7 letter word starting with os

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
oscines noun pl. Singing birds; a group of the Passeres, having numerous syringeal muscles, conferring musical ability.
osculum noun Same as Oscule.
osiered adjective Covered or adorned with osiers; as, osiered banks.
osmanli noun A Turkish official; one of the dominant tribe of Turks; loosely, any Turk.
osmious adjective Denoting those compounds of osmium in which the element has a valence relatively lower than in the osmic compounds; as, osmious chloride.
osmosis noun Osmose.
osmotic adjective Pertaining to, or having the property of, osmose; as, osmotic force.
osselet noun A little bone., The internal bone, or shell, of a cuttlefish.
osseous adjective Composed of bone; resembling bone; capable of forming bone; bony; ossific.
osseter noun A species of sturgeon.
ossicle noun A little bone; as, the auditory ossicles in the tympanum of the ear., One of numerous small calcareous structures forming the skeleton of certain echinoderms, as the starfishes.
ossific adjective Capable of producing bone; having the power to change cartilage or other tissue into bone.
ossuary noun A place where the bones of the dead are deposited; a charnel house.
osteler noun Same as Hosteler.
osteoid adjective Resembling bone; bonelike.
osteoma noun A tumor composed mainly of bone; a tumor of a bone.
ostiary noun The mouth of a river; an estuary., One who keeps the door, especially the door of a church; a porter.
ostiole noun The exterior opening of a stomate. See Stomate., Any small orifice.
ostitis noun See Osteitis.
ostlery noun See Hostelry.
ostosis noun Bone formation; ossification. See Ectostosis, and Endostosis.
ostrich noun A large bird of the genus Struthio, of which Struthio camelus of Africa is the best known species. It has long and very strong legs, adapted for rapid running; only two toes; a long neck, nearly bare of feathers; and short wings incapable of flight. The adult male is about eight feet high.