7 letter word starting with ph

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
phacoid adjective Resembling a lentil; lenticular.
phacops noun A genus of trilobites found in the Silurian and Devonian formations. Phacops bufo is one of the most common species.
phaeton noun A four-wheeled carriage (with or without a top), open, or having no side pieces, in front of the seat. It is drawn by one or two horses., See Phaethon., A handsome American butterfly (Euphydryas, / Melitaea, Phaeton). The upper side of the wings is black, with orange-red spots and marginal crescents, and several rows of cream-colored spots; — called also Baltimore.
phalanx noun A body of heavy-armed infantry formed in ranks and files close and deep. There were several different arrangements, the phalanx varying in depth from four to twenty-five or more ranks of men., Any body of troops or men formed in close array, or any combination of people distinguished for firmness and solidity of a union., A Fourierite community; a phalanstery., One of the digital bones of the hand or foot, beyond the metacarpus or metatarsus; an internode., A group or bundle of stamens, as in polyadelphous flowers.
phallic adjective Of or pertaining to the phallus, or to phallism.
phallus noun The emblem of the generative power in nature, carried in procession in the Bacchic orgies, or worshiped in various ways., The penis or clitoris, or the embryonic or primitive organ from which either may be derived., A genus of fungi which have a fetid and disgusting odor; the stinkhorn.
phantom noun That which has only an apparent existence; an apparition; a specter; a phantasm; a sprite; an airy spirit; an ideal image.
pharaoh noun A title by which the sovereigns of ancient Egypt were designated., See Faro.
pharaon noun See Pharaoh, 2.
pharynx noun The part of the alimentary canal between the cavity of the mouth and the esophagus. It has one or two external openings through the nose in the higher vertebrates, and lateral branchial openings in fishes and some amphibias.
phasmid noun Any orthopterous insect of the family Phasmidae, as a leaf insect or a stick insect.
phenose noun A sweet amorphous deliquescent substance obtained indirectly from benzene, and isometric with, and resembling, dextrose.
phialed imp. & past participle of Phial
philter noun A potion or charm intended to excite the passion of love., To impregnate or mix with a love potion; as, to philter a draught., To charm to love; to excite to love or sexual desire by a potion.
phlorol noun A liquid metameric with xylenol, belonging to the class of phenols, and obtained by distilling certain salts of phloretic acid.
phocine adjective Of or pertaining to the seal tribe; phocal.
phoebus noun Apollo; the sun god., The sun.
phoenix noun Same as Phenix., A genus of palms including the date tree.
phonics noun See Phonetics.
phorone noun A yellow crystalline substance, having a geraniumlike odor, regarded as a complex derivative of acetone, and obtained from certain camphor compounds.
photics noun The science of light; — a general term sometimes employed when optics is restricted to light as a producing vision.
phrasal adjective Of the nature of a phrase; consisting of a phrase; as, a phrasal adverb.
phrased imp. & past participle of Phrase
phratry noun A subdivision of a phyle, or tribe, in Athens.
phrenic adjective Of or pertaining to the diaphragm; diaphragmatic; as, the phrenic nerve.
phrensy noun Violent and irrational excitement; delirium. See Frenzy., To render frantic.
phycite noun See Erythrite, 1.
phyllo- A combining form from Gr. / a leaf; as, phyllopod, phyllotaxy.
phymata plural of Phyma
physics noun The science of nature, or of natural objects; that branch of science which treats of the laws and properties of matter, and the forces acting upon it; especially, that department of natural science which treats of the causes (as gravitation, heat, light, magnetism, electricity, etc.) that modify the general properties of bodies; natural philosophy.
phytoid adjective Resembling a plant; plantlike.
phytons plural of Phyton