7 letter word starting with the

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
theater noun Alt. of Theatre
theatre noun An edifice in which dramatic performances or spectacles are exhibited for the amusement of spectators; anciently uncovered, except the stage, but in modern times roofed., Any room adapted to the exhibition of any performances before an assembly, as public lectures, scholastic exercises, anatomical demonstrations, surgical operations, etc., That which resembles a theater in form, use, or the like; a place rising by steps or gradations, like the seats of a theater., A sphere or scheme of operation., A place or region where great events are enacted; as, the theater of war.
theatin noun Alt. of Theatine
thebaic adjective Of or pertaining to Thebes in Egypt; specifically, designating a version of the Bible preserved by the Copts, and esteemed of great value by biblical scholars. This version is also called the Sahidic version.
thebaid noun A Latin epic poem by Statius about Thebes in Boeotia.
thecata noun pl. Same as Thecophora.
theorbo noun An instrument made like large lute, but having two necks, with two sets of pegs, the lower set holding the strings governed by frets, while to the upper set were attached the long bass strings used as open notes.
theorem noun That which is considered and established as a principle; hence, sometimes, a rule., A statement of a principle to be demonstrated., To formulate into a theorem.
theoric adjective Of or pertaining to the theorica., Relating to, or skilled in, theory; theoretically skilled., Speculation; theory.
therapy noun Therapeutics.
thereat adverb At that place; there., At that occurrence or event; on that account.
thereby adverb By that; by that means; in consequence of that., Annexed to that., Thereabout; — said of place, number, etc.
therein adverb In that or this place, time, or thing; in that particular or respect.
thereof adverb Of that or this.
thereon adverb On that or this.
thereto adverb To that or this., Besides; moreover.
theriac noun Alt. of Theriaca, Alt. of Theriacal
therial adjective Theriac.
thermae noun pl. Springs or baths of warm or hot water.
thermal adjective Of or pertaining to heat; warm; hot; as, the thermal unit; thermal waters.
thermic adjective Of or pertaining to heat; due to heat; thermal; as, thermic lines.
thermo- A combining form from Gr. qe`rmh heat, qermo`s hot, warm; as in thermochemistry, thermodynamic.
thetine noun Any one of a series of complex basic sulphur compounds analogous to the sulphines.
theurgy noun A divine work; a miracle; hence, magic; sorcery., A kind of magical science or art developed in Alexandria among the Neoplatonists, and supposed to enable man to influence the will of the gods by means of purification and other sacramental rites., In later or modern magic, that species of magic in which effects are claimed to be produced by supernatural agency, in distinction from natural magic.