7 letter word starting with scu

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
scudded imp. & past participle of Scud
scuddle verb i. To run hastily; to hurry; to scuttle.
scuffed imp. & past participle of Scuff
scuffle verb i. To strive or struggle with a close grapple; to wrestle in a rough fashion., Hence, to strive or contend tumultuously; to struggle confusedly or at haphazard., A rough, haphazard struggle, or trial of strength; a disorderly wrestling at close quarters., Hence, a confused contest; a tumultuous struggle for superiority; a fight., A child’s pinafore or bib., A garden hoe.
sculker See Skulk, Skulker.
sculled imp. & past participle of Scull
sculler noun A boat rowed by one man with two sculls, or short oars., One who sculls.
sculpin noun Any one of numerous species of marine cottoid fishes of the genus Cottus, or Acanthocottus, having a large head armed with sharp spines, and a broad mouth. They are generally mottled with yellow, brown, and black. Several species are found on the Atlantic coasts of Europe and America., A large cottoid market fish of California (Scorpaenichthys marmoratus); — called also bighead, cabezon, scorpion, salpa., The dragonet, or yellow sculpin, of Europe (Callionymus lura).
scummed imp. & past participle of Scum
scumber verb i. To void excrement., Dung.
scumble verb t. To cover lighty, as a painting, or a drawing, with a thin wash of opaque color, or with color-crayon dust rubbed on with the stump, or to make any similar additions to the work, so as to produce a softened effect.
scummer verb i. To scumber., Excrement; scumber., An instrument for taking off scum; a skimmer.
scunner verb t. To cause to loathe, or feel disgust at., To have a feeling of loathing or disgust; hence, to have dislike, prejudice, or reluctance., A feeling of disgust or loathing; a strong prejudice; abhorrence; as, to take a scunner against some one.
scupper verb An opening cut through the waterway and bulwarks of a ship, so that water falling on deck may flow overboard; — called also scupper hole.
scurrit noun the lesser tern (Sterna minuta).
scutage noun Shield money; commutation of service for a sum of money. See Escuage.
scutate adjective Buckler-shaped; round or nearly round., Protected or covered by bony or horny plates, or large scales.
scuttle noun A broad, shallow basket., A wide-mouthed vessel for holding coal: a coal hod., To run with affected precipitation; to hurry; to bustle; to scuddle., A quick pace; a short run., A small opening in an outside wall or covering, furnished with a lid., A small opening or hatchway in the deck of a ship, large enough to admit a man, and with a lid for covering it, also, a like hole in the side or bottom of a ship., An opening in the roof of a house, with a lid., The lid or door which covers or closes an opening in a roof, wall, or the like., To cut a hole or holes through the bottom, deck, or sides of (as of a ship), for any purpose., To sink by making holes through the bottom of; as, to scuttle a ship.