7 letter word starting with par

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
parable adjective Procurable., A comparison; a similitude; specifically, a short fictitious narrative of something which might really occur in life or nature, by means of which a moral is drawn; as, the parables of Christ., To represent by parable.
paraded imp. & past participle of Parade
parados noun An intercepting mound, erected in any part of a fortification to protect the defenders from a rear or ricochet fire; a traverse.
paradox noun A tenet or proposition contrary to received opinion; an assertion or sentiment seemingly contradictory, or opposed to common sense; that which in appearance or terms is absurd, but yet may be true in fact.
paragon noun A companion; a match; an equal., Emulation; rivalry; competition., A model or pattern; a pattern of excellence or perfection; as, a paragon of beauty or eloquence., A size of type between great primer and double pica. See the Note under Type., To compare; to parallel; to put in rivalry or emulation with., To compare with; to equal; to rival., To serve as a model for; to surpass., To be equal; to hold comparison.
paramos plural of Paramo
parapet noun A low wall, especially one serving to protect the edge of a platform, roof, bridge, or the like., A wall, rampart, or elevation of earth, for covering soldiers from an enemy’s fire; a breastwork. See Illust. of Casemate.
parasol noun A kind of small umbrella used by women as a protection from the sun., To shade as with a parasol.
parboil verb t. To boil or cook thoroughly., To boil in part; to cook partially by boiling.
parcase adverb Perchance; by chance.
parched imp. & past participle of Parch
parcity noun Sparingless.
pardale noun A leopard.
pardine adjective Spotted like a pard.
parella noun Alt. of Parelle
parelle noun A name for two kinds of dock (Rumex Patientia and R. Hydrolapathum)., A kind of lichen (Lecanora parella) once used in dyeing and in the preparation of litmus.
parergy noun Something unimportant, incidental, or superfluous.
paresis noun Incomplete paralysis, affecting motion but not sensation.
paretic adjective Of or pertaining to paresis; affected with paresis.
parforn verb t. Alt. of Parfourn
paritor noun An apparitor.
parking present participle & vb. noun of Park
parleys plural of Parley
parlous adjective Attended with peril; dangerous; as, a parlous cough., Venturesome; bold; mischievous; keen.
parodic adjective Alt. of Parodical
paroket noun See Paroquet.
paroled imp. & past participle of Parole
paronym noun A paronymous word.
parotic adjective On the side of the auditory capsule; near the external ear.
parotid adjective Situated near the ear; — applied especially to the salivary gland near the ear., Of, pertaining to, or in the region of, the parotid gland., The parotid gland.
parquet noun A body of seats on the floor of a music hall or theater nearest the orchestra; but commonly applied to the whole lower floor of a theater, from the orchestra to the dress circle; the pit., Same as Parquetry.
parrock noun A croft, or small field; a paddock.
parried imp. & past participle of Parry
parries plural of Parry
parsing present participle & vb. noun of Parse
parsley noun An aromatic umbelliferous herb (Carum Petroselinum), having finely divided leaves which are used in cookery and as a garnish.
parsnip noun The aromatic and edible spindle-shaped root of the cultivated form of the Pastinaca sativa, a biennial umbelliferous plant which is very poisonous in its wild state; also, the plant itself.
parting present participle & vb. noun of Part, Serving to part; dividing; separating., Given when departing; as, a parting shot; a parting salute., Departing., Admitting of being parted; partible., The act of parting or dividing; the state of being parted; division; separation., A separation; a leave-taking., A surface or line of separation where a division occurs., The surface of the sand of one section of a mold where it meets that of another section., The separation and determination of alloys; esp., the separation, as by acids, of gold from silver in the assay button., A joint or fissure, as in a coal seam., The breaking, as of a cable, by violence., Lamellar separation in a crystallized mineral, due to some other cause than cleavage, as to the presence of twinning lamellae.
partage noun Division; the act of dividing or sharing., Part; portion; share.
partook imp. of Partake, imp. of Partake.
partake verb i. To take a part, portion, lot, or share, in common with others; to have a share or part; to participate; to share; as, to partake of a feast with others., To have something of the properties, character, or office; — usually followed by of., To partake of; to have a part or share in; to share., To admit to a share; to cause to participate; to give a part to., To distribute; to communicate.
partial noun Of, pertaining to, or affecting, a part only; not general or universal; not total or entire; as, a partial eclipse of the moon., Inclined to favor one party in a cause, or one side of a question, more then the other; baised; not indifferent; as, a judge should not be partial., Having a predelection for; inclined to favor unreasonably; foolishly fond., Pertaining to a subordinate portion; as, a compound umbel is made up of a several partial umbels; a leaflet is often supported by a partial petiole.
partita noun A suite; a set of variations.
partite adjective Divided nearly to the base; as, a partite leaf is a simple separated down nearly to the base.
partlet noun A covering for the neck, and sometimes for the shoulders and breast; originally worn by both sexes, but laterby women alone; a ruff., A hen; — so called from the ruffing of her neck feathers.
partner noun One who has a part in anything with an other; a partaker; an associate; a sharer. “Partner of his fortune.” Shak. Hence: (a) A husband or a wife. (b) Either one of a couple who dance together. (c) One who shares as a member of a partnership in the management, or in the gains and losses, of a business., An associate in any business or occupation; a member of a partnership. See Partnership., A framework of heavy timber surrounding an opening in a deck, to strengthen it for the support of a mast, pump, capstan, or the like., To associate, to join.
parture noun Departure.
parties plural of Party
parusia noun A figure of speech by which the present tense is used instead of the past or the future, as in the animated narration of past, or in the prediction of future, events.
parvenu noun An upstart; a man newly risen into notice.
parvise noun a court of entrance to, or an inclosed space before, a church; hence, a church porch; — sometimes formerly used as place of meeting, as for lawyers.
parvity noun Littleness.