7 letter word starting with pos

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
posited imp. & past participle of Posit
possess verb t. To occupy in person; to hold or actually have in one’s own keeping; to have and to hold., To have the legal title to; to have a just right to; to be master of; to own; to have; as, to possess property, an estate, a book., To obtain occupation or possession of; to accomplish; to gain; to seize., To enter into and influence; to control the will of; to fill; to affect; — said especially of evil spirits, passions, etc., To put in possession; to make the owner or holder of property, power, knowledge, etc.; to acquaint; to inform; — followed by of or with before the thing possessed, and now commonly used reflexively.
posting present participle & vb. noun of Post, The act of traveling post., The act of transferring an account, as from the journal to the ledger.
postact noun An act done afterward.
postage noun The price established by law to be paid for the conveyance of a letter or other mailable matter by a public post.
postboy noun One who rides post horses; a position; a courier., A boy who carries letters from the post.
postern noun Originally, a back door or gate; a private entrance; hence, any small door or gate., A subterraneous passage communicating between the parade and the main ditch, or between the ditches and the interior of the outworks., Back; being behind; private.
postero – (/). A combining form meaning posterior, back; as, postero-inferior, situated back and below; postero-lateral, situated back and at the side.
postfix noun A letter, syllable, or word, added to the end of another word; a suffix., To annex; specifically (Gram.), to add or annex, as a letter, syllable, or word, to the end of another or principal word; to suffix.
postmen plural of Postman
postman noun A post or courier; a letter carrier., One of the two most experienced barristers in the Court of Exchequer, who have precedence in motions; — so called from the place where he sits. The other of the two is called the tubman.
posture noun The position of the body; the situation or disposition of the several parts of the body with respect to each other, or for a particular purpose; especially (Fine Arts), the position of a figure with regard to the several principal members by which action is expressed; attitude., Place; position; situation., State or condition, whether of external circumstances, or of internal feeling and will; disposition; mood; as, a posture of defense; the posture of affairs., To place in a particular position or attitude; to dispose the parts of, with reference to a particular purpose; as, to posture one’s self; to posture a model., To assume a particular posture or attitude; to contort the body into artificial attitudes, as an acrobat or contortionist; also, to pose., Fig.: To assume a character; as, to posture as a saint.