7 letter word starting with pri

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
pricing present participle & vb. noun of Price
pricked imp. & past participle of Prick
pricker noun One who, or that which, pricks; a pointed instrument; a sharp point; a prickle., One who spurs forward; a light horseman., A priming wire; a priming needle, — used in blasting and gunnery., A small marline spike having generally a wooden handle, — used in sailmaking.
pricket noun A buck in his second year. See Note under 3d Buck.
prickle noun A little prick; a small, sharp point; a fine, sharp process or projection, as from the skin of an animal, the bark of a plant, etc.; a spine., A kind of willow basket; — a term still used in some branches of trade., A sieve of filberts, — about fifty pounds., To prick slightly, as with prickles, or fine, sharp points.
prickly adjective Full of sharp points or prickles; armed or covered with prickles; as, a prickly shrub.
priding present participle & vb. noun of Pride
pridian adjective Of or pertaining to the day before, or yesterday.
prigged imp. & past participle of Prig
prighte imp. of Prick.
primmed imp. & past participle of Prim
primacy adjective The state or condition of being prime or first, as in time, place, rank, etc., hence, excellency; supremacy., The office, rank, or character of a primate; the chief ecclesiastical station or dignity in a national church; the office or dignity of an archbishop; as, the primacy of England.
primage noun A charge in addition to the freight; originally, a gratuity to the captain for his particular care of the goods (sometimes called hat money), but now belonging to the owners or freighters of the vessel, unless by special agreement the whole or part is assigned to the captain.
primary adjective First in order of time or development or in intention; primitive; fundamental; original., First in order, as being preparatory to something higher; as, primary assemblies; primary schools., First in dignity or importance; chief; principal; as, primary planets; a matter of primary importance., Earliest formed; fundamental., Illustrating, possessing, or characterized by, some quality or property in the first degree; having undergone the first stage of substitution or replacement., That which stands first in order, rank, or importance; a chief matter., A primary meeting; a caucus., One of the large feathers on the distal joint of a bird’s wing. See Plumage, and Illust. of Bird., A primary planet; the brighter component of a double star. See under Planet.
primate adjective The chief ecclesiastic in a national church; one who presides over other bishops in a province; an archbishop., One of the Primates.
priming present participle & vb. noun of Prime, The powder or other combustible used to communicate fire to a charge of gunpowder, as in a firearm., The first coating of color, size, or the like, laid on canvas, or on a building, or other surface., The carrying over of water, with the steam, from the boiler, as into the cylinder.
primely adverb At first; primarily., In a prime manner; excellently.
primero noun A game at cards, now unknown.
primine noun The outermost of the two integuments of an ovule.
primity noun Quality of being first; primitiveness.
primula noun The genus of plants including the primrose (Primula vera).
princox noun A coxcomb; a pert boy.
prinked imp. & past participle of Prink
prinker noun One who prinks.
printed imp. & past participle of Print
printer noun One who prints; especially, one who prints books, newspapers, engravings, etc., a compositor; a typesetter; a pressman.
priorly adverb Previously.
prisage noun A right belonging to the crown of England, of taking two tuns of wine from every ship importing twenty tuns or more, — one before and one behind the mast. By charter of Edward I. butlerage was substituted for this., The share of merchandise taken as lawful prize at sea which belongs to the king or admiral.
prithee interj. A corruption of pray thee; as, I prithee; generally used without I.
privacy noun The state of being in retirement from the company or observation of others; seclusion., A place of seclusion from company or observation; retreat; solitude; retirement., Concealment of what is said or done., A private matter; a secret., See Privity, 2.
privado noun A private friend; a confidential friend; a confidant.
private adjective Belonging to, or concerning, an individual person, company, or interest; peculiar to one’s self; unconnected with others; personal; one’s own; not public; not general; separate; as, a man’s private opinion; private property; a private purse; private expenses or interests; a private secretary., Sequestered from company or observation; appropriated to an individual; secret; secluded; lonely; solitary; as, a private room or apartment; private prayer., Not invested with, or engaged in, public office or employment; as, a private citizen; private life., Not publicly known; not open; secret; as, a private negotiation; a private understanding., Having secret or private knowledge; privy., A secret message; a personal unofficial communication., Personal interest; particular business., Privacy; retirement., One not invested with a public office., A common soldier; a soldier below the grade of a noncommissioned officer., The private parts; the genitals.
privily adverb In a privy manner; privately; secretly.
privity adjective Privacy; secrecy; confidence., Private knowledge; joint knowledge with another of a private concern; cognizance implying consent or concurrence., A private matter or business; a secret., The genitals; the privates., A connection, or bond of union, between parties, as to some particular transaction; mutual or successive relationship to the same rights of property.
privies plural of Privy
prizing present participle & vb. noun of Prize, The application of a lever to move any weighty body, as a cask, anchor, cannon, car, etc. See Prize, n., 5.