7 letter word starting with tre

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
treacle noun A remedy against poison. See Theriac, 1., A sovereign remedy; a cure., Molasses; sometimes, specifically, the molasses which drains from the sugar-refining molds, and which is also called sugarhouse molasses., A saccharine fluid, consisting of the inspissated juices or decoctions of certain vegetables, as the sap of the birch, sycamore, and the like.
treacly adjective Like, or composed of, treacle.
treader noun One who treads.
treadle noun The part of a foot lathe, or other machine, which is pressed or moved by the foot., The chalaza of a bird’s egg; the tread.
treague noun A truce.
treason noun The offense of attempting to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance, or of betraying the state into the hands of a foreign power; disloyalty; treachery., Loosely, the betrayal of any trust or confidence; treachery; perfidy.
treated imp. & past participle of Treat
treater noun One who treats; one who handles, or discourses on, a subject; also, one who entertains.
trebled imp. & past participle of Treble
treblet noun Same as Triblet.
treddle noun See Treadle., A prostitute; a strumpet., The dung of sheep or hares.
treeing present participle & vb. noun of Tree
treeful noun The quantity or number which fills a tree.
trefoil noun Any plant of the genus Trifolium, which includes the white clover, red clover, etc.; — less properly, applied also to the nonesuch, or black medic. See Clover, and Medic., An ornamental foliation consisting of three divisions, or foils., A charge representing the clover leaf.
trehala noun An amorphous variety of manna obtained from the nests and cocoons of a Syrian coleopterous insect (Larinus maculatus, L. nidificans, etc.) which feeds on the foliage of a variety of thistle. It is used as an article of food, and is called also nest sugar.
trellis noun A structure or frame of crossbarred work, or latticework, used for various purposes, as for screens or for supporting plants.
tremble verb i. To shake involuntarily, as with fear, cold, or weakness; to quake; to quiver; to shiver; to shudder; — said of a person or an animal., To totter; to shake; — said of a thing., To quaver or shake, as sound; to be tremulous; as the voice trembles., An involuntary shaking or quivering.
tremolo noun The rapid reiteration of tones without any apparent cessation, so as to produce a tremulous effect., A certain contrivance in an organ, which causes the notes to sound with rapid pulses or beats, producing a tremulous effect; — called also tremolant, and tremulant.
trenail noun Same as Treenail.
trended imp. & past participle of Trend
trender noun One whose business is to free wool from its filth.
trendle verb i. A wheel, spindle, or the like; a trundle.
trental noun An office and mass for the dead on the thirtieth day after death or burial., Hence, a dirge; an elegy.
trepang noun Any one of several species of large holothurians, some of which are dried and extensively used as food in China; — called also beche de mer, sea cucumber, and sea slug.
tressed adjective Having tresses., Formed into ringlets or braided; braided; curled.
tressel noun A trestle.
trestle noun A movable frame or support for anything, as scaffolding, consisting of three or four legs secured to a top piece, and forming a sort of stool or horse, used by carpenters, masons, and other workmen; also, a kind of framework of strong posts or piles, and crossbeams, for supporting a bridge, the track of a railway, or the like., The frame of a table.