7 letter word starting with rep

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
repaint verb t. To paint anew or again; as, to repaint a house; to repaint the ground of a picture.
reparel noun A change of apparel; a second or different suit.
repiner noun One who repines.
replace verb t. To place again; to restore to a former place, position, condition, or the like., To refund; to repay; to restore; as, to replace a sum of money borrowed., To supply or substitute an equivalent for; as, to replace a lost document., To take the place of; to supply the want of; to fulfull the end or office of., To put in a new or different place.
replait verb t. To plait or fold again; to fold, as one part over another, again and again.
replant verb t. To plant again.
replead verb t. & i. To plead again.
replete adjective Filled again; completely filled; full; charged; abounding., To fill completely, or to satiety.
replevy verb t. To take or get back, by a writ for that purpose (goods and chattels wrongfully taken or detained), upon giving security to try the right to them in a suit at law, and, if that should be determined against the plaintiff, to return the property replevied., To bail., Replevin.
replica verb & noun A copy of a work of art, as of a picture or statue, made by the maker of the original., Repetition.
replier noun One who replies.
replied imp. & past participle of Reply
replies plural of Reply
replyer noun See Replier.
reposal noun The act or state of reposing; as, the reposal of a trust., That on which one reposes.
reposed imp. & past participle of Repose, Composed; calm; tranquil; at rest.
reposer noun One who reposes.
reposit verb t. To cause to rest or stay; to lay away; to lodge, as for safety or preservation; to place; to store.
reprefe noun Reproof.
repress verb t. To press again., To press back or down effectually; to crush down or out; to quell; to subdue; to supress; as, to repress sedition or rebellion; to repress the first risings of discontent., Hence, to check; to restrain; to keep back., The act of repressing.
repreve verb t. To reprove., Reproof.
reprint verb t. To print again; to print a second or a new edition of., To renew the impression of., A second or a new impression or edition of any printed work; specifically, the publication in one country of a work previously published in another.
reprise noun A taking by way of retaliation., Deductions and duties paid yearly out of a manor and lands, as rent charge, rent seck, pensions, annuities, and the like., A ship recaptured from an enemy or from a pirate., To take again; to retake., To recompense; to pay.
reprive verb t. To take back or away., To reprieve.
reprize verb t. See Reprise.
reproof noun Refutation; confutation; contradiction., An expression of blame or censure; especially, blame expressed to the face; censure for a fault; chiding; reproach.
reprove verb t. To convince., To disprove; to refute., To chide to the face as blameworthy; to accuse as guilty; to censure., To express disapprobation of; as, to reprove faults.
reprune verb t. To prune again or anew.
reptant adjective Same as Repent., Creeping; crawling; — said of reptiles, worms, etc.
reptile adjective Creeping; moving on the belly, or by means of small and short legs., Hence: Groveling; low; vulgar; as, a reptile race or crew; reptile vices., An animal that crawls, or moves on its belly, as snakes,, or by means of small, short legs, as lizards, and the like., One of the Reptilia, or one of the Amphibia., A groveling or very mean person.
repulse verb t. To repel; to beat or drive back; as, to repulse an assault; to repulse the enemy., To repel by discourtesy, coldness, or denial; to reject; to send away; as, to repulse a suitor or a proffer., The act of repelling or driving back; also, the state of being repelled or driven back., Figuratively: Refusal; denial; rejection; failure.
reputed imp. & past participle of Repute