7 letter word starting with ox

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
oxalate noun A salt of oxalic acid.
oxaline noun See Glyoxaline.
oxalite noun A yellow mineral consisting of oxalate of iron.
oxamate noun A salt of oxamic acid.
oxamide n A white crystalline neutral substance (C2O2(NH2)2) obtained by treating ethyl oxalate with ammonia. It is the acid amide of oxalic acid. Formerly called also oxalamide.
oxbiter noun The cow blackbird.
oxheart noun A large heart-shaped cherry, either black, red, or white.
oxidate verb t. To oxidize.
oxidize verb t. To combine with oxygen, or subject to the action of oxygen, or of an oxidizing agent., To combine with oxygen or with more oxygen; to add oxygen to; as, to oxidize nitrous acid so as to form nitric acid., To remove hydrogen from (anything), as by the action of oxygen; as, to oxidize alcohol so as to form aldehyde., To subject to the action of oxygen or of an oxidizing agent, so as to bring to a higher grade, as an -ous compound to an -ic compound; as, to oxidize mercurous chloride to mercuric chloride.
oxindol noun A white crystalline nitrogenous substance (C8H7NO) of the indol group, obtained by the reduction of dioxindol. It is a so-called lactam compound.
oxiodic adjective Pertaining to, or designating, certain compounds of iodine and oxygen.
oxonate noun A salt of oxonic acid.
oxonian adjective Of or relating to the city or the university of Oxford, England., A student or graduate of Oxford University, in England.
oxyacid noun An acid containing oxygen, as chloric acid or sulphuric acid; — contrasted with the hydracids, which contain no oxygen, as hydrochloric acid. See Acid, and Hydroxy-.
oxyntic adjective Acid; producing acid; -applied especially to certain glands and cells in the stomach.
oxyopia noun Alt. of Oxyopy
oxysalt noun A salt of an oxyacid, as a sulphate.
oxytone adjective Having an acute sound; (Gr. Gram.), having an acute accent on the last syllable., An acute sound., A word having the acute accent on the last syllable.