7 letter word starting with unc

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
uncanny adjective Not canny; unsafe; strange; weird; ghostly.
uncared adjective Not cared for; not heeded; — with for.
unchain verb t. To free from chains or slavery; to let loose.
uncharm verb t. To release from a charm, fascination, or secret power; to disenchant.
unchild verb t. To bereave of children; to make childless., To make unlike a child; to divest of the characteristics of a child.
uncinus noun One of the peculiar minute chitinous hooks found in large numbers in the tori of tubicolous annelids belonging to the Uncinata.
uncivil adjective Not civilized; savage; barbarous; uncivilized., Not civil; not complaisant; discourteous; impolite; rude; unpolished; as, uncivil behavior.
unclasp verb t. To loose the clasp of; to open, as something that is fastened, or as with, a clasp; as, to unclasp a book; to unclasp one’s heart.
unclean adjective Not clean; foul; dirty; filthy., Ceremonially impure; needing ritual cleansing., Morally impure.
uncling verb i. To cease from clinging or adhering.
uncloak verb t. To remove a cloak or cover from; to deprive of a cloak or cover; to unmask; to reveal., To remove, or take off, one’s cloak.
unclose verb t. & i. To open; to separate the parts of; as, to unclose a letter; to unclose one’s eyes., To disclose; to lay open; to reveal.
uncloud verb t. To free from clouds; to unvail; to clear from obscurity, gloom, sorrow, or the like.
uncoach verb t. To detach or loose from a coach.
uncouth adjective Unknown., Uncommon; rare; exquisite; elegant., Unfamiliar; strange; hence, mysterious; dreadful; also, odd; awkward; boorish; as, uncouth manners.
uncover verb t. To take the cover from; to divest of covering; as, to uncover a box, bed, house, or the like; to uncover one’s body., To show openly; to disclose; to reveal., To divest of the hat or cap; to bare the head of; as, to uncover one’s head; to uncover one’s self., To take off the hat or cap; to bare the head in token of respect., To remove the covers from dishes, or the like.
uncrown verb t. To deprive of a crown; to take the crown from; hence, to discrown; to dethrone.
unction noun The act of anointing, smearing, or rubbing with an unguent, oil, or ointment, especially for medical purposes, or as a symbol of consecration; as, mercurial unction., That which is used for anointing; an unguent; an ointment; hence, anything soothing or lenitive., Divine or sanctifying grace., That quality in language, address, or the like, which excites emotion; especially, strong devotion; religious fervor and tenderness; sometimes, a simulated, factitious, or unnatural fervor.
uncurse verb t. To free from a curse or an execration.