7 letter word starting with vi

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
viaduct noun A structure of considerable magnitude, usually with arches or supported on trestles, for carrying a road, as a railroad, high above the ground or water; a bridge; especially, one for crossing a valley or a gorge. Cf. Trestlework.
vialled of Vial
vialing present participle & vb. noun of Vial
viander noun A feeder; an eater; also, one who provides viands, or food; a host.
vibices noun pl. More or less extensive patches of subcutaneous extravasation of blood.
vibrant adjective Vibrating; tremulous; resonant; as, vibrant drums.
vibrate imp. & past participle of Vibrate, To brandish; to move to and fro; to swing; as, to vibrate a sword or a staff., To mark or measure by moving to and fro; as, a pendulum vibrating seconds., To affect with vibratory motion; to set in vibration., To move to and fro, or from side to side, as a pendulum, an elastic rod, or a stretched string, when disturbed from its position of rest; to swing; to oscillate., To have the constituent particles move to and fro, with alternate compression and dilation of parts, as the air, or any elastic body; to quiver., To produce an oscillating or quivering effect of sound; as, a whisper vibrates on the ear., To pass from one state to another; to waver; to fluctuate; as, a man vibrates between two opinions.
vibrios plural of Vibrio
vicemen plural of Viceman
viceman noun A smith who works at the vice instead of at the anvil.
viceroy preposition The governor of a country or province who rules in the name of the sovereign with regal authority, as the king’s substitute; as, the viceroy of India., A large and handsome American butterfly (Basilarchia, / Limenitis, archippus). Its wings are orange-red, with black lines along the nervures and a row of white spots along the outer margins. The larvae feed on willow, poplar, and apple trees.
viciate verb t. See Vitiate.
viinage noun The place or places adjoining or near; neighborhood; vicinity; as, a jury must be of the vicinage.
vicinal adjective Near; vicine.
vicious adjective Characterized by vice or defects; defective; faulty; imperfect., Addicted to vice; corrupt in principles or conduct; depraved; wicked; as, vicious children; vicious examples; vicious conduct., Wanting purity; foul; bad; noxious; as, vicious air, water, etc., Not correct or pure; corrupt; as, vicious language; vicious idioms., Not well tamed or broken; given to bad tricks; unruly; refractory; as, a vicious horse., Bitter; spiteful; malignant.
vicount noun See Viscount.
victory noun The defeat of an enemy in battle, or of an antagonist in any contest; a gaining of the superiority in any struggle or competition; conquest; triumph; — the opposite of defeat.
victrix noun Victress.
victual noun Food; — now used chiefly in the plural. See Victuals., Grain of any kind., To supply with provisions for subsistence; to provide with food; to store with sustenance; as, to victual an army; to victual a ship.
vicugna noun A South American mammal (Auchenia vicunna) native of the elevated plains of the Andes, allied to the llama but smaller. It has a thick coat of very fine reddish brown wool, and long, pendent white hair on the breast and belly. It is hunted for its wool and flesh.
vidette noun Same Vedette.
vidonia noun A dry white wine, of a tart flavor, produced in Teneriffe; — called also Teneriffe.
viduage noun The state of widows or of widowhood; also, widows, collectively.
viduity noun Widowhood.
viewing present participle & vb. noun of View
vigonia adjective Of or pertaining to the vicu/a; characterizing the vicu/a; — said of the wool of that animal, used in felting hats, and for other purposes.
vilayet noun One of the chief administrative divisions or provinces of the Ottoman Empire; — formerly called eyalet.
vileyns adjective Villainous.
village noun A small assemblage of houses in the country, less than a town or city.
villain noun One who holds lands by a base, or servile, tenure, or in villenage; a feudal tenant of the lowest class, a bondman or servant., A baseborn or clownish person; a boor., A vile, wicked person; a man extremely depraved, and capable or guilty of great crimes; a deliberate scoundrel; a knave; a rascal; a scamp., Villainous., To debase; to degrade.
villany noun See Villainy.
villein noun See Villain, 1.
villose adjective See Villous.
villous adjective Abounding in, or covered with, fine hairs, or a woolly substance; shaggy with soft hairs; nappy., Furnished or clothed with villi.
viminal adjective Of or pertaining to twigs; consisting of twigs; producing twigs.
vinasse noun The waste liquor remaining in the process of making beet sugar, — used in the manufacture of potassium carbonate.
vincula plural of Vinculum
vinegar adjective A sour liquid used as a condiment, or as a preservative, and obtained by the spontaneous (acetous) fermentation, or by the artificial oxidation, of wine, cider, beer, or the like., Hence, anything sour; — used also metaphorically., To convert into vinegar; to make like vinegar; to render sour or sharp.
vinette noun A sprig or branch.
vinewed adjective Same as Vinnewed.
vingtun noun Contraction for Vingt et un.
vintage noun The produce of the vine for one season, in grapes or in wine; as, the vintage is abundant; the vintage of 1840., The act or time of gathering the crop of grapes, or making the wine for a season.
vintner noun One who deals in wine; a wine seller, or wine merchant.
violate verb t. To treat in a violent manner; to abuse., To do violence to, as to anything that should be held sacred or respected; to profane; to desecrate; to break forcibly; to trench upon; to infringe., To disturb; to interrupt., To commit rape on; to ravish; to outrage.
violent adjective Moving or acting with physical strength; urged or impelled with force; excited by strong feeling or passion; forcible; vehement; impetuous; fierce; furious; severe; as, a violent blow; the violent attack of a disease., Acting, characterized, or produced by unjust or improper force; outrageous; unauthorized; as, a violent attack on the right of free speech., Produced or effected by force; not spontaneous; unnatural; abnormal., An assailant., To urge with violence., To be violent; to act violently.
violine noun A pale yellow amorphous substance of alkaloidal nature and emetic properties, said to have been extracted from the root and foliage of the violet (Viola)., Mauve aniline. See under Mauve.
violist noun A player on the viol.
violone noun The largest instrument of the bass-viol kind, having strings tuned an octave below those of the violoncello; the contrabasso; — called also double bass.
violous adjective Violent.
virelay noun An ancient French song, or short poem, wholly in two rhymes, and composed in short lines, with a refrain.
vireton noun An arrow or bolt for a crossbow having feathers or brass placed at an angle with the shaft to make it spin in flying.
virgate adjective Having the form of a straight rod; wand-shaped; straight and slender., A yardland, or measure of land varying from fifteen to forty acres.
virgule noun A comma.
viroled adjective Furnished with a virole or viroles; — said of a horn or a bugle when the rings are of different tincture from the rest of the horn.
virtual adjective Having the power of acting or of invisible efficacy without the agency of the material or sensible part; potential; energizing., Being in essence or effect, not in fact; as, the virtual presence of a man in his agent or substitute.
visaing present participle & vb. noun of Visa
visaged adjective Having a visage.
viscera noun pl. of Viscus., of Viscus
viscous adjective Adhesive or sticky, and having a ropy or glutinous consistency; viscid; glutinous; clammy; tenacious; as, a viscous juice.
viseing present participle & vb. noun of Vise
visible adjective Perceivable by the eye; capable of being seen; perceptible; in view; as, a visible star; the least spot is visible on white paper., Noticeable; apparent; open; conspicuous.
visited imp. & past participle of Visit
visiter noun A visitor.
visitor One who visits; one who comes or goes to see another, as in civility or friendship., A superior, or a person lawfully appointed for the purpose, who makes formal visits of inspection to a corporation or an institution. See Visit, v. t., 2, and Visitation, n., 2.
visnomy noun Face; countenance.
visored adjective Wearing a visor; masked.
vitalic adjective Pertaining to life; vital.
vitally adverb In a vital manner.
vitiate verb t. To make vicious, faulty, or imperfect; to render defective; to injure the substance or qualities of; to impair; to contaminate; to spoil; as, exaggeration vitiates a style of writing; sewer gas vitiates the air., To cause to fail of effect, either wholly or in part; to make void; to destroy, as the validity or binding force of an instrument or transaction; to annul; as, any undue influence exerted on a jury vitiates their verdict; fraud vitiates a contract.
vitious noun Alt. of Vitiousness
vitrify verb t. To convert into, or cause to resemble, glass or a glassy substance, by heat and fusion., To become glass; to be converted into glass.
vitrina noun A genus of terrestrial gastropods, having transparent, very thin, and delicate shells, — whence the name.
vitriol noun A sulphate of any one of certain metals, as copper, iron, zinc, cobalt. So called on account of the glassy appearance or luster., Sulphuric acid; — called also oil of vitriol. So called because first made by the distillation of green vitriol. See Sulphuric acid, under Sulphuric.
vitrite noun A kind of glass which is very hard and difficult to fuse, used as an insulator in electrical lamps and other apparatus.
vittate adjective Bearing or containing vittae., Striped longitudinally.
vivaria plural of Vivarium
vivency noun Manner of supporting or continuing life or vegetation.
viverra noun A genus of carnivores which comprises the civets.
vivific adjective Alt. of Vivifical
vixenly adjective Like a vixen; vixenish.