7 letter word starting with spe

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
speaker noun One who speaks., One who utters or pronounces a discourse; usually, one who utters a speech in public; as, the man is a good speaker, or a bad speaker., One who is the mouthpiece of others; especially, one who presides over, or speaks for, a delibrative assembly, preserving order and regulating the debates; as, the Speaker of the House of Commons, originally, the mouthpiece of the House to address the king; the Speaker of a House of Representatives., A book of selections for declamation.
speking noun The act of uttering words., Public declamation; oratory.
speared imp. & past participle of Spear
spearer noun One who uses a spear; as, a spearer of fish.
special adjective Of or pertaining to a species; constituting a species or sort., Particular; peculiar; different from others; extraordinary; uncommon., Appropriate; designed for a particular purpose, occasion, or person; as, a special act of Parliament or of Congress; a special sermon., Limited in range; confined to a definite field of action, investigation, or discussion; as, a special dictionary of commercial terms; a special branch of study., Chief in excellence., A particular., One appointed for a special service or occasion.
species noun Visible or sensible presentation; appearance; a sensible percept received by the imagination; an image., A group of individuals agreeing in common attributes, and designated by a common name; a conception subordinated to another conception, called a genus, or generic conception, from which it differs in containing or comprehending more attributes, and extending to fewer individuals. Thus, man is a species, under animal as a genus; and man, in its turn, may be regarded as a genus with respect to European, American, or the like, as species., In science, a more or less permanent group of existing things or beings, associated according to attributes, or properties determined by scientific observation., A sort; a kind; a variety; as, a species of low cunning; a species of generosity; a species of cloth., Coin, or coined silver, gold, ot other metal, used as a circulating medium; specie., A public spectacle or exhibition., A component part of compound medicine; a simple., An officinal mixture or compound powder of any kind; esp., one used for making an aromatic tea or tisane; a tea mixture., The form or shape given to materials; fashion or shape; form; figure.
specify verb t. To mention or name, as a particular thing; to designate in words so as to distinguish from other things; as, to specify the uses of a plant; to specify articles purchased.
specked imp. & past participle of Speck
speckle noun A little or spot in or anything, of a different substance or color from that of the thing itself., To mark with small spots of a different color from that of the rest of the surface; to variegate with spots of a different color from the ground or surface.
specter noun Alt. of Spectre
spectre noun Something preternaturally visible; an apparition; a ghost; a phantom., The tarsius., A stick insect., See Specter.
spectra plural of Spectrum
specula plural of Speculum
speeded of Speed
speeder noun One who, or that which, speeds., A machine for drawing and twisting slivers to form rovings.
speight noun A woodpecker; — called also specht, spekt, spight.
spelled imp. & past participle of Spell, of Spell
speller noun One who spells., A spelling book.
spelter noun Zinc; — especially so called in commerce and arts.
spelunc noun A cavern; a cave.
spencer noun One who has the care of the spence, or buttery., A short jacket worn by men and by women., A fore-and-aft sail, abaft the foremast or the mainmast, hoisted upon a small supplementary mast and set with a gaff and no boom; a trysail carried at the foremast or mainmast; — named after its inventor, Knight Spencer, of England [1802].
spender noun One who spends; esp., one who spends lavishly; a prodigal; a spendthrift.
sperage noun Asperagus.
sperate adjective Hoped for, or to be hoped for.
spermo- Combining forms from Gr. spe`rma, -atos, seed, sperm, semen (of plants or animals); as, spermatoblast, spermoblast.
spermic adjective Of or pertaining to sperm, or semen.
spewing present participle& vb. noun of Spew