7 letter word starting with pick

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
picking present participle & vb. noun of Pick, The act of digging or breaking up, as with a pick., The act of choosing, plucking, or gathering., That which is, or may be, picked or gleaned., Pilfering; also, that which is pilfered., The pulverized shells of oysters used in making walks., Rough sorting of ore., Overburned bricks., Done or made as with a pointed tool; as, a picking sound., Nice; careful.
pickaxe noun A pick with a point at one end, a transverse edge or blade at the other, and a handle inserted at the middle; a hammer with a flattened end for driving wedges and a pointed end for piercing as it strikes.
pickeer verb i. To make a raid for booty; to maraud; also, to skirmish in advance of an army. See Picaroon.
pickery noun Petty theft.
pickled imp. & past participle of Pickle, Preserved in a pickle.
pickler noun One who makes pickles.