7 letter word starting with u

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
uberous adjective Fruitful; copious; abundant; plentiful.
udalman noun In the Shetland and Orkney Islands, one who holds property by udal, or allodial, right.
uddered adjective Having an udder or udders.
ulcered adjective Ulcerous; ulcerated.
ulexite noun A mineral occurring in white rounded crystalline masses. It is a hydrous borate of lime and soda.
ulnaria plural of Ulnare
ulonata noun pl. A division of insects nearly equivalent to the true Orthoptera.
ultrage noun Outrage.
ululant adjective Howling; wailing.
ululate verb i. To howl, as a dog or a wolf; to wail; as, ululating jackals.
umbilic noun The navel; the center., An umbilicus. See Umbilicus, 5 (b)., See Umbilical, 1.
umbones plural of Umbo
umbrage noun Shade; shadow; obscurity; hence, that which affords a shade, as a screen of trees or foliage., Shadowy resemblance; shadow., The feeling of being overshadowed; jealousy of another, as standing in one’s light or way; hence, suspicion of injury or wrong; offense; resentment.
umbrate verb t. To shade; to shadow; to foreshadow.
umbrere noun Alt. of Umbriere
umbrine noun See Umbra, 2.
umbrose adjective Shady; umbrageous.
umpired imp. & past participle of Umpire
umpress noun Female umpire.
unabled adjective Disabled.
unalist noun An ecclesiastical who holds but one benefice; — distinguished from pluralist.
unaquit adjective Unrequited.
unarmed adjective Not armed or armored; having no arms or weapons., Having no hard and sharp projections, as spines, prickles, spurs, claws, etc.
unarted adjective Ignorant of the arts., Not artificial; plain; simple.
unaware adjective Not aware; not noticing; giving no heed; thoughtless; inattentive., Unawares.
unbaned adjective Wanting a band or string; unfastened.
unbeget verb t. To deprive of existence.
unbegot adjective Alt. of Unbegotten
unbegun adjective Not yet begun; also, existing without a beginning.
unbeing adjective Not existing.
unbound imp. & past participle of Unbind, imp. & p. p. of Unbind.
unbless verb t. To deprive of blessings; to make wretched.
unblest adjective Not blest; excluded from benediction; hence, accursed; wretched.
unblind verb t. To free from blindness; to give or restore sight to; to open the eyes of.
unbosom verb t. To disclose freely; to reveal in confidence, as secrets; to confess; — often used reflexively; as, to unbosom one’s self.
unbowed adjective Not bent or arched; not bowed down.
unbowel verb t. To deprive of the entrails; to disembowel.
unbrace verb t. To free from tension; to relax; to loose; as, to unbrace a drum; to unbrace the nerves.
unbraid verb t. To separate the strands of; to undo, as a braid; to unravel; to disentangle.
unbuild verb t. To demolish; to raze.
unbuxom adjective Disobedient.
uncanny adjective Not canny; unsafe; strange; weird; ghostly.
uncared adjective Not cared for; not heeded; — with for.
unchain verb t. To free from chains or slavery; to let loose.
uncharm verb t. To release from a charm, fascination, or secret power; to disenchant.
unchild verb t. To bereave of children; to make childless., To make unlike a child; to divest of the characteristics of a child.
uncinus noun One of the peculiar minute chitinous hooks found in large numbers in the tori of tubicolous annelids belonging to the Uncinata.
uncivil adjective Not civilized; savage; barbarous; uncivilized., Not civil; not complaisant; discourteous; impolite; rude; unpolished; as, uncivil behavior.
unclasp verb t. To loose the clasp of; to open, as something that is fastened, or as with, a clasp; as, to unclasp a book; to unclasp one’s heart.
unclean adjective Not clean; foul; dirty; filthy., Ceremonially impure; needing ritual cleansing., Morally impure.
uncling verb i. To cease from clinging or adhering.
uncloak verb t. To remove a cloak or cover from; to deprive of a cloak or cover; to unmask; to reveal., To remove, or take off, one’s cloak.
unclose verb t. & i. To open; to separate the parts of; as, to unclose a letter; to unclose one’s eyes., To disclose; to lay open; to reveal.
uncloud verb t. To free from clouds; to unvail; to clear from obscurity, gloom, sorrow, or the like.
uncoach verb t. To detach or loose from a coach.
uncouth adjective Unknown., Uncommon; rare; exquisite; elegant., Unfamiliar; strange; hence, mysterious; dreadful; also, odd; awkward; boorish; as, uncouth manners.
uncover verb t. To take the cover from; to divest of covering; as, to uncover a box, bed, house, or the like; to uncover one’s body., To show openly; to disclose; to reveal., To divest of the hat or cap; to bare the head of; as, to uncover one’s head; to uncover one’s self., To take off the hat or cap; to bare the head in token of respect., To remove the covers from dishes, or the like.
uncrown verb t. To deprive of a crown; to take the crown from; hence, to discrown; to dethrone.
unction noun The act of anointing, smearing, or rubbing with an unguent, oil, or ointment, especially for medical purposes, or as a symbol of consecration; as, mercurial unction., That which is used for anointing; an unguent; an ointment; hence, anything soothing or lenitive., Divine or sanctifying grace., That quality in language, address, or the like, which excites emotion; especially, strong devotion; religious fervor and tenderness; sometimes, a simulated, factitious, or unnatural fervor.
uncurse verb t. To free from a curse or an execration.
undated adjective Rising and falling in waves toward the margin, as a leaf; waved., Not dated; having no date; of unknown age; as, an undated letter.
undecyl noun The radical regarded as characteristic of undecylic acid.
undeify verb t. To degrade from the state of deity; to deprive of the character or qualities of a god; to deprive of the reverence due to a god.
underdo verb i. To do less than is requisite or proper; — opposed to overdo., To do less thoroughly than is requisite; specifically, to cook insufficiently; as, to underdo the meat; — opposed to overdo.
undergo verb t. To go or move below or under., To be subjected to; to bear up against; to pass through; to endure; to suffer; to sustain; as, to undergo toil and fatigue; to undergo pain, grief, or anxiety; to undergothe operation of amputation; food in the stomach undergoes the process of digestion., To be the bearer of; to possess., To undertake; to engage in; to hazard., To be subject or amenable to; to underlie.
undevil verb t. To free from possession by a devil or evil spirit; to exorcise.
undight verb t. To put off; to lay aside, as a garment.
undigne adjective Unworthy.
undoing noun The reversal of what has been done., Ruin.
undrape verb t. To strip of drapery; to uncover or unveil.
undress verb t. To divest of clothes; to strip., To divest of ornaments to disrobe., To take the dressing, or covering, from; as, to undress a wound., A loose, negligent dress; ordinary dress, as distinguished from full dress., An authorized habitual dress of officers and soldiers, but not full-dress uniform.
undwelt adjective Not lived (in); — with in.
undying adjective Not dying; imperishable; unending; immortal; as, the undying souls of men.
uneared adjective Not eared, or plowed.
unearth verb t. To drive or draw from the earth; hence, to uncover; to bring out from concealment; to bring to light; to disclose; as, to unearth a secret.
unendly adjective Unending; endless.
unequal adjective Not equal; not matched; not of the same size, length, breadth, quantity, strength, talents, acquirements, age, station, or the like; as, the fingers are of unequal length; peers and commoners are unequal in rank., Ill balanced or matched; disproportioned; hence, not equitable; partial; unjust; unfair., Not uniform; not equable; irregular; uneven; as, unequal pulsations; an unequal poem., Not adequate or sufficient; inferior; as, the man was unequal to the emergency; the timber was unequal to the sudden strain., Not having the two sides or the parts symmetrical.
unethes adverb With difficulty; scarcely. See Uneath.
unexact adjective Not exact; inexact.
unfaith noun Absence or want of faith; faithlessness; distrust; unbelief.
unfeaty adjective Not feat; not dexterous; unskillful; clumsy.
unfence verb t. To strip of a fence; to remove a fence from.
unfiled adjective Not defiled; pure.
unflesh verb t. To deprive of flesh; to reduce a skeleton.
unframe verb t. To take apart, or destroy the frame of.
unfrock verb t. To deprive or divest or a frock; specifically, to deprive of priestly character or privilege; as, to unfrock a priest.
unfumed adjective Not exposed to fumes; not fumigated.
unglaze verb t. To strip of glass; to remove the glazing, or glass, from, as a window.
unglove verb t. To take off the glove or gloves of; as, to unglove the hand.
ungodly adjective Not godly; not having regard for God; disobedient to God; wicked; impious; sinful., Polluted by sin or wickedness.
ungored adjective Not stained with gore; not bloodied., Not gored or pierced.
ungrate adjective Displeasing; ungrateful; ingrate.
ungrave verb t. To raise or remove from the grave; to disinter; to untomb; to exhume.
unguard verb t. To deprive of a guard; to leave unprotected.
ungueal adjective Ungual.
unguent noun A lubricant or salve for sores, burns, or the like; an ointment.
ungulae plural of Ungula
ungular adjective Of or pertaining to a hoof, claw, or talon; ungual.
unguled adjective Hoofed, or bearing hoofs; — used only when these are of a tincture different from the body.
unhandy adjective Clumsy; awkward; as, an Unhandy man.
unhappy adjective Not happy or fortunate; unfortunate; unlucky; as, affairs have taken an unhappy turn., In a degree miserable or wretched; not happy; sad; sorrowful; as, children render their parents unhappy by misconduct., Marked by infelicity; evil; calamitous; as, an unhappy day., Mischievous; wanton; wicked.
unheard adjective Not heard; not perceived by the ear; as, words unheard by those present., Not granted an audience or a hearing; not allowed to speak; not having made a defense, or stated one’s side of a question; disregarded; unheeded; as, to condem/ a man unheard., Not known to fame; not illustrious or celebrated; obscure.
unheart verb t. To cause to lose heart; to dishearten.
unheedy adjective Incautious; precipitate; heedless.
unhinge verb t. To take from the hinges; as, to unhinge a door., To displace; to unfix by violence., To render unstable or wavering; to unsettle; as, to unhinge one’s mind or opinions; to unhinge the nerves.
unhitch verb t. To free from being hitched, or as if from being hitched; to unfasten; to loose; as, to unhitch a horse, or a trace.
unhoard verb t. To take or steal from a hoard; to pilfer.
unhoped adjective Not hoped or expected.
unhorse verb t. To throw from a horse; to cause to dismount; also, to take a horse or horses from; as, to unhorse a rider; to unhorse a carriage.
unhosed adjective Without hose.
unhouse verb t. To drive from a house or habitation; to dislodge; hence, to deprive of shelter.
unhuman adjective Not human; inhuman.
uniaxal adjective Uniaxial.
unicity noun The condition of being united; quality of the unique; unification.
unicorn noun A fabulous animal with one horn; the monoceros; — often represented in heraldry as a supporter., A two-horned animal of some unknown kind, so called in the Authorized Version of the Scriptures., Any large beetle having a hornlike prominence on the head or prothorax., The larva of a unicorn moth., The kamichi; — called also unicorn bird., A howitzer.
unideal adjective Not ideal; real; unimaginative., Unideaed.
unifier noun One who, or that which, unifies; as, a natural law is a unifier of phenomena.
uniform adjective Having always the same form, manner, or degree; not varying or variable; unchanging; consistent; equable; homogenous; as, the dress of the Asiatics has been uniform from early ages; the temperature is uniform; a stratum of uniform clay., Of the same form with others; agreeing with each other; conforming to one rule or mode; consonant., A dress of a particular style or fashion worn by persons in the same service or order by means of which they have a distinctive appearance; as, the uniform of the artillery, of the police, of the Freemasons, etc., To clothe with a uniform; as, to uniform a company of soldiers., To make conformable.
unified imp. & past participle of Unify
unipara noun A woman who has borne one child.
unitary adjective Of or pertaining to a unit or units; relating to unity; as, the unitary method in arithmetic., Of the nature of a unit; not divided; united.
uniting present participle & vb. noun of Unite
unition verb t. The act of uniting, or the state of being united; junction.
unitive adjective Having the power of uniting; causing, or tending to produce, union.
unitize verb t. To reduce to a unit, or one whole; to form into a unit; to unify.
unitude noun Unity.
unities plural of Unity
unjoint verb t. To disjoint.
unkempt adjective Not combed; disheveled; as, an urchin with unkempt hair., Fig.; Not smoothed; unpolished; rough.
unknown adjective Not known; not apprehended.
unlatch verb i. To open or loose by lifting the latch; as, to unlatch a door.
unlaugh verb t. To recall, as former laughter.
unlawed adjective Not having the claws and balls of the forefeet cut off; — said of dogs.
unlearn verb t. To forget, as what has been learned; to lose from memory; also, to learn the contrary of., To fail to learn.
unleash verb t. To free from a leash, or as from a leash; to let go; to release; as, to unleash dogs.
unliken verb t. To make unlike; to dissimilate.
unlived adjective Bereft or deprived of life.
unlodge verb t. To dislodge; to deprive of lodgment.
unloose verb t. To make loose; to loosen; to set free., To become unfastened; to lose all connection or union.
unlucky adjective Not lucky; not successful; unfortunate; ill-fated; unhappy; as, an unlucky man; an unlucky adventure; an unlucky throw of dice; an unlucky game., Bringing bad luck; ill-omened; inauspicious., Mischievous; as, an unlucky wag.
unmarry verb t. To annul the marriage of; to divorce.
unmeant adjective Not meant or intended; unintentional.
unmiter verb t. Alt. of Unmitre
unmitre verb t. To deprive of a miter; to depose or degrade from the rank of a bishop.
unmould verb t. To change the form of; to reduce from any form.
unmoral adjective Having no moral perception, quality, or relation; involving no idea of morality; — distinguished from both moral and immoral.
unmoved adjective Not moved; fixed; firm; unshaken; calm; apathetic.
unnerve verb t. To deprive of nerve, force, or strength; to weaken; to enfeeble; as, to unnerve the arm.
unnethe adverb Alt. of Unnethes
unnoble adjective Ignoble.
unnobly adverb Ignobly.
unoften adverb Not often.
unorder verb t. To countermand an order for.
unowned adjective Not owned; having no owner., Not acknowledged; not avowed.
unpaint verb t. To remove the paint from; to efface, as a painting.
unpaved adjective Not paved; not furnished with a pavement., Castrated.
unpeace noun Absence or lack of peace.
unplaid verb t. To deprive of a plaid.
unpleat verb t. To remove the plaits of; to smooth.
unplumb verb t. To deprive of lead, as of a leaden coffin.
unplume verb t. To strip of plumes or feathers; hence, to humiliate.
unpower noun Want of power; weakness.
unqueen verb t. To divest of the rank or authority of queen.
unquick adjective Not quick.
unquiet verb t. To disquiet., Not quiet; restless; uneasy; agitated; disturbed.
unravel verb t. To disentangle; to disengage or separate the threads of; as, to unravel a stocking., Hence, to clear from complication or difficulty; to unfold; to solve; as, to unravel a plot., To separate the connected or united parts of; to throw into disorder; to confuse., To become unraveled, in any sense.
unready adjective Not ready or prepared; not prompt; slow; awkward; clumsy., Not dressed; undressed., To undress.
unreave verb t. To unwind; to disentangle; to loose.
unreeve verb t. To withdraw, or take out, as a rope from a block, thimble, or the like.
unresty adjective Causing unrest; disquieting; as, unresty sorrows.
unright adjective Not right; wrong., A wrong., To cause (something right) to become wrong.
unrivet verb t. To take out, or loose, the rivets of; as, to unrivet boiler plates.
unroost verb t. To drive from the roost.
unruled adjective Not governed or controlled., Not ruled or marked with lines; as, unruled paper.
unsaint verb t. To deprive of saintship; to deny sanctity to.
unscale verb t. To divest of scales; to remove scales from.
unscrew verb t. To draw the screws from; to loose from screws; to loosen or withdraw (anything, as a screw) by turning it.
unseven verb t. To render other than seven; to make to be no longer seven.
unsexed imp. & past participle of Unsex
unshale verb t. To strip the shale, or husk, from; to uncover.
unshape verb t. To deprive of shape, or of proper shape; to disorder; to confound; to derange.
unshell verb t. To strip the shell from; to take out of the shell; to hatch.
unshent adjective Not shent; not disgraced; blameless.
unshout verb t. To recall what is done by shouting.
unsight adjective Doing or done without sight; not seeing or examining.
unsilly adjective See Unsely.
unsinew verb t. To deprive of sinews or of strength.
unskill noun Want of skill; ignorance; unskillfulness.
unsling verb t. To take off the slings of, as a yard, a cask, or the like; to release from the slings.
unsonsy adjective Not soncy (sonsy); not fortunate.
unsound adjective Not sound; not whole; not solid; defective; infirm; diseased.
unspeak verb t. To retract, as what has been spoken; to recant; to unsay.
unspell verb t. To break the power of (a spell); to release (a person) from the influence of a spell; to disenchant.
unspike verb t. To remove a spike from, as from the vent of a cannon.
unspilt adjective Not spilt or wasted; not shed.
unstack verb t. To remove, or take away, from a stack; to remove, as something constituting a stack.
unstate verb t. To deprive of state or dignity.
unsteel verb t. To disarm; to soften.
unstick verb t. To release, as one thing stuck to another.
unstill adjective Not still; restless.
unsting verb t. To disarm of a sting; to remove the sting of.
unstock verb t. To deprive of a stock; to remove the stock from; to loose from that which fixes, or holds fast., To remove from the stocks, as a ship.
unsured adjective Not made sure.
unswear verb t. To recant or recall, as an oath; to recall after having sworn; to abjure., To recall an oath.
unsweat verb t. To relieve from perspiration; to ease or cool after exercise or toil.
unswell verb t. To sink from a swollen state; to subside.
untaste verb t. To deprive of a taste for a thing.
unteach verb t. To cause to forget, or to lose from memory, or to disbelieve what has been taught., To cause to be forgotten; as, to unteach what has been learned.
unthank noun No thanks; ill will; misfortune.
unthink verb t. To recall or take back, as something thought.
untrift noun Want of thrift; untriftiness; prodigality., An unthrifty.
untooth verb t. To take out the teeth of.
untread verb t. To tread back; to retrace.
untruss verb t. To loose from a truss, or as from a truss; to untie or unfasten; to let out; to undress., Alt. of Untrusser
untrust noun Distrust.
untruth noun The quality of being untrue; contrariety to truth; want of veracity; also, treachery; faithlessness; disloyalty., That which is untrue; a false assertion; a falsehood; a lie; also, an act of treachery or disloyalty.
untwain verb t. To rend in twain; to tear in two.
untwine verb t. To untwist; to separate, as that which is twined or twisted; to disentangle; to untie., To become untwined.
untwirl verb t. To untwist; to undo.
untwist verb t. To separate and open, as twisted threads; to turn back, as that which is twisted; to untwine., To untie; to open; to disentangle.
unusage noun Want or lack of usage.
unusual adjective Not usual; uncommon; rare; as, an unusual season; a person of unusual grace or erudition.
unvicar verb t. To deprive of the position or office a vicar.
unwares adverb Unawares; unexpectedly; — sometimes preceded by at.
unwayed adjective Not used to travel; as, colts that are unwayed., Having no ways or roads; pathless.
unweary verb t. To cause to cease being weary; to refresh.
unweave verb t. To unfold; to undo; to ravel, as what has been woven.
unweldy adjective Unwieldy; unmanageable; clumsy.
unwhole adjective Not whole; unsound.
unwitch verb t. To free from a witch or witches; to fee from witchcraft.
unwoman verb t. To deprive of the qualities of a woman; to unsex.
unworth adjective Unworthy., Unworthiness.
unwrite verb t. To cancel, as what is written; to erase.
unyoked adjective Not yet yoked; not having worn the yoke., Freed or loosed from a yoke., Licentious; unrestrained.
unzoned adjective Not zoned; not bound with a girdle; as, an unzoned bosom.
upbraid verb t. To charge with something wrong or disgraceful; to reproach; to cast something in the teeth of; — followed by with or for, and formerly of, before the thing imputed., To reprove severely; to rebuke; to chide., To treat with contempt., To object or urge as a matter of reproach; to cast up; — with to before the person., To utter upbraidings., The act of reproaching; contumely.
upbreak verb i. To break upwards; to force away or passage to the surface., A breaking upward or bursting forth; an upburst.
upbreed verb t. To rear, or bring up; to nurse.
upburst noun The act of bursting upwards; a breaking through to the surface; an upbreak or uprush; as, an upburst of molten matter.
upcheer verb t. To cheer up.
upclimb verb t. & i. To climb up; to ascend.
upeygan noun The borele.
upflung adjective Flung or thrown up.
upheave verb t. To heave or lift up from beneath; to raise.
uphoard verb t. To hoard up.
up-line noun A line or track leading from the provinces toward the metropolis or a principal terminus; the track upon which up-trains run. See Up-train.
uppluck verb t. To pull or pluck up.
upraise verb t. To raise; to lift up.
upright adjective In an erect position or posture; perpendicular; vertical, or nearly vertical; pointing upward; as, an upright tree., Morally erect; having rectitude; honest; just; as, a man upright in all his ways., Conformable to moral rectitude., Stretched out face upward; flat on the back., Something standing upright, as a piece of timber in a building. See Illust. of Frame.
uprouse verb t. To rouse up; to rouse from sleep; to awake; to arouse.
upshoot verb i. To shoot upward.
upspear verb i. To grow or shoot up like a spear; as, upspearing grass.
upstand verb i. To stand up; to be erected; to rise.
upstare verb i. To stare or stand upward; hence, to be uplifted or conspicuous.
upstart verb i. To start or spring up suddenly., One who has risen suddenly, as from low life to wealth, power, or honor; a parvenu., The meadow saffron., Suddenly raised to prominence or consequence.
upswarm verb i. & i. To rise, or cause to rise, in a swarm or swarms.
upswell verb i. To swell or rise up.
upthrow verb t. To throw up., See Throw, n., 9.
uptrace verb t. To trace up or out.
uptrain verb t. To train up; to educate.
upwards adverb In a direction from lower to higher; toward a higher place; in a course toward the source or origin; — opposed to downward; as, to tend or roll upward., In the upper parts; above., Yet more; indefinitely more; above; over.
upwhirl verb t. & i. To rise upward in a whirl; to raise upward with a whirling motion.
urachus noun A cord or band of fibrous tissue extending from the bladder to the umbilicus.
uraemia noun Accumulation in the blood of the principles of the urine, producing dangerous disease.
uraemic adjective Of or pertaining to uraemia; as, uraemic convulsions.
uralian adjective Alt. of Uralic
uralite noun Amphibole resulting from the alternation of pyroxene by paramorphism. It is not uncommon in massive eruptive rocks.
uranate noun A salt of uranic acid.
uranian adjective Of or pertaining to the planet Uranus; as, the Uranian year.
uranite noun A general term for the uranium phosphates, autunite, or lime uranite, and torbernite, or copper uranite.
uranium noun An element of the chromium group, found in certain rare minerals, as pitchblende, uranite, etc., and reduced as a heavy, hard, nickel-white metal which is quite permanent. Its yellow oxide is used to impart to glass a delicate greenish-yellow tint which is accompanied by a strong fluorescence, and its black oxide is used as a pigment in porcelain painting. Symbol U. Atomic weight 239.
uranous adjective Pertaining to, or containing, uranium; designating those compounds in which uranium has a lower valence as contrasted with the uranic compounds.
urceole noun A vessel for water for washing the hands; also, one to hold wine or water.
urceoli plural of Urceolus
urethra noun The canal by which the urine is conducted from the bladder and discharged.
urgence noun Urgency.
urgency noun The quality or condition of being urgent; insistence; pressure; as, the urgency of a demand or an occasion.
urinary adjective Of or pertaining to the urine; as, the urinary bladder; urinary excretions., Resembling, or being of the nature of, urine., A urinarium; also, a urinal.
urinate verb i. To discharge urine; to make water.
urinose adjective Alt. of Urinous
urinous adjective Of or pertaining to urine, or partaking of its qualities; having the character or odor of urine; similar to urine.
urnfuls plural of Urnful
urocele noun A morbid swelling of the scrotum due to extravasation of urine into it.
urocord noun See Urochord.
urocyst noun The urinary bladder.
urodela noun pl. An order of amphibians having the tail well developed and often long. It comprises the salamanders, tritons, and allied animals.
urodele noun One of the Urodela.
urohyal adjective Of or pertaining to one or more median and posterior elements in the hyoidean arch of fishes., A urohyal bone or cartilage.
urology noun See Uronology.
uromere noun Any one of the abdominal segments of an arthropod.
urosome noun The abdomen, or post-abdomen, of arthropods.
urostea plural of Urosteon
urtical adjective Resembling nettles; — said of several natural orders allied to urticaceous plants.
useless adjective Having, or being of, no use; unserviceable; producing no good end; answering no valuable purpose; not advancing the end proposed; unprofitable; ineffectual; as, a useless garment; useless pity.
ushered imp. & past participle of Usher
usurary adjective Usurious.
usuring present participle & vb. noun of Usure
usurped imp. & past participle of Usurp
usurper noun One who usurps; especially, one who seizes illegally on sovereign power; as, the usurper of a throne, of power, or of the rights of a patron.
utensil verb t. That which is used; an instrument; an implement; especially, an instrument or vessel used in a kitchen, or in domestic and farming business.
uterine adjective Of or instrument to the uterus, or womb., Born of the same mother, but by a different father.
utility noun The quality or state of being useful; usefulness; production of good; profitableness to some valuable end; as, the utility of manure upon land; the utility of the sciences; the utility of medicines., Adaptation to satisfy the desires or wants; intrinsic value. See Note under Value, 2., Happiness; the greatest good, or happiness, of the greatest number, — the foundation of utilitarianism.
utilize verb t. To make useful; to turn to profitable account or use; to make use of; as, to utilize the whole power of a machine; to utilize one’s opportunities.
utopian adjective Of or pertaining to Utopia; resembling Utopia; hence, ideal; chimerical; fanciful; founded upon, or involving, imaginary perfections; as, Utopian projects; Utopian happiness., An inhabitant of Utopia; hence, one who believes in the perfectibility of human society; a visionary; an idealist; an optimist.
utopist noun A Utopian.
utricle noun A little sac or vesicle, as the air cell of fucus, or seaweed., A microscopic cell in the structure of an egg, animal, or plant., A small, thin-walled, one-seeded fruit, as of goosefoot., A utriculus.
uttered imp. & past participle of Utter
utterer noun One who utters.
utterly adverb In an utter manner; to the full extent; fully; totally; as, utterly ruined; it is utterly vain.
uxorial adjective Dotingly fond of, or servilely submissive to, a wife; uxorious; also, becoming a wife; pertaining to a wife.