7 letter word starting with pan

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
panning present participle & vb. noun of Pan
panacea noun A remedy for all diseases; a universal medicine; a cure-all; catholicon; hence, a relief or solace for affliction., The herb allheal.
panache noun A plume or bunch of feathers, esp. such a bunch worn on the helmet; any military plume, or ornamental group of feathers.
pancake noun A thin cake of batter fried in a pan or on a griddle; a griddlecake; a flapjack.
pandean adjective Of or relating to the god Pan.
pandect noun A treatise which comprehends the whole of any science., The digest, or abridgment, in fifty books, of the decisions, writings, and opinions of the old Roman jurists, made in the sixth century by direction of the emperor Justinian, and forming the leading compilation of the Roman civil law.
pandoor noun Same as Pandour.
pandora noun A beautiful woman (all-gifted), whom Jupiter caused Vulcan to make out of clay in order to punish the human race, because Prometheus had stolen the fire from heaven. Jupiter gave Pandora a box containing all human ills, which, when the box was opened, escaped and spread over the earth. Hope alone remained in the box. Another version makes the box contain all the blessings of the gods, which were lost to men when Pandora opened it., A genus of marine bivalves, in which one valve is flat, the other convex.
pandore noun An ancient musical instrument, of the lute kind; a bandore.
pandour noun One of a class of Hungarian mountaineers serving in the Austrian army; — so called from Pandur, a principal town in the region from which they originally came.
paneled imp. & past participle of Panel
panfuls plural of Panful
pangful adjective Full of pangs.
panical adjective See Panic, a.
panicle noun A pyramidal form of inflorescence, in which the cluster is loosely branched below and gradually simpler toward the end.
panicum noun A genus of grasses, including several hundred species, some of which are valuable; panic grass.
pannade noun The curvet of a horse.
pannage noun The food of swine in the woods, as beechnuts, acorns, etc.; — called also pawns., A tax paid for the privilege of feeding swine in the woods.
pannary adjective See Panary.
pannier noun A bread basket; also, a wicker basket (used commonly in pairs) for carrying fruit or other things on a horse or an ass, A shield of basket work formerly used by archers as a shelter from the enemy’s missiles., A table waiter at the Inns of Court, London., A framework of steel or whalebone, worn by women to expand their dresses; a kind of bustle.
pannose adjective Similar in texture or appearance to felt or woolen cloth.
panoply noun Defensive armor in general; a full suit of defensive armor.
panshon noun An earthen vessel wider at the top than at the bottom, — used for holding milk and for various other purposes.
pansied adjective Covered or adorned with pansies.
pansies plural of Pansy
panting present participle & vb. noun of Pant
panther noun A large dark-colored variety of the leopard, by some zoologists considered a distinct species. It is marked with large ringlike spots, the centers of which are darker than the color of the body., In America, the name is applied to the puma, or cougar, and sometimes to the jaguar.
pantile noun A roofing tile, of peculiar form, having a transverse section resembling an elongated S laid on its side (/).
pantler noun The servant or officer, in a great family, who has charge of the bread and the pantry.
panurgy noun Skill in all kinds of work or business; craft.
panyard noun See Pannier.