7 letter word starting with pal

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
paladin noun A knight-errant; a distinguished champion; as, the paladins of Charlemagne.
palaeo- See Paleo-.
palamme plural of Palama
palanka noun A camp permanently intrenched, attached to Turkish frontier fortresses.
palatal adjective Of or pertaining to the palate; palatine; as, the palatal bones., Uttered by the aid of the palate; — said of certain sounds, as the sound of k in kirk., A sound uttered, or a letter pronounced, by the aid of the palate, as the letters k and y.
palatic adjective Palatal; palatine., A palatal.
palato- A combining form used in anatomy to indicate relation to, or connection with, the palate; as in palatolingual.
palaver noun Talk; conversation; esp., idle or beguiling talk; talk intended to deceive; flattery., In Africa, a parley with the natives; a talk; hence, a public conference and deliberation; a debate., To make palaver with, or to; to used palaver;to talk idly or deceitfully; to employ flattery; to cajole; as, to palaver artfully.
paleola noun A diminutive or secondary palea; a lodicule.
paleous adjective Chaffy; like chaff; paleaceous.
palesie noun Alt. of Palesy
paletot noun An overcoat., A lady’s outer garment, — of varying fashion.
palette noun A thin, oval or square board, or tablet, with a thumb hole at one end for holding it, on which a painter lays and mixes his pigments., One of the plates covering the points of junction at the bend of the shoulders and elbows., A breastplate for a breast drill.
palfrey noun A saddle horse for the road, or for state occasions, as distinguished from a war horse., A small saddle horse for ladies.
palissy adjective Designating, or of the nature of, a kind of pottery made by Bernard Palissy, in France, in the 16th centry.
palling present participle & vb. noun of Pall
pallial adjective Of or pretaining to a mantle, especially to the mantle of mollusks; produced by the mantle; as, the pallial line, or impression, which marks the attachment of the mantle on the inner surface of a bivalve shell. See Illust. of Bivalve.
pallium noun A large, square, woolen cloak which enveloped the whole person, worn by the Greeks and by certain Romans. It is the Roman name of a Greek garment., A band of white wool, worn on the shoulders, with four purple crosses worked on it; a pall., The mantle of a bivalve. See Mantle., The mantle of a bird.
pallone noun An Italian game, played with a large leather ball.
palming present participle & vb. noun of Palm
palmary adjective Palmar., Worthy of the palm; palmy; preeminent; superior; principal; chief; as, palmary work.
palmate noun A salt of palmic acid; a ricinoleate., Alt. of Palmated
palmite noun A South African plant (Prionium Palmita) of the Rush family, having long serrated leaves. The stems have been used for making brushes.
palmyra noun A species of palm (Borassus flabelliformis) having a straight, black, upright trunk, with palmate leaves. It is found native along the entire northern shores of the Indian Ocean, from the mouth of the Tigris to New Guinea. More than eight hundred uses to which it is put are enumerated by native writers. Its wood is largely used for building purposes; its fruit and roots serve for food, its sap for making toddy, and its leaves for thatching huts.
palsied adjective Affected with palsy; paralyzed., of Palsy
palster noun A pilgrim’s staff.
palsies plural of Palsy
paltock noun A kind of doublet; a jacket.
paludal adjective Of or pertaining to marshes or fens; marshy.
palulus noun Same as Palus.