7 letter word starting with pen

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
penning present participle & vb. noun of Pen, of Pen
penally adverb In a penal manner.
penalty noun Penal retribution; punishment for crime or offense; the suffering in person or property which is annexed by law or judicial decision to the commission of a crime, offense, or trespass., The suffering, or the sum to be forfeited, to which a person subjects himself by covenant or agreement, in case of nonfulfillment of stipulations; forfeiture; fine., A handicap.
penance noun Repentance., Pain; sorrow; suffering., A means of repairing a sin committed, and obtaining pardon for it, consisting partly in the performance of expiatory rites, partly in voluntary submission to a punishment corresponding to the transgression. Penance is the fourth of seven sacraments in the Roman Catholic Church., To impose penance; to punish.
penates noun pl. The household gods of the ancient Romans. They presided over the home and the family hearth. See Lar.
penaunt noun A penitent.
pending present participle & vb. noun of Pend, Not yet decided; in continuance; in suspense; as, a pending suit., During; as, pending the trail.
pendant noun Something which hangs or depends; something suspended; a hanging appendage, especially one of an ornamental character; as to a chandelier or an eardrop; also, an appendix or addition, as to a book., A hanging ornament on roofs, ceilings, etc., much used in the later styles of Gothic architecture, where it is of stone, and an important part of the construction. There are imitations in plaster and wood, which are mere decorative features., One of a pair; a counterpart; as, one vase is the pendant to the other vase., A pendulum., The stem and ring of a watch, by which it is suspended.
pendent adjective Supported from above; suspended; depending; pendulous; hanging; as, a pendent leaf., Jutting over; projecting; overhanging.
pendice noun A sloping roof; a lean-to; a penthouse.
pendule noun A pendulum.
penfish noun A squid.
penfold noun See Pinfold.
penguin noun Any bird of the order Impennes, or Ptilopteri. They are covered with short, thick feathers, almost scalelike on the wings, which are without true quills. They are unable to fly, but use their wings to aid in diving, in which they are very expert. See King penguin, under Jackass., The egg-shaped fleshy fruit of a West Indian plant (Bromelia Pinguin) of the Pineapple family; also, the plant itself, which has rigid, pointed, and spiny-toothed leaves, and is used for hedges.
penible adjective Painstaking; assidous.
penicil noun A tent or pledget for wounds or ulcers.
pennach noun A bunch of feathers; a plume.
pennage noun Feathery covering; plumage.
pennant noun A small flag; a pennon. The narrow, / long, pennant (called also whip or coach whip) is a long, narrow piece of bunting, carried at the masthead of a government vessel in commission. The board pennant is an oblong, nearly square flag, carried at the masthead of a commodore’s vessel., A rope or strap to which a purchase is hooked.
pennate adjective Alt. of Pennated
pennies plural of Penny
penrack noun A rack for pens not in use.
pensile adjective Hanging; suspended; pendent; pendulous.
pension noun A payment; a tribute; something paid or given., A stated allowance to a person in consideration of past services; payment made to one retired from service, on account of age, disability, or other cause; especially, a regular stipend paid by a government to retired public officers, disabled soldiers, the families of soldiers killed in service, or to meritorious authors, or the like., A certain sum of money paid to a clergyman in lieu of tithes., A boarding house or boarding school in France, Belgium, Switzerland, etc., To grant a pension to; to pay a regular stipend to; in consideration of service already performed; — sometimes followed by off; as, to pension off a servant.
pensive adjective Thoughtful, sober, or sad; employed in serious reflection; given to, or favorable to, earnest or melancholy musing., Expressing or suggesting thoughtfulness with sadness; as, pensive numbers.
pentail noun A peculiar insectivore (Ptilocercus Lowii) of Borneo; — so called from its very long, quill-shaped tail, which is scaly at the base and plumose at the tip.
pentane noun Any one of the three metameric hydrocarbons, C5H12, of the methane or paraffin series. They are colorless, volatile liquids, two of which occur in petroleum. So called because of the five carbon atoms in the molecule.
pentene noun Same as Amylene.
pentice noun A penthouse.
pentile noun See Pantile.
pentine noun An unsaturated hydrocarbon, C5H8, of the acetylene series. Same as Valerylene.
pentoic adjective Pertaining to, or desingating, an acid (called also valeric acid) derived from pentane.
pentone noun Same as Valylene.