7 letter word starting with on

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
onagers plural of Onager
onanism noun Self-pollution; masturbation.
oneidas noun pl. A tribe of Indians formerly inhabiting the region near Oneida Lake in the State of New York, and forming part of the Five Nations. Remnants of the tribe now live in New York, Canada, and Wisconsin.
onement noun The state of being at one or reconciled.
oneness noun The state of being one; singleness in number; individuality; unity.
onerary adjective Fitted for, or carrying, a burden.
onerate verb t. To load; to burden.
onerous adjective Burdensome; oppressive.
oneself pronoun A reflexive form of the indefinite pronoun one. Commonly writen as two words, one’s self.
ongoing noun The act of going forward; progress; (pl.) affairs; business; current events.
onguent noun An unguent.
onology noun Foolish discourse.
onstead noun A single farmhouse; a steading.
onwards adverb Onward.
onychia noun A whitlow., An affection of a finger or toe, attended with ulceration at the base of the nail, and terminating in the destruction of the nail.