists., That which is null.
numbing present participle & vb. noun of Numb
numbers noun pl. of Number. The fourth book of the Pentateuch, containing the census of the Hebrews.
numeral noun Of or pertaining to number; consisting of number or numerals., Expressing number; representing number; as, numeral letters or characters, as X or 10 for ten., A figure or character used to express a number; as, the Arabic numerals, 1, 2, 3, etc.; the Roman numerals, I, V, X, L, etc., A word expressing a number.
numeric noun Alt. of Numerical, Any number, proper or improper fraction, or incommensurable ratio. The term also includes any imaginary expression like m + nÃ-1, where m and n are real numerics.
nummary adjective Of or relating to coins or money.
nuncios plural of Nuncio
nuncius noun A messenger., The information communicated.
nunnery noun A house in which nuns reside; a cloister or convent in which women reside for life, under religious vows. See Cloister, and Convent.
nunnish adjective Of, pertaining to, or resembling a nun; characteristic of a nun.
nuptial adjective Of or pertaining to marriage; done or used at a wedding; as, nuptial rites and ceremonies., Marriage; wedding; nuptial ceremony; — now only in the plural.
nurling present participle & vb. noun of Nurl
nursing present participle & vb. noun of Nurse, Supplying or taking nourishment from, or as from, the breast; as, a nursing mother; a nursing infant.
nursery noun The act of nursing., The place where nursing is carried on, The place, or apartment, in a house, appropriated to the care of children., A place where young trees, shrubs, vines, etc., are propagated for the purpose of transplanting; a plantation of young trees., The place where anything is fostered and growth promoted., That which forms and educates; as, commerce is the nursery of seamen., That which is nursed.
nurstle verb t. To nurse. See Noursle.
nurture noun The act of nourishing or nursing; thender care; education; training., That which nourishes; food; diet., To feed; to nourish., To educate; to bring or train up.
nutting present participle & vb. noun of Nut, The act of gathering nuts.
nutgall noun A more or less round gall resembling a nut, esp. one of those produced on the oak and used in the arts. See Gall, Gallnut.
nuthook noun A hook at the end of a pole to pull down boughs for gathering the nuts., A thief who steals by means of a hook; also, a bailiff who hooks or seizes malefactors.
nuzzied imp. & past participle of Nuzzle