7 letter word starting with ti

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
tiaraed adjective Adorned with, or wearing, a tiara.
tib-cat noun A female cat.
tibiale noun The bone or cartilage of the tarsus which articulates with the tibia and corresponds to a part of the astragalus in man and most mammals.
ticking present participle & vb. noun of Tick, A strong, closely woven linen or cotton fabric, of which ticks for beds are made. It is usually twilled, and woven in stripes of different colors, as white and blue; — called also ticken.
tickled imp. & past participle of Tickle
tickler noun One who, or that which, tickles., Something puzzling or difficult., A book containing a memorandum of notes and debts arranged in the order of their maturity., A prong used by coopers to extract bungs from casks.
tideway noun Channel in which the tide sets.
tidings noun Account of what has taken place, and was not before known; news.
tidying present participle & vb. noun of Tidy
tiebeam noun A beam acting as a tie, as at the bottom of a pair of principal rafters, to prevent them from thrusting out the wall. See Illust. of Timbers, under Roof.
tiercel noun Alt. of Tiercelet
tiercet noun A triplet; three lines, or three lines rhyming together.
tie-rod noun A rod used as a tie. See Tie.
tietick noun The meadow pipit.
tiffing present participle & vb. noun of Tiff
tiffany noun A species of gause, or very silk.
tiffish adjective Inclined to tiffs; peevish; petulant.
tigella noun That part of an embryo which represents the young stem; the caulicle or radicle.
tigelle noun Same as Tigella.
tighten verb t. To draw tighter; to straiten; to make more close in any manner.
tighter noun A ribbon or string used to draw clothes closer.
tightly adverb In a tight manner; closely; nearly.
tigress noun The female of the tiger.
tigrine adjective Of or pertaining to a tiger; like a tiger., Resembling the tiger in color; as, the tigrine cat (Felis tigrina) of South America.
tigrish adjective Resembling a tiger; tigerish.
tilbury noun A kind of gig or two-wheeled carriage, without a top or cover.
tilling present participle & vb. noun of Till
tillage noun The operation, practice, or art of tilling or preparing land for seed, and keeping the ground in a proper state for the growth of crops., A place tilled or cultivated; cultivated land.
tillmen plural of Tillman
tillman noun A man who tills the earth; a husbandman.
tilting present participle & vb. noun of Tilt, The act of one who tilts; a tilt., The process by which blister steel is rendered ductile by being forged with a tilt hammer.
tilt-up noun Same as Tip-up.
timbrel noun A kind of drum, tabor, or tabret, in use from the highest antiquity.
timeful adjective Seasonable; timely; sufficiently early.
timeous adjective Timely; seasonable.
timothy Alt. of Timothy grass
timpani plural of Timpano
timpano noun See Tympano.
tinning present participle & vb. noun of Tin, The act, art, or process of covering or coating anything with melted tin, or with tin foil, as kitchen utensils, locks, and the like., The covering or lining of tin thus put on.
tinamou noun Any one of several species of South American birds belonging to Tinamus and allied genera.
tinchel noun A circle of sportsmen, who, by surrounding an extensive space and gradually closing in, bring a number of deer and game within a narrow compass.
tinemen plural of Tineman
tineman noun An officer of the forest who had the care of vert and venison by night.
tingent adjective Having the power to tinge.
tingled imp. & past participle of Tingle
tinkled imp. & past participle of Tinkle
tinkler noun A tinker.
tinnock noun The blue titmouse.
tinting present participle & vb. noun of Tint
tintype noun Same as Ferrotype.
tinware noun Articles made of tinned iron.
tipping present participle & vb. noun of Tip, A distinct articulation given in playing quick notes on the flute, by striking the tongue against the roof of the mouth; double-tonguing.
tipcart noun A cart so constructed that the body can be easily tipped, in order to dump the load.
tippled imp. & past participle of Tipple, Intoxicated; inebriated; tipsy; drunk.
tippler noun One who keeps a tippling-house., One who habitually indulges in the excessive use of spirituous liquors, whether he becomes intoxicated or not.
tipsify verb t. To make tipsy.
tipsily adverb In a tipsy manner; like one tipsy.
tiptoes plural of Tiptoe
tipulae plural of Tipula
tipulas plural of Tipula
tisical adjective Consumptive, phthisical.
tisicky adjective Consumptive, phthisical.
tissued imp. & past participle of Tissue, Clothed in, or adorned with, tissue; also, variegated; as, tissued flowers.
titanic adjective Of or relating to Titans, or fabled giants of ancient mythology; hence, enormous in size or strength; as, Titanic structures., Of or pertaining to titanium; derived from, or containing, titanium; specifically, designating those compounds of titanium in which it has a higher valence as contrasted with the titanous compounds.
titano- A combining form (also used adjectively) designating certain double compounds of titanium with some other elements; as, titano-cyanide, titano-fluoride, titano-silicate, etc.
tithing present participle & vb. noun of Tithe, The act of levying or taking tithes; that which is taken as tithe; a tithe., A number or company of ten householders who, dwelling near each other, were sureties or frankpledges to the king for the good behavior of each other; a decennary.
titlark noun Any one of numerous small spring birds belonging to Anthus, Corydalla, and allied genera, which resemble the true larks in color and in having a very long hind claw; especially, the European meadow pipit (Anthus pratensis).
titling present participle & vb. noun of Title, The hedge sparrow; — called also titlene. Its nest often chosen by the cuckoo as a place for depositing its own eggs., The meadow pipit., Stockfish; — formerly so called in customhouses.
titmice plural of Titmouse
titrate noun To analyse, or determine the strength of, by means of standard solutions. Cf. Standardized solution, under Solution.
titular adjective Existing in title or name only; nominal; having the title to an office or dignity without discharging its appropriate duties; as, a titular prince., A titulary.
tituled adjective Having a title.