7 letter word starting with ty

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
tylarus noun One of the pads on the under surface of the toes of birds.
tyloses plural of Tylosis
tylosis noun An intrusion of one vegetable cell into the cavity of another, sometimes forming there an irregular mass of cells.
tympani plural of Tympano
tympano noun A kettledrum; — chiefly used in the plural to denote the kettledrums of an orchestra. See Kettledrum.
tympana plural of Tympanum
tympany noun A flatulent distention of the belly; tympanites., Hence, inflation; conceit; bombast; turgidness.
typhoid adjective Of or pertaining to typhus; resembling typhus; of a low grade like typhus; as, typhoid symptoms.
typhoon noun A violent whirlwind; specifically, a violent whirlwind occurring in the Chinese seas.
typhous adjective Of or pertaining to typhus; of the nature of typhus.
typical adjective Of the nature of a type; representing something by a form, model, or resemblance; emblematic; prefigurative., Combining or exhibiting the essential characteristics of a group; as, a typical genus.
tyranny noun The government or authority of a tyrant; a country governed by an absolute ruler; hence, arbitrary or despotic exercise of power; exercise of power over subjects and others with a rigor not authorized by law or justice, or not requisite for the purposes of government., Cruel government or discipline; as, the tyranny of a schoolmaster., Severity; rigor; inclemency.
tyrosin noun A white crystalline nitrogenous substance present in small amount in the pancreas and spleen, and formed in large quantity from the decomposition of proteid matter by various means, — as by pancreatic digestion, by putrefaction as of cheese, by the action of boiling acids, etc. Chemically, it consists of oxyphenol and amidopropionic acid, and by decomposition yields oxybenzoic acid, or some other benzol derivative.
tything noun See Tithing.