7 letter word starting with plu

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
plucked imp. & past participle of Pluck, Having courage and spirit.
plucker noun One who, or that which, plucks., A machine for straightening and cleaning wool.
plugged imp. & past participle of Plug
plugger noun One who, or that which, plugs.
plumage noun The entire clothing of a bird.
plumbed imp. & past participle of Plumb
plumber noun One who works in lead; esp., one who furnishes, fits, and repairs lead, iron, or glass pipes, and other apparatus for the conveyance of water, gas, or drainage in buildings.
plumbic adjective Of, pertaining to, resembling, or containing, lead; — used specifically to designate those compounds in which it has a higher valence as contrasted with plumbous compounds; as, plumbic oxide.
plumbum noun The technical name of lead. See Lead.
pluming present participle & vb. noun of Plume
plumery noun Plumes, collectively or in general; plumage.
plummet noun A piece of lead attached to a line, used in sounding the depth of water., A plumb bob or a plumb line. See under Plumb, n., Hence, any weight., A piece of lead formerly used by school children to rule paper for writing.
plumose adjective Alt. of Plumous
plumous adjective Having feathers or plumes., Having hairs, or other parts, arranged along an axis like a feather; feathery; plumelike; as, a plumose leaf; plumose tentacles.
plumped imp. & past participle of Plump
plumper noun One who, or that which, plumps or swells out something else; hence, something carried in the mouth to distend the cheeks., A vote given to one candidate only, when two or more are to be elected, thus giving him the advantage over the others. A person who gives his vote thus is said to plump, or to plump his vote., A voter who plumps his vote., A downright, unqualified lie.
plumply adverb Fully; roundly; plainly; without reserve.
plumule plural of Plumula, The first bud, or gemmule, of a young plant; the bud, or growing point, of the embryo, above the cotyledons. See Illust. of Radicle., A down feather., The aftershaft of a feather. See Illust. under Feather., One of the featherlike scales of certain male butterflies.
plumula noun A plumule., A down feather.
plunder verb t. To take the goods of by force, or without right; to pillage; to spoil; to sack; to strip; to rob; as, to plunder travelers., To take by pillage; to appropriate forcibly; as, the enemy plundered all the goods they found., The act of plundering or pillaging; robbery. See Syn. of Pillage., That which is taken by open force from an enemy; pillage; spoil; booty; also, that which is taken by theft or fraud., Personal property and effects; baggage or luggage.
plunged imp. & past participle of Plunge
plunger noun One who, or that which, plunges; a diver., A long solid cylinder, used, instead of a piston or bucket, as a forcer in pumps., One who bets heavily and recklessly on a race; a reckless speculator., A boiler in which clay is beaten by a wheel to a creamy consistence., The firing pin of a breechloader.
plunket noun A kind of blue color; also, anciently, a kind of cloth, generally blue.
pluries noun A writ issued in the third place, after two former writs have been disregarded.
plurisy noun Superabundance; excess; plethora.
pluteal adjective Of or pertaining to a pluteus.
pluteus noun The free-swimming larva of sea urchins and ophiurans, having several long stiff processes inclosing calcareous rods.
pluvial adjective Of or pertaining to rain; rainy., Produced by the action of rain., A priest’s cope.
pluvian noun The crocodile bird.