7 letter word starting with req

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
requere verb t. To require.
request noun The act of asking for anything desired; expression of desire or demand; solicitation; prayer; petition; entreaty., That which is asked for or requested., A state of being desired or held in such estimation as to be sought after or asked for; demand., To ask for (something); to express desire ffor; to solicit; as, to request his presence, or a favor., To address with a request; to ask.
requiem noun A mass said or sung for the repose of a departed soul., Any grand musical composition, performed in honor of a deceased person., Rest; quiet; peace.
require verb t. To demand; to insist upon having; to claim as by right and authority; to exact; as, to require the surrender of property., To demand or exact as indispensable; to need., To ask as a favor; to request.
requite verb t. To repay; in a good sense, to recompense; to return (an equivalent) in good; to reward; in a bad sense, to retaliate; to return (evil) for evil; to punish.