7 letter word starting with om

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
omegoid adjective Having the form of the Greek capital letter Omega (/).
omening present participle & vb. noun of Omen
omental adjective Of or pertaining to an omentum or the omenta.
omentum noun A free fold of the peritoneum, or one serving to connect viscera, support blood vessels, etc.; an epiploon.
ominate verb t. & i. To presage; to foreshow; to foretoken.
ominous adjective Of or pertaining to an omen or to omens; being or exhibiting an omen; significant; portentous; — formerly used both in a favorable and unfavorable sense; now chiefly in the latter; foreboding or foreshowing evil; inauspicious; as, an ominous dread.
omitted imp. & past participle of Omit
omitter noun One who omits.
ommatea plural of Ommateum
omnibus noun A long four-wheeled carriage, having seats for many people; especially, one with seats running lengthwise, used in conveying passengers short distances., A sheet-iron cover for articles in a leer or annealing arch, to protect them from drafts.
omniety noun That which is all-pervading or all-comprehensive; hence, the Deity.
omnific adjective All-creating.