7 letter word starting with to

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
toadish adjective Like a toad.
toadlet noun A small toad.
toadies plural of Toady
toadied imp. & past participle of Toady
toasted imp. & past participle of Toast
toaster noun One who toasts., A kitchen utensil for toasting bread, cheese, etc.
tobacco noun An American plant (Nicotiana Tabacum) of the Nightshade family, much used for smoking and chewing, and as snuff. As a medicine, it is narcotic, emetic, and cathartic. Tobacco has a strong, peculiar smell, and an acrid taste., The leaves of the plant prepared for smoking, chewing, etc., by being dried, cured, and manufactured in various ways.
to-beat verb t. To beat thoroughly or severely.
toccata noun An old form of piece for the organ or harpsichord, somewhat in the free and brilliant style of the prelude, fantasia, or capriccio.
toddled imp. & past participle of Toddle
toddler noun One who toddles; especially, a young child.
to-fall noun A lean-to. See Lean-to.
toftmen plural of Toftman
toftman noun The owner of a toft. See Toft, 3.
togated adjective Dressed in a toga or gown; wearing a gown; gowned.
toggery noun Clothes; garments; dress; as, fishing toggery.
togider adverb Alt. of Togidres
toiling present participle & vb. noun of Toil
toilful adjective Producing or involving much toil; laborious; toilsome; as, toilful care.
tokened imp. & past participle of Token, Marked by tokens, or spots; as, the tokened pestilence.
tolling present participle & vb. noun of Toll
tollage noun Payment of toll; also, the amount or quantity paid as toll.
tollmen plural of Tollman
tollman noun One who receives or collects toll; a toll gatherer.
toluate noun A salt of any one of the toluic acids.
toluene noun A hydrocarbon, C6H5.CH3, of the aromatic series, homologous with benzene, and obtained as a light mobile colorless liquid, by distilling tolu balsam, coal tar, etc.; — called also methyl benzene, phenyl methane, etc.
toluole noun Same as Toluene.
toluric adjective Of, pertaining to, or designating, any one of three isomeric crystalline acids, C9H10ON.CO2H, which are toluyl derivatives of glycocoll.
tomaley noun The liver of the lobster, which becomes green when boiled; — called also tomalline.
tombing present participle & vb. noun of Tomb
tomelet noun All small tome, or volume.
tomenta plural of Tomentum
tomfool noun A great fool; a trifler.
tomjohn noun A kind of open sedan used in Ceylon, carried by a single pole on men’s shoulders.
tompion noun A stopper of a cannon or a musket. See Tampion., A plug in a flute or an organ pipe, to modulate the tone., The iron bottom to which grapeshot are fixed.
tom-tom noun See Tam-tam.
to-name noun A name added, for the sake of distinction, to one’s surname, or used instead of it.
tongued imp. & past participle of Tongue, Having a tongue.
tonical adjective Tonic.
tonight adverb On this present or coming night., On the last night past., The present or the coming night; the night after the present day.
tonnage noun The weight of goods carried in a boat or a ship., The cubical content or burden of a vessel, or vessels, in tons; or, the amount of weight which one or several vessels may carry. See Ton, n. (b)., A duty or impost on vessels, estimated per ton, or, a duty, toll, or rate payable on goods per ton transported on canals., The whole amount of shipping estimated by tons; as, the tonnage of the United States. See Ton.
tonnish adjective In the ton; fashionable; modish.
tonsile adjective Capable of being clipped.
tonsure noun The act of clipping the hair, or of shaving the crown of the head; also, the state of being shorn., The first ceremony used for devoting a person to the service of God and the church; the first degree of the clericate, given by a bishop, abbot, or cardinal priest, consisting in cutting off the hair from a circular space at the back of the head, with prayers and benedictions; hence, entrance or admission into minor orders., The shaven corona, or crown, which priests wear as a mark of their order and of their rank.
tontine noun An annuity, with the benefit of survivorship, or a loan raised on life annuities with the benefit of survivorship. Thus, an annuity is shared among a number, on the principle that the share of each, at his death, is enjoyed by the survivors, until at last the whole goes to the last survivor, or to the last two or three, according to the terms on which the money is advanced. Used also adjectively; as, tontine insurance.
tooling present participle & vb. noun of Tool, Work performed with a tool.
tooting present participle & vb. noun of Toot
toothed imp. & past participle of Tooth, Having teeth; furnished with teeth., Having marginal projecting points; dentate.
topping present participle & vb. noun of Top, Rising above; surpassing., Hence, assuming superiority; proud., Fine; gallant., The act of one who tops; the act of cutting off the top., The act of raising one extremity of a spar higher than the other., That which comes from hemp in the process of hatcheling.
toparch noun The ruler or principal man in a place or country; the governor of a toparchy.
topcoat noun An outer coat; an overcoat.
topiary adjective Of or pertaining to ornamental gardening; produced by cutting, trimming, etc.; topiarian.
topical noun Of or pertaining to a place; limited; logical application; as, a topical remedy; a topical claim or privilege., Pertaining to, or consisting of, a topic or topics; according to topics., Resembling a topic, or general maxim; hence, not demonstrative, but merely probable, as an argument.
topknot noun A crest or knot of feathers upon the head or top, as of a bird; also, an orgamental knot worn on top of the head, as by women., A small Europen flounder (Rhoumbus punctatus). The name is also applied to allied species.
topless adjective Having no top, or no visble fop; hence, fig.: very lofty; supreme; unequaled.
topmast noun The second mast, or that which is next above the lower mast, and below the topgallant mast.
topmost adjective Highest; uppermost; as, the topmost cliff; the topmost branch of a tree.
toppled imp. & past participle of Topple
topsail noun In a square-rigged vessel, the sail next above the lowermost sail on a mast. This sail is the one most frequently reefed or furled in working the ship. In a fore-and-aft rigged vessel, the sail set upon and above the gaff. See Cutter, Schooner, Sail, and Ship.
topsmen plural of Topsman
topsman noun The chief drover of those who drive a herd of cattle., The uppermost sawyer in a saw pit; a topman.
topsoil noun The upper layer of soil; surface soil.
torcher noun One who gives light with a torch, or as if with a torch.
to-rent imp. & past participle of To-rend
to-rend verb t. To rend in pieces.
torgoch noun The saibling.
torilto noun A species of Turnix (Turnix sylvatica) native of Spain and Northen Africa.
torment noun An engine for casting stones., Extreme pain; anguish; torture; the utmost degree of misery, either of body or mind., That which gives pain, vexation, or misery., To put to extreme pain or anguish; to inflict excruciating misery upon, either of body or mind; to torture., To pain; to distress; to afflict., To tease; to vex; to harass; as, to be tormented with importunities, or with petty annoyances., To put into great agitation.
tormina noun pl. acute, colicky pains; gripes.
tornado noun A violent whirling wind; specifically (Meteorol.), a tempest distinguished by a rapid whirling and slow progressive motion, usually accompaned with severe thunder, lightning, and torrents of rain, and commonly of short duration and small breadth; a small cyclone.
torpedo noun Any one of numerous species of elasmobranch fishes belonging to Torpedo and allied genera. They are related to the rays, but have the power of giving electrical shocks. Called also crampfish, and numbfish. See Electrical fish, under Electrical., An engine or machine for destroying ships by blowing them up., A quantity of explosives anchored in a channel, beneath the water, or set adrift in a current, and so arranged that they will be exploded when touched by a vessel, or when an electric circuit is closed by an operator on shore., A kind of small submarine boat carrying an explosive charge, and projected from a ship against another ship at a distance, or made self-propelling, and otherwise automatic in its action against a distant ship., A kind of shell or cartridge buried in earth, to be exploded by electricity or by stepping on it., A kind of detonating cartridge or shell placed on a rail, and exploded when crushed under the locomotive wheels, — used as an alarm signal., An explosive cartridge or shell lowered or dropped into a bored oil well, and there exploded, to clear the well of obstructions or to open communication with a source of supply of oil., A kind of firework in the form of a small ball, or pellet, which explodes when thrown upon a hard object., to destroy by, or subject to the action of, a torpedo.
torpent adjective Having no motion or activity; incapable of motion; benumbed; torpid.
torpify verb t. To make torpid; to numb, or benumb.
torqued adjective Wreathed; twisted., Twisted; bent; — said of a dolphin haurient, which forms a figure like the letter S.
torques noun A cervical ring of hair or feathers, distinguished by its color or structure; a collar.
torrefy verb t. To dry by a fire., To subject to scorching heat, so as to drive off volatile ingredients; to roast, as ores., To dry or parch, as drugs, on a metallic plate till they are friable, or are reduced to the state desired.
torrent noun A violent stream, as of water, lava, or the like; a stream suddenly raised and running rapidly, as down a precipice., Fig.: A violent or rapid flow; a strong current; a flood; as, a torrent of vices; a torrent of eloquence., Rolling or rushing in a rapid stream.
torrock noun A gull.
torsion noun The act of turning or twisting, or the state of being twisted; the twisting or wrenching of a body by the exertion of a lateral force tending to turn one end or part of it about a longitudinal axis, while the other is held fast or turned in the opposite direction., That force with which a thread, wire, or rod of any material, returns, or tends to return, to a state of rest after it has been twisted; torsibility.
torteau noun A roundel of a red color.
tortile adjective Twisted; wreathed; coiled.
tortion noun Torment; pain.
tortive adjective Twisted; wreathed.
tortrix noun Any one of numerous species of small moths of the family Tortricidae, the larvae of which usually roll up the leaves of plants on which they live; — also called leaf roller., A genus of tropical short-tailed snakes, which are not venomous. One species (Tortrix scytalae) is handsomely banded with black, and is sometimes worn alive by the natives of Brazil for a necklace.
torture noun Extreme pain; anguish of body or mind; pang; agony; torment; as, torture of mind., Especially, severe pain inflicted judicially, either as punishment for a crime, or for the purpose of extorting a confession from an accused person, as by water or fire, by the boot or thumbkin, or by the rack or wheel., The act or process of torturing., To put to torture; to pain extremely; to harass; to vex., To punish with torture; to put to the rack; as, to torture an accused person., To wrest from the proper meaning; to distort., To keep on the stretch, as a bow.
torulae plural of Torula
torvity adjective Sourness or severity of countenance; sterness.
torvous adjective Sour of aspect; of a severe countenance; stern; grim.
toryism noun The principles of the Tories.
toshred verb t. To cut into shreads or pieces.
tossing present participle & vb. noun of Toss, The act of throwing upward; a rising and falling suddenly; a rolling and tumbling., A process which consists in washing ores by violent agitation in water, in order to separate the lighter or earhy particles; — called also tozing, and treloobing, in Cornwall., A process for refining tin by dropping it through the air while melted.
tossily adverb In a tossy manner.
tosspot noun A toper; one habitually given to strong drink; a drunkard.
toswink verb i. To labor excessively.
totally adverb In a total manner; wholly; entirely.
totemic adjective Of or pertaining to a totem, or totemism.
tottery adjective Trembling or vaccilating, as if about to fall; unsteady; shaking.
tottled imp. & past participle of Totly
touched imp. & past participle of Touch
toughen verb i. & t. To grow or make tough, or tougher.
toughly adverb In a tough manner.
touring present participle & vb. noun of Tour
touraco noun Same as Turacou.
tourist noun One who makes a tour, or performs a journey in a circuit.
tourney verb t. A tournament., To perform in tournaments; to tilt.
tousing present participle & vb. noun of Touze
towards preposition In the direction of; to., With direction to, in a moral sense; with respect or reference to; regarding; concerning., Tending to; in the direction of; in behalf of., Near; about; approaching to., Near; at hand; in state of preparation., See Toward.
towboat noun A vessel constructed for being towed, as a canal boat., A steamer used for towing other vessels; a tug.
towered imp. & past participle of Tower, Adorned or defended by towers.
towilly noun The sanderling; — so called from its cry.
towline verb t. A line used to tow vessels; a towrope.
townish adjective Of or pertaining to the inhabitants of a town; like the town.
townlet noun A small town.
towpath noun A path traveled by men or animals in towing boats; — called also towing path.
towrope noun A rope used in towing vessels.
tox/mia adjective Blood poisoning. See under Blood.
toxical adjective Of or pertaining to poison; poisonous; as, toxic medicines.
toxodon noun A gigantic extinct herbivorous mammal from South America, having teeth bent like a bow. It is the type of the order Toxodonta.
toxotes noun A genus of fishes comprising the archer fishes. See Archer fish.
toyshop noun A shop where toys are sold.
toysome adjective Disposed to toy; trifling; wanton.