7 letter word starting with quin

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
quinary adjective Consisting of five; arranged by fives.
quiname adjective Growing in sets of five; — said especially of leaves composed of five leaflets set at the end of a common petiole.
quinate noun A salt of quinic acid.
quindem noun A fifteenth part.
quinine noun An alkaloid extracted from the bark of several species of cinchona (esp. Cinchona Calisaya) as a bitter white crystalline substance, C20H24N2O2. Hence, by extension (Med.), any of the salts of this alkaloid, as the acetate, chloride, sulphate, etc., employed as a febrifuge or antiperiodic. Called also quinia, quinina, etc.
quinism noun See Cinchonism.
quinnat noun The California salmon (Oncorhynchus choicha); — called also chouicha, king salmon, chinnook salmon, and Sacramento salmon. It is of great commercial importance.
quinone noun A crystalline substance, C6H4O2 (called also benzoketone), first obtained by the oxidation of quinic acid and regarded as a double ketone; also, by extension, any one of the series of which quinone proper is the type.
quinoyl noun A radical of which quinone is the hydride, analogous to phenyl.
quintal noun A hundredweight, either 112 or 100 pounds, according to the scale used. Cf. Cental., A metric measure of weight, being 100,000 grams, or 100 kilograms, equal to 220.46 pounds avoirdupois.
quintan adjective Occurring as the fifth, after four others also, occurring every fifth day, reckoning inclusively; as, a quintan fever., An intermittent fever which returns every fifth day, reckoning inclusively, or in which the intermission lasts three days.
quintel noun See Quintain.
quintet noun Alt. of Quintette
quintic adjective Of the fifth degree or order., A quantic of the fifth degree. See Quantic.
quintin noun See Quintain.