7 letter word starting with up

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
upbraid verb t. To charge with something wrong or disgraceful; to reproach; to cast something in the teeth of; — followed by with or for, and formerly of, before the thing imputed., To reprove severely; to rebuke; to chide., To treat with contempt., To object or urge as a matter of reproach; to cast up; — with to before the person., To utter upbraidings., The act of reproaching; contumely.
upbreak verb i. To break upwards; to force away or passage to the surface., A breaking upward or bursting forth; an upburst.
upbreed verb t. To rear, or bring up; to nurse.
upburst noun The act of bursting upwards; a breaking through to the surface; an upbreak or uprush; as, an upburst of molten matter.
upcheer verb t. To cheer up.
upclimb verb t. & i. To climb up; to ascend.
upeygan noun The borele.
upflung adjective Flung or thrown up.
upheave verb t. To heave or lift up from beneath; to raise.
uphoard verb t. To hoard up.
up-line noun A line or track leading from the provinces toward the metropolis or a principal terminus; the track upon which up-trains run. See Up-train.
uppluck verb t. To pull or pluck up.
upraise verb t. To raise; to lift up.
upright adjective In an erect position or posture; perpendicular; vertical, or nearly vertical; pointing upward; as, an upright tree., Morally erect; having rectitude; honest; just; as, a man upright in all his ways., Conformable to moral rectitude., Stretched out face upward; flat on the back., Something standing upright, as a piece of timber in a building. See Illust. of Frame.
uprouse verb t. To rouse up; to rouse from sleep; to awake; to arouse.
upshoot verb i. To shoot upward.
upspear verb i. To grow or shoot up like a spear; as, upspearing grass.
upstand verb i. To stand up; to be erected; to rise.
upstare verb i. To stare or stand upward; hence, to be uplifted or conspicuous.
upstart verb i. To start or spring up suddenly., One who has risen suddenly, as from low life to wealth, power, or honor; a parvenu., The meadow saffron., Suddenly raised to prominence or consequence.
upswarm verb i. & i. To rise, or cause to rise, in a swarm or swarms.
upswell verb i. To swell or rise up.
upthrow verb t. To throw up., See Throw, n., 9.
uptrace verb t. To trace up or out.
uptrain verb t. To train up; to educate.
upwards adverb In a direction from lower to higher; toward a higher place; in a course toward the source or origin; — opposed to downward; as, to tend or roll upward., In the upper parts; above., Yet more; indefinitely more; above; over.
upwhirl verb t. & i. To rise upward in a whirl; to raise upward with a whirling motion.