7 letter word starting with ov

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
ovarian adjective Alt. of Ovarial
ovarial adjective Of or pertaining to an ovary.
ovarium noun An ovary. See Ovary.
ovaries plural of Ovary
ovation noun A lesser kind of triumph allowed to a commander for an easy, bloodless victory, or a victory over slaves., Hence: An expression of popular homage; the tribute of the multitude to a public favorite.
overact verb t. To act or perform to excess; to exaggerate in acting; as, he overacted his part., To act upon, or influence, unduly., To act more than is necessary; to go to excess in action.
overall adverb Everywhere.
overawe verb t. To awe exceedingly; to subjugate or restrain by awe or great fear.
overbid verb t. To bid or offer beyond, or in excess of.
overbow verb t. To bend or bow over; to bend in a contrary direction.
overbuy verb t. To buy too much., To buy at too dear a rate.
overdid imp. of Overdo
overdry verb t. To dry too much.
overdue adjective Due and more than due; delayed beyond the proper time of arrival or payment, etc.; as, an overdue vessel; an overdue note.
overdye verb t. To dye with excess of color; to put one color over (another).
overeat verb t. & i. To gnaw all over, or on all sides., To eat to excess; — often with a reflexive.
overest superl. Uppermost; outermost.
overeye verb t. To superintend; to oversee; to inspect., To see; to observe.
overfed imp. & past participle of Overfeed
overfly verb t. To cross or pass over by flight.
overget verb t. To reach; to overtake; to pass., To get beyond; to get over or recover from.
overhip verb t. To pass over by, or as by a hop; to skip over; hence, to overpass.
overjoy verb t. To make excessively joyful; to gratify extremely., Excessive joy; transport.
overlap verb t. & i. To lap over; to lap., The lapping of one thing over another; as, an overlap of six inches; an overlap of a slate on a roof., An extension of geological beds above and beyond others, as in a conformable series of beds, when the upper beds extend over a wider space than the lower, either in one or in all directions.
overlay verb t. To lay, or spread, something over or across; hence, to cover; to overwhelm; to press excessively upon., To smother with a close covering, or by lying upon., To put an overlay on., A covering., A piece of paper pasted upon the tympan sheet to improve the impression by making it stronger at a particular place., of Overlie
overlie verb t. To lie over or upon; specifically, to suffocate by lying upon; as, to overlie an infant.
overlip noun The upper lip.
overmix verb t. To mix with too much.
overpay verb t. To pay too much to; to reward too highly.
overply verb t. To ply to excess; to exert with too much vigor; to overwork.
overred verb t. To smear with red.
overrid of Override
overran imp. of Overrun
overrun past participle of Overrun, To run over; to grow or spread over in excess; to invade and occupy; to take possession of; as, the vine overran its trellis; the farm is overrun with witch grass., To exceed in distance or speed of running; to go beyond or pass in running., To go beyond; to extend in part beyond; as, one line overruns another in length., To abuse or oppress, as if by treading upon., To carry over, or back, as type, from one line or page into the next after, or next before., To extend the contents of (a line, column, or page) into the next line, column, or page., To run, pass, spread, or flow over or by something; to be beyond, or in excess., To extend beyond its due or desired length; as, a line, or advertisement, overruns.
oversay verb t. To say over; to repeat.
oversea adjective Beyond the sea; foreign., Alt. of Overseas
oversaw imp. of Oversee
oversee verb t. To superintend; to watch over; to direct; to look or see after; to overlook., To omit or neglect seeing., To see too or too much; hence, to be deceived.
overset imp. & past participle of Overset, To turn or tip (anything) over from an upright, or a proper, position so that it lies upon its side or bottom upwards; to upset; as, to overset a chair, a coach, a ship, or a building., To cause to fall, or to tail; to subvert; to overthrow; as, to overset a government or a plot., To fill too full., To turn, or to be turned, over; to be upset., An upsetting; overturn; overthrow; as, the overset of a carriage., An excess; superfluity.
oversow verb t. To sow where something has already been sown.
oversum noun A sum or quantity over; surplus.
overtax verb t. To tax or to task too heavily.
overtly adverb Publicly; openly.
overtop verb t. To rise above the top of; to exceed in height; to tower above., To go beyond; to transcend; to transgress., To make of less importance, or throw into the background, by superior excellence; to dwarf; to obscure.
overwar verb t. To defeat.
overwax verb i. To wax or grow too rapindly or too much.
overwet noun Excessive wetness.
overwit verb t. To outwit.
ovicell noun One of the dilatations of the body wall of Bryozoa in which the ova sometimes undegro the first stages of their development. See Illust. of Chilostoma.
ovicyst noun The pouch in which incubation takes place in some Tunicata.
ovidian adjective Of or pertaining to the Latin poet Ovid; resembling the style of Ovid.
oviduct noun A tube, or duct, for the passage of ova from the ovary to the exterior of the animal or to the part where further development takes place. In mammals the oviducts are also called Fallopian tubes.
oviform adjective Having the form or figure of an egg; egg-shaped; as, an oviform leaf.
ovipara noun pl. An artifical division of vertebrates, including those that lay eggs; — opposed to Vivipara.
ovoidal adjective Resembling an egg in shape; egg-shaped; ovate; as, an ovoidal apple.
ovology noun That branch of natural history which treats of the origin and functions of eggs.
ovulary adjective Pertaining to ovules.
ovulate adjective Containing an ovule or ovules.
ovulist noun A believer in the theory (called encasement theory), current during the last century, that the egg was the real animal germ, and that at the time of fecundation the spermatozoa simply gave the impetus which caused the unfolding of the egg, in which all generations were inclosed one within the other. Also called ovist.
ovulite noun A fossil egg.